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  • Are Cholesterol-lowering drugs (statins) dangerous?

    The Dangers of Cholesterol-Lowering Medications Many people are currently taking medications such as Lipitor to lower their cholesterol levels in hopes to achieve better health. However, these medications (particularly statins) come at a risk of dangerous side effects and MINIMAL benefits. There is a lot of research showing the benefits and risks of taking statin-based medications, but what does that mean for you? What is Cholesterol? Every single cell in your body has a membrane made from phospholipids which regulate the flow of nutrients and waste into and out of the cell. This membrane is two layers thick. In between these phospholipids are cholesterol particles. Typically about 25% to 30% of each cell’s membrane layers are composed of cholesterol. Cholesterol also helps to form the mitochondria inside the cells. Due to its role in the cell membrane, cholesterol is a very important component of our overall health. In fact, cholesterol is so important to your cellular functions that human breast milk is absolutely loaded with the compound. Cholesterol-lowering medications such as statins not only work to reduce the presence of cholesterol in your bloodstream but will also reduce the cholesterol in your cells’ membranes (this is very, very, very bad!!!). Misinformation About 15 years ago the company marketing Lipitor (atorvastatin calcium) claimed that the medication reduced risk of heart attack by 36%. This is a grand claim, and would certainly merit strong consideration for those who are at high risk of heart disease. Unfortunately, that claim came with an asterisk, signaling more information in small letters down below. This added note read, “That means in a large clinical study, 3% of patients taking a sugar pill or placebo had a heart attack compared to 2% of patients taking Lipitor. Is this claim technically true? Yes. But is it significant enough for you to take the risk? No. In fact, only a 1% decrease in risk would be considered negligible to most people. This is ONLY a 1% benefit. Would you still have a job if you were only 1% effective at work? The Risks of Statins According to research published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in March of 2022, taking statin-based medications only reduced risk of all possible causes of mortality by 0.8%. On top of that, risk of heart attacks were reduced by only 1.3%, and risk of stroke was only 0.4%. Side effects, on the other hand, are shown to have significantly higher risks of side effects. After a study conducted by the FDA in 2012, the administration ordered black box warnings (the most severe warning any medication can receive) for all statin-based drugs due to an increased risk of negative side effects including: Memory loss Cognitive dysfunction Amnesia Confusion Other studies have shown that the risk of these side effects increases by 10% when taking statin-based medications. The Research In June of 2021, another study claimed that statins doubled the risk of developing dementia. Just like every other cell in your body, your brain cells need cholesterol to function. Taking a medication that reduces your cholesterol levels also reduces them in the brain, causing significant decline in cellular function in the one organ you arguably need to function the best. That same study compared the cognitive functions of patients on statin-based drugs and so-called “non-users.” They used PET imaging to track the health of the brain, and showed that statin users had a significant decline in the metabolism of the posterior cingulate, or the portion of your brain known to decline the most in the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease. By contrast, non-users showed no such decline, even if they had higher baseline cholesterol levels. The cingulate is a very important part of the brain. It is responsible for many functions, including: Connecting sensory input to emotions Emotional responses to pain Regulating aggressive behavior Communication Maternal bonding Language expression Decision making Other studies showed a decrease in muscle function due to lowered presence of mitochondria, and increased risk of osteoporosis. Yet more showed no benefit for preventing cardiovascular events in older adults. What Should You Do About Your Cholesterol? I regularly write and speak about the benefits of getting bloodwork done. There are many resources on my website which can help you find those answers. I also recommend speaking to your doctor about other options aside from statin-based medications. I am also available for consultations and will gladly help you get the bloodwork done that you need in order to find your answers. Together, we can make a plan to work towards your overall health goals, and get you back where you need to be. BusinessWeek article from 2008 on Lipitor (statin)

  • Heart Disease Prevention: 5 Life-Saving Lab Tests to Understand Your Risk

    Introduction: Protecting Your Heart Health Heart attacks are no joke, and sadly, they claim the life of one American every 34 seconds. Shockingly, nearly 75% of patients hospitalized for heart attacks had cholesterol levels that wouldn't raise a red flag based on current national cholesterol guidelines. Taking Control of Your Heart Health But don't despair! There's plenty you can do to avoid becoming a statistic. In this article, we'll explore the top five crucial lab tests that provide insights into your heart health. By identifying potential risks and taking proactive measures, you can prevent heart attacks and other cardiovascular issues. Essential Labs for Comprehensive Cardiovascular Assessment It's disheartening that some doctors overlook these important tests in the conventional healthcare system. However, if you're keen on having a comprehensive assessment, don't hesitate to inquire about the following tests: Test 1: Fasting Insulin Levels - Gauge Your Insulin Sensitivity To start, let's examine your fasting insulin levels. Ideally, a healthy range falls between 2.6 and 24.9. Personally, I prefer to see levels around 5. Insulin plays a vital role in the body, but excessive levels act like minuscule shards of glass coursing through your system. This triggers inflammation, substantially increasing your risk of heart issues.\ Test 2: Homocysteine - A Marker of Inflammation Homocysteine serves as a marker for inflammation in the brain and often presents in individuals with conditions like Alzheimer's. While lab readings from 0 to 14.5 are considered "normal," I advocate for a healthier range of 5-6. Test 3: LDL Particle Number - A Precise Indicator When it comes to LDL and cholesterol, many conventional doctors tend to prescribe medication without considering the full picture. However, recent medical studies have revealed that the impact of these treatments may be lower than previously believed. That being said, it's important to note that LDL and cholesterol can still contribute to poor heart health. The situation is more complex than we initially assumed. For a comprehensive assessment, I recommend the NMR LipoProfile test, which measures the number of particles in your bloodstream. Ideally, your particle number should be lower than 1,000. Higher levels of particles directly correlate with poorer heart health. The number of particles is crucial because LDL particles vary in size. While larger LDL particles may contain the same volume as smaller ones, there are fewer of them. Think of it like this: few, large-sized LDL particles pose significantly less risk compared to many small particles. Test 4: LDL Size - The Importance of Particle Dimensions It turns out, size does matter—especially when it comes to LDL particle size. This test allows us to measure the size of your LDL particles. Larger particles are like fluffy cotton balls, causing minimal damage to your cardiovascular system. Conversely, smaller LDL particles are denser and more compact. You can think of the large particles as 10 buses traveling down a street, while the smaller ones are akin to 100 tiny cars. Statistically speaking, the 100 small cars are more likely to cause damage due to their sheer number. Small LDL particles can adhere to the walls of your blood vessels, leading to plaque buildup and blockages in your circulatory system. Test 5: Oxidized LDL - Unmasking the Dangers of Oxidation Just as exposure to oxygen causes metal to rust or fruits to rot, LDL particles in your bloodstream can also undergo oxidation. High levels of oxidized LDL indicate that they are essentially rotting, leading to malfunction and inflammation throughout your body. The "normal" range for this test typically falls between 10 and 170. Ideally, I recommend aiming for values below 70 to minimize the risk of heart disease and heart attacks. Conclusion: Empowering Your Heart Health Elevated insulin levels, homocysteine, and other inflammatory markers serve as warning signs for potential heart disease. These markers can also highlight issues with LDL particles, such as size, number, and oxidation. Fortunately, all of these risks are preventable and can be significantly reduced. But the first step is to get the necessary lab work done. Armed with this information, you can take a proactive approach to safeguarding your health. Take Charge of Your Heart Health Today If you're concerned about your heart health and want to understand your risks, don't hesitate to explore these essential lab tests. While some doctors may overlook them, it's vital to take control of your well-being and ensure a comprehensive assessment. Remember, a planned and informed approach is the key to a healthier heart and a brighter future.

  • Take this DYSAUTONOMIA Exam!

    PDF of lecture notes~ Dysautonomia symptoms & treatment Understanding Dysautonomia I have personally helped hundreds of people with dysautonomia. Many people go from doctor to doctor trying to find what is causing their neurological problems and end up being given anti-anxiety or antidepressant medications to no avail. So what is dysautonomia? According to the organization, Dysautonomia International, dysautonomia describes several medical conditions causing a malfunction of the Autonomic Nervous System. This part of the nervous system is what controls the body functions our bodies do without us thinking about it. This can include heart rate, blood pressure, pupils, kidney function, etc. Because this condition affects your brain’s ability to automatically perform tasks, you might see symptoms from any organ or system that you do not consciously need to regulate. The problem is in your brain but shows symptoms in your organs and systems, including your: Heart Blood vessels Kidneys Spleen Skin Stomach Bladder Pancreas Lungs Gallbladder Small and/or large intestines Eyes Immune system Since the symptoms are caused by neurological issues but expressed in other symptoms, it can be extremely difficult to diagnose dysautonomia as the cause. THIS IS WHAT YOU WANT SLOW! You DON'T want FAST Symptoms of Dysautonomia While there are many possible symptoms of dysautonomia, the most common symptoms include: Rapid heart rate Orthostatic hypertension (sudden rise in blood pressure when standing) Chronic fatigue Anxiety Temperature regulation Shortness of breath Irritable bowel syndrome Dizziness Migraines Dysautonomia, the Midbrain, and the Cerebellum The central portion of the brain, aptly called the midbrain, is what controls these automatic regulations. If it is not functioning properly, you will likely be experiencing neurological issues that you (and likely your doctors) do not understand. Similar to the midbrain, the cerebellum is directly connected to your body through the spinal cord. The cerebellum alone has more neurons than the rest of your entire brain combined and acts as a sort of “gatekeeper” between the brain and the body. It regulates the signals and information being passed both ways. The cerebellum is directly connected to the rest of the body through the spinal cord and nerves. If there is something wrong with the cerebellum, it will have immediate effects on the rest of the body. This takes the form of problems caused within your parasympathetic and sympathetic nerve systems. The former controls functions related to relaxation and digestion, while the latter is related to your “fight or flight” responses. Dysautonomia often causes problems by activating your sympathetic systems. What Causes Dysautonomia? I can confidently say that 100% of the clients I work with have some level of dysautonomia. The causes can be minor or major, including: Low Vitamin D levels Poor GI health Poor cell membrane function Concussions Antibiotic damage Food sensitivities (including dairy and gluten) Low blood pressure Low blood sugar Anemia High inflammatory marks on labs Low magnesium levels Mold infection Heavy metals present in the body Stress Autoimmune diseases against your own nervous system Not enough stomach acid to properly digest food High insulin levels Being pre-diabetic Major infections (EBV, long-haul covid, etc) Examples of Dysautonomia While there are many ways these causes may present themselves, here is a simple example of how dysautonomia might be affecting your body. Let’s say your stomach is not using enough acid to break down food. This keeps the food in your system longer, which allows it to ferment. This fermentation brings with it higher bacteria growth than is necessary. That higher level of bacteria results in more protein being passed into the blood, which can create major inflammation problems throughout the entire body. Your nervous system is an “all or nothing” system. That means it either is firing completely, or not at all. Dysautonomia lowers your threshold for your nerves to fire, meaning that less stimuli is needed for your brain to act. An example of this might be light or noise sensitivity. Things to get checked out What Can You Do? The first thing to do is get tested and look for the root causes listed above. Finding out what problems are going on in your body will give you a clear idea of how to approach your treatment. Finding out you suffer from chronic low blood pressure, or subclinical anemia will help you treat your individual problems and allow your body to function properly. Not all situations require testing. For example, if you consistently suffer from bloating, diarrhea, or other digestive problems then you can likely ascribe your dysautonomia to a GI issue without testing. You can look for resources on my website or schedule a call with me, and we can discuss what issues you are experiencing. Together we can come up with a treatment plan that can help you on the way to health.

  • A Natural Method to Handle Chronic Urinary Tract Infections

    Fluoroquinolone Toxicity This is a set of tips that my wife and I have found to be very helpful in treating and preventing urinary tract infections in women. Women in general suffer from urinary tract infections more than men, whether it be after intercourse, using the bathroom, or a random UTI. Women can often feel yeast or urinary tract infections coming on. Symptoms can include: The sensation of urinating without urinating Frequent urination Burning sensation while urinating These symptoms will often get worse as the infection progresses. The most common treatment is antibiotics, which can come with some negative side effects. Many women who have chronic UTIs have been put on antibiotics and continued to take these medicines for a long time. Often they find that these antibiotics don’t work as well as they should, whether due to resistance built up by the infection or damage caused by the fluoroquinolones. What Product We Recommend There are many products and methods to treat a UTI. We recommend using ACS 200 Silver Gel. Essentially it is a gel form of colloidal silver (a compound known to kill bacteria). We like it because it is filled with natural ingredients, rather than harsh chemicals. This product is available on Amazon, where the reviews are filled with women discussing this product’s positive effects on their chronic UTI suffering. As always, check with your doctor or OBGYN before using this product. How ACS 200 Silver Works (Amazon) ACS 200 Silver is a product that can be used both to treat and prevent UTIs. While we recommend the gel form for easier application (discussed below), there is also a water-based version of the product that can be used by applying it to a tampon before use. The easiest way to apply the gel is using a suppository applicator, readily available on Amazon. It functions similarly to a syringe. We recommend a clear product, as opposed to an opaque product. This makes it easier to see the amount of gel that has been used. There has been some research that has suggested that H. Pylori may mimic UTIs When to Use ACS 200 Silver When treating a UTI, we recommend using three pumps of the gel product in the applicator once or twice a day. The applicator is inserted and the plunger pressed to apply the gel. Thanks to the product’s gel form, it should not run or drip. If you generally get a UTI from intercourse, this gel can also be used as a sexual lubricant. This kills the bacteria where they enter, preventing the UTI from growing and spreading after intercourse. If you are prone to getting UTIs from bathroom use, then it might be wise to apply a drop or two in your vaginal area after cleaning up. This should only be done with the approval and supervision of your doctor or OBGYN.

  • 3 Tips to Sleep Like a Baby 👶

    In this article, I’ll be covering my top 3 things you can do to improve your sleep and one bonus option that can take it a step further. It’s no secret that sleep is one of the most important things your body needs to function properly. Patients in need of healing should turn to supplements, but also to their sleep patterns. After 20 years of clinical experience and many attempts tuned by trial and error, I have come up with a proven protocol to help you sleep better. It is my hope that you can apply this in your life and experience amazing results. Download Full Guide Here Number 1: Magnesium L-Threonate Magnesium L-Threonate is one key product that can really help your sleep improve drastically. There are a ton of Magnesium supplements and products out there. You’ll notice that in all of these products are magnesium and some other compound. That is because magnesium needs to be “married” in order for your body to absorb it. The L-Threonate compound allows magnesium to cross through the blood brain barrier. This makes it particularly effective at treating symptoms of anxiety prior to sleep. It can also help with treating other neurological symptoms you experience when trying to fall asleep at night. I recommend Life Extension’s Neuro-Mag. It is a powder form of magnesium, and comes in a tropical punch flavor to be mixed with water. Take this with 1 or 2 ounces of water right before you go to bed, and preferably after you use the next tip! Start with ½ a scoop (provided with the product) and work your way up to two scoops. Number 2: Epsom Salt Baths Epsom salt baths can be very beneficial to your sleep. Some products come with a variety of scents added to them. Many of my patients are allergic to added scents, so I usually recommend just going with unscented products. You can buy very large bags of this product for relatively inexpensive prices. I recommend you use one or two cups of your epsom salt of choice per bath, and bathe for 10 to 15 minutes before you plan to go to bed. After your bath, you should take your Magnesium L-Threonate. Number 3: White Noise Using white noises in the background can really help your sleep go to the next level. There are a wide range of ways to get white noise to play while you sleep, but I recommend the BetterSleep: Relax and Sleep app available in the App Store. If you cannot access the app, or would prefer a non-digital option, you can have a fan running in your room at night. However, I recently made the switch from using a fan to this app, and my sleep has drastically improved. You want your white noise to be loud enough so that you do not hear the other noises that might distract you, but not loud enough that the white noise itself is keeping you up. Bonus Tip! Turn off all electronics in your room, including house wi-fi. Some people are highly sensitive to the electromagnetic waves and forces emitted by electronic devices. All electronics emit EMF waves in all directions. If your phone is too close to you during the night, those waves emitting through your brain can disrupt your sleep. This is simply fixed by just turning off the devices before you go to sleep.

  • The Best Magnesium Powder? My wife and I compare different magnesium powders for you.

    The POWDER form of magnesium is the easiest and CHEAPEST to use! Magnesium is found throughout your body. In fact, every cell in your body contains this mineral and needs it to function. About 60% of the magnesium in your body occurs in bone, while the rest is in muscles, soft tissues, and fluids, including blood (Source). One of its main roles is to act as a cofactor — a helper molecule — in the biochemical reactions continuously performed by enzymes. It’s involved in more than 600 reactions in your body, including (Source): Energy creation: converting food into energy Protein formation: creating new proteins from amino acids Gene maintenance: helping create and repair DNA and RNA Muscle movements: aiding in muscle contraction and relaxation Nervous system regulation: regulating neurotransmitters, which send messages throughout your brain and nervous system Nonetheless, studies suggest that approximately 50% of US. adult.s get less than the recommended daily amount of magnesium ( Source, Source). Contact Dr. Hugh for more help getting your health under control!

  • The Hidden Danger of H. Pylori: Connection to Autoimmune Diseases, Symptoms & Solutions Explained

    H. Pylori is a bacteria that lives in your gut and can cause a lot of autoimmune diseases in your body, as well as a number of GI issues when it makes its way into your stomach. Symptoms of an infection caused by H. Pylori can include: Decreased appetite Belching Bloating Increased gum bleeding Heartburn Feeling as if you have a full stomach Nausea Bad taste in your mouth Stomach pain H. Pylori can be tested really easily through a stool sample. But what can cause H. Pylori infections? Causes of H. Pylori Infections There are a number of potential causes of an H. Pylori infection. They can include: Biofilm growth of H. Pylori Food sensitivity (including gluten, dairy, and eggs) Low vitamin D Concussions High inflammation Overactive, or high levels of A1c proteins High insulin or glucose levels Low white blood cell count Underlying autoimmune disease Poor fat absorption Poor GI system Mold Stress Poor sleep Around 30-40% of all people living in the United States will have an infection of H. Pylori at some point in their life. Most of these people are infected as children. Testing for H. Pylori A stool sample is required to test for H. Pylori, which is usually done by receiving a kit in which you deposit your feces and mail it back. The more extensive tests should cost around $98, and will identify multiple strains of H. Pylori. Less extensive tests will cost around $54. The process is much the same for both. These tests can help identify what strains of H. Pylori are infecting you, and in what amounts. This in turn helps guide the treatment plan you and your doctor will create. How Does H. Pylori Cause Problems? Your stomach has a lining that protects the organ’s cells. H. Pylori bacteria burrow into this protective lining and inhibits the production of stomach acid. It accomplishes this by creating urease, which turns into ammonia and neutralizes stomach acid. This neutralized stomach acid causes poor digestion, which in turn allows H. Pylori to flourish. Stomach acid has a very low pH, around 1 or so. This low pH is required for your stomach acid to break down your food. If you don’t have enough acid, or if it is too high of a pH, it will not adequately break down your food. If your food is left in the stomach without breaking down, it will begin to rot in your stomach. This can lead to leaky gut, leaky brain, gas, bloating, diarrhea, chronic inflammation, and many other problems. H. Pylori and Autoimmune Disease The research is showing that having an H. Pylori infection is directly connected to a number of autoimmune diseases. The autoimmune diseases most connected to H. Pylori include: Rheumatoid arthritis Lupus Type 1 diabetes Thrombocytopenia (clotting) Sjogren’s Syndrome Autoimmune thyroiditis Chronic urticaria Ulcerative colitis (Crohn’s disease) Psoriasis H. Pylori affects all of these systems by inhibiting your stomach cells that secrete stomach acid. This throws off your digestive system, which in turn throws off a wide range of other organ systems in your body. What Can You Do? Thankfully there are a number of over-the-counter solutions you can use to fight off an H. Pylori infection. Super Smart’s H. Pylori Fight is a gut health dietary supplement available on Amazon and has overwhelmingly positive reviews. It contains specific probiotic strains that have been studied and clinically proven to fight H. Pylori. Another supplement I recommend is called Bio-HPF. It similarly uses strains of probiotics that are clinically proven to fight H. Pylori infections. You might also take supplements that add more hydrochloric acid (stomach acid) into your system. This helps improve the digestion of foods, instead of letting them sit and rot in your gut. I have published other articles on my website that discuss how to determine if you have stomach acid issues. But at the end of the day, it is most important to take a polytherapy approach to fight off your infections. While these supplements may help your body fight off an infection, treating your body’s underlying conditions may also help it fight the infections off on its own, or prevent future infections. For example, if you have a low white blood cell count, then your body can’t be expected to fight the infection off on its own. However, by treating this condition, you may find that your body more easily recovers. Treating these underlying conditions is most important because it will help your overall health. When we look at the big picture, the goal should not be treating one condition at a time but restoring and maintaining your body’s God-given ability to heal itself. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Unseen Culprit: H. Pylori This tiny bacteria, H. Pylori, may be camping out in your gut right now, with potential to wreak havoc on your body. If it meanders into your stomach, you could be looking at a series of gastrointestinal challenges and even some autoimmune diseases. The signs of this undercover troublemaker could include: A loss of appetite Burping Feeling bloated Unexpected gum bleeding Heartburn A constant sense of a full stomach Nausea Unpleasant taste in your mouth Stomach discomfort Detecting this bacterial culprit isn't a herculean task. A simple stool sample can help shine a light on any H. Pylori shenanigans. What Makes H. Pylori Tick? Wondering what brews an H. Pylori infection? It could be a plethora of causes: Biofilm growth of H. Pylori Sensitivity to certain foods like gluten, dairy, and eggs Deficiency of Vitamin D Past concussions High inflammation Overactive A1c proteins Elevated insulin or glucose levels Low white blood cell count Underlying autoimmune diseases Poor fat absorption Weak GI system Exposure to mold Stress Poor sleep Approximately a third to a half of the U.S. population may have an encounter with H. Pylori during their lifetime, often in childhood. The Path to Uncover H. Pylori A stool sample is the key to identifying H. Pylori, using a kit you can receive, use, and send back by mail. A detailed test costing around $98 can identify multiple strains of H. Pylori. A less comprehensive test, around $54, will give you a simpler overview. Regardless, both these tests can provide valuable insights to you and your healthcare professional to tailor a suitable treatment plan. How Does H. Pylori Stir the Pot? H. Pylori, like a professional burglar, burrows into your stomach lining that safeguards your stomach cells. By producing urease, it neutralizes the stomach acid, disrupting digestion and providing a flourishing ground for H. Pylori. Stomach acid, with its low pH of around 1, is crucial for breaking down food. If this acid is neutralized, the food doesn't break down properly, leading to a host of issues including leaky gut, leaky brain, gas, bloating, diarrhea, chronic inflammation, and more. The H. Pylori and Autoimmune Disease Connection Research is pointing towards a strong link between H. Pylori infection and various autoimmune diseases such as: Rheumatoid arthritis Lupus Type 1 diabetes Thrombocytopenia (clotting) Sjogren’s Syndrome Autoimmune thyroiditis Chronic urticaria Ulcerative colitis (Crohn’s disease) Psoriasis By disrupting your stomach acid secretion, H. Pylori can trigger a chain reaction across multiple organ systems in your body. Your Toolkit Against H. Pylori There's no need for despair. The market offers a variety of over-the-counter solutions to wage war against H. Pylori. Products like Super Smart's H. Pylori Fight, a gut health dietary supplement available on Amazon, boasts a roster of probiotic strains known for their H. Pylori battling skills. Another worthy warrior in your arsenal could be Bio-HPF, using similar probiotic strategies against H. Pylori. Supplements that enhance your stomach acid can also help improve digestion, preventing food from decaying in your gut. To identify if you have stomach acid issues, you can check other articles on this website. Ultimately, a multi-pronged approach is most effective against infections. While these supplements can aid your body in the battle, addressing underlying conditions may empower your body to fend off the infection itself or prevent future invasions. For instance, a low white blood cell count can hinder your body's ability to fend off infections. By addressing this, you might find your body recovers more easily. At the end of the day, the goal is not just about tackling one issue at a time, but rather about nurturing your body's inherent ability to heal itself, enhancing your overall health.

  • Insurance cost of labs $805, my cost $54

    Why Is the Cost of Labs So High? When the largest portion of all bankruptcies in the United States comes from outstanding medical bills, you know there is a problem inherent in the system. One great example of this is the cost of labs. I would like to give you a solution to lowering the cost of your labs. Looking at one of my own invoices for the cost of labs I had done with Quest Diagnostics (one of the largest diagnostics companies in the nation), you can see I had a wide range of tests done. The total cost came to $1,586.17, and that was just from the first page of the invoice. Breaking it Down Back in 2013, when this invoice was sent to me, the first test (Thyroxine) cost me $140.61. Now it costs me $8. How? Since then I have begun working with a co-op of medical professionals who are trying to drive the cost down. To make that happen, I do not upcharge for labs. Instead, I only charge patients for whatever the lab costs me as the medical professional. That comes out to $8. Similarly, I am now able to get the cost of a $48 down to $5, and a $125 test down to the cost of a Starbucks order. LOOK AT THE UPCHARGE ON LABS Insurance cost $47~ MY COST $5 thyroid marker Insurance cost $125~ MY COST $6 thyroid marker Insurance cost $232~ MY COST $18 vitamin D Insurance cost $217~ MY COST $10 thyroid marker Insurance cost $44~ MY COST $7 checks basics minerals Why Does This Happen? In short, it is because insurance companies are ripping you off, as well as your employer, your doctor, and more. When your doctor bills your insurance, the cost inflates significantly for essentially no reason. What should be $400 in tests becomes $5,000, while your deductibles may be around that number or even higher. The reason an $18 vitamin D test turns into a $270 test on your bill is insurance. How to Lower Costs The easiest way to lower your lab costs is to work with me. In 2013, my labs cost $805 to run, and now those same labs only cost $54. That is a 93% discount for the same exact tests. Right now the conventional medical system is there to rip you off and keep you sick. Using my polytherapy approach is important to healing, but also helps avoid these outrageous costs of medical care. Remember, where there is help there is hope. SEE A WHOLE CASE WORKUP OF A 41 YEAR OLD HOURBOUND FEMALE Have you had a workup like this? 52-year-old female that is REALLY suffering!

  • Did you get damaged by the vaccination? Video removed by YouTube!

    Full PDF Resources Were You Damaged by the Vaccination? This article is a topic I am very passionate about. It surrounds an important question: Were you, or other people, damaged by the recently mandated COVID vaccinations? Clinically speaking, I’ve seen more chronic, more difficult cases in the last twelve months than in the rest of my career. One of the key changes in the recent past is people who have been vaccinated against their will. We live in a society where people who do not support the vaccine could lose their job. Some doctors may be afraid to report the cases as linked to the vaccine, or some might be denying it completely. But what does the research say? Surveying My Patients I recently added a question to my intake form asking if patients received the COVID vaccination, and if they experienced any adverse reactions or damage as a consequence. I shared some anonymous responses to my Facebook page. Many said they saw worsened symptoms due to the vaccine. One respondent said her periods had been irregular and “all over the place.” Another mentioned that their inflammation began shortly after receiving the COVID vaccine and flu vaccine. “It’s Only Rare if it Doesn’t Happen to You…” Before we dig deeply into the research, I have a quote I’d like for you to keep in mind: “It’s only rare if it doesn’t happen to you. It’s common if it does happen to you.” I have personal experience with this. My brother experienced blood clots in his lungs. We might say that it is common because it happened to someone close to me. At the time, he thought he might not make it through the night, but the hospital refused to let him see his sons due to COVID restrictions. These clots happened shortly after he received the booster for the vaccination. The Research Pubmed is a very handy research website where hundreds of thousands of medical research articles have been published openly. We can go to Pubmed and search “Covid-19 vaccine reactions,” and then look at all of the published articles on the topic. As of July 18th, 2022 there are 195 sources. These are all either research or case studies examining adverse reactions or damage caused to people by the vaccine. I’ve pulled 9 or 10 articles, but you can feel free to look at the articles yourself. One article examined vaccine induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia, more commonly known as blood clots. These clots can be anywhere, your lungs, veins, brain. The article says that only rare cases have been found. But again, it is only rare if it doesn’t happen to you. Another looked at symptomatic acute myocarditis in children. Children have a much lower mortality rate from COVID, but this article examines healthy adolescents whose hearts became inflamed after receiving the vaccination. A third paper was titled “Neurological Immune-Related Adverse Events After COVID-19 Vaccination: A Systematic Review.” It mentioned that 50% of patients who reported a vaccine-related neurological event experienced facial nerve palsy. Others saw demyelination, or the degeneration and decay of parts of the nervous system. If you were already experiencing a demyelinating disease, such as Alzheimer’s, this could mean a worsening of your condition after receiving the vaccination. These are just a few articles. There are a ton of these articles describing the damage to patients after receiving the COVID vaccine. The Catch On top of the research, the authors then go on to dismiss people that are hurt. “... There is little evidence to support a causal relationship between COVID-19 vaccines and adverse neurological events.” This basically means that if you get the vaccine and claim that your condition worsened because of the vaccine, they won’t believe you. They say there isn’t enough evidence. But it only takes one person, one human being to show damage. It doesn’t take millions of dollars and research studies to figure this out when we can just choose to listen to people. Vaccine Effectiveness and Risks Other articles you can find published on Pubmed show that the protection offered by the vaccination was reduced after 6 months. One study reported that antibody levels dropped rapidly only one month after receiving the second dose of the vaccination. People are reporting a wide range of conditions. Facial nerve palsy (as mentioned in a study above) is often viewed as a “non-serious” condition by doctors, but to the patient it could be a very serious condition. Similarly, some children with allergies to cow’s milk would go into anaphylactic shock while receiving the vaccine. Yet the article still urges these at-risk children to receive the vaccination in a setting where they would have medical supervision, rather than having them avoid the risk altogether. Another report showed a connection between the vaccination and myasthenia gravis, a condition in which your muscles lose their ability to function properly. Are Concerns Valid? One article examining neurological side effects of COVID-19 showed increases in headaches, Guillain-Barre Syndrome, clotting, and transverse myelitis. This same article stated, “In conclusion, safety concerns against SARS-CoV-2 vaccines are backed by an increasing number of studies reporting neurological side effects.” Again, this is published on Pubmed, where you can go read this article yourself. All of these articles continue to use the word “rare” in relation to the frequency of these events. But it does not seem rare in my experience. I continue to have an increasing number of patients coming to me with damage similar to what these articles claim to be “rare.” Conclusion So why isn’t this being shown in the media? It’s because the major pharmaceutical corporations who are creating the vaccines have too much influence on the conventional system. Nobody wants to speak up because they want to keep their jobs. This is where people like myself come in. I practice functional medicine. Working with me means looking at your body as a whole to restore your body’s God-given ability to heal itself. If you’re experiencing any kind of condition, related to the vaccination or not, please reach out to me. I’ll be happy to listen to you and work with you to restore you to health.

  • Are you cold all the time? You may have poor circulation. 🧊

    You May Have Poor Circulation (How to Find Out!) Poor circulation is one of the “low-hanging fruits,” or basic principles that we need to check in order to find out what is causing your health issues. Poor circulation can cause problems such as brain fog, fatigue, or neuropathy. Checking your circulation is very easy to do at home. Here is how you can check your circulation at home! For this exercise you will need an infrared thermometer that will check your skin’s temperature. These are widely available for around $15 on Amazon. You want to use this thermometer to check your temperature all around your body. There should be no more than a difference of 10°F all around your body. If you check your temperature at your head and get a reading of 90°F, but the reading at your elbow says 80°F, that means you have heat differences around your body. This indicates a problem with circulation. If I check my knee and foot and see a large difference, then we have identified an area of the body that has poor circulation. We can then take this information and move on to a treatment plan. This is very easy to test at home. Testing yourself can save you the time and money of visiting a doctor’s office just to find out this same information. Testing these easy, basic principles can help identify needs to improve your overall health. See more low-hanging fruit to start feeling better.

  • Low-hanging fruit to get well! Low Blood Pressure & Low Blood Sugar: Start Feeling Well

    Download PDF Testing for Blood Oxygen Saturation and Blood Pressure At Home (Before Getting Expensive Treatments!) It can be costly to try and work with doctors to diagnose what may be causing your health issues. Problems such as fibromyalgia, brain fog, fatigue, and GI problems can all quickly rack up high bills in doctor’s visits and lab fees. Some health problems require these expensive tests and bills in order to properly identify them. Before you spend thousands and thousands of dollars on stem cell therapy, or other major treatment and diagnostic plans, it is good to check for the “low-hanging fruit.” By that, I mean issues that are significantly cheaper (even free) to test and treat. Some of these low-hanging fruit can even be tested and treated at home! It is important to try and treat the simple issues first. If treating these issues solve your problems, then you may see better results and save a lot of money and time in the process. Two Low Hanging Fruits To Check At Home For this example, it is best to have a small, affordable gadget called a pulse oximeter, which is affordable to purchase on Amazon. I have tried many different brands, and this is my favorite one. BUY HERE In this example, we need to keep track of two things: Your blood-oxygen saturation, or making sure you have enough oxygen in your blood. Making sure your blood pressure is high enough to ensure your blood is being pumped deep into your tissues (a process called perfusion). The ideal blood pressure is 120/80. If your blood pressure is low, then blood will not have enough pressure to help your blood perfuse deep into the tissue in your extremities (in particular your legs). Your entire body also needs the oxygen carried by the blood. It is very important to check both of these levels. 1. Oxygen Levels When your blood passes through the lungs it becomes saturated with oxygen, which it then carries throughout the body to the different cells. This oxygen is dispersed and used by the cells. To take a reading with a pulse oximeter, place the device on your finger. You can hold your hand in any comfortable way. I have found the best readings come when you place your hand palm-down on a tabletop with your arm bent, similar to taking a blood-pressure reading. When I test my own readings, and I get (for example) a reading of 96, that means I have 96% oxygenation in my red blood cells. I find the readings can vary slightly, so I recommend doing multiple readings on multiple fingers. When I switch to different fingers, I get readings like 98% or 97%. Most charts will say that 95% oxygen saturation is “normal,” but I prefer to see this number at 97% or higher. Under 96%, your blood may not be carrying enough oxygen where it needs to go. Low oxygen saturation can indicate problems such as an iron deficiency. Too little iron can be a symptom of anemia, but you can have low iron levels without being anemic. Since iron is what carries and delivers oxygen throughout the body, low iron levels mean lower oxygen saturation. 2. Blood Pressure The ideal blood pressure is 120/80. Any reading less than that means your cells are not getting the ideal amount of oxygen, since the blood cannot be pushed deep enough into the tissues. Blood pressure monitors are also relatively affordable on Amazon. I recommend this one by LAZLE. BUY HERE Low blood pressure can result in the following conditions: Dizziness Lightheadedness Fainting Dehydration and unusual thirst Blurred vision Nausea Cold, clammy, pale skin Rapid shallow breathing Fatigue Depression Lack of concentration (brain fog) Checking your blood pressure regularly can help narrow down the cause of some of your issues before resorting to expensive testing and treatments. If your blood pressure is consistently high, please reach out to me to discuss potential causes and treatment options. Conclusion While you may have conditions that end up requiring expensive treatments or tests, it is best to start with the low-hanging fruit options first. Too often people see the top-tier treatment plans and want to pay top-tier prices for them. Those treatments will have a very limited effect on your body if you don’t start with the basic principles and treatments first.

  • Your GOD-given healing power, UNLEASH it NOW!

    Healing is a power that comes from within, according to Dr. Hugh in Episode 47 of True Health Recovery. Dr. Hugh defines healing as the ability to tap into the amazing healing power that God has put into our bodies. This power is what heals cuts, beats our hearts, and allows our digestive system to function properly. When we have chronic health conditions, there is something that is interfering with this God-given ability to heal. The healing process is not complex and does not require a specific protocol. Instead, Dr. Hugh creates tailored programs that meet the specific needs of his clients. Dr. Hugh believes that the simplest mechanism is always the best approach to healing. He acknowledges that there is a higher power, which he refers to as spirit, innate intelligence, or God. He believes that healing power is far superior to any human-made medicine. Dr. Hugh's job is to be a guide and figure out what small things, big things, or anything in between could be hindering a client's God-given ability to heal and function. Dr. Hugh refers to his approach as a polytherapy approach. He takes a holistic approach to figure out what is not working, what is not functioning properly, and what is hindering the God-given ability to heal. Dr. Hugh believes that we should never underestimate the body's ability to heal and function. He has seen difficult cases, and he has moved the needle to help his clients. As long as someone is breathing, there is a possibility that they can get help. Dr. Hugh believes that if we can figure out how to unleash that healing power, the body can heal and function. Dr. Hugh acknowledges that his job is not to do the healing, but instead, his job is to be a guide to help his clients access their God-given ability to heal. Dr. Hugh's message is one of hope. He believes that where there is help, there is hope. Dr. Hugh encourages those who need help to reach out to him. He acknowledges that the internet is a powerful tool to spread information all over the world. Dr. Hugh's goal is to help as many people as possible. He believes that by helping one person, he can change the ocean, one pebble at a time. Regenerate response Dr. Hugh Wegwerth Chiropractor Rosemount, Minnesota

  • Living with Lupus & Sjogren's: Jacki's Incredible Healing Journey from Chronic Pain to Renewed Life

    The Struggle of Living with Lupus Diseases In 2006, Jacki, a vibrant woman, was hit with the devastating diagnosis of lupus and Sjogren's syndrome. Her once active life came to a standstill. Every corner of her body was invaded by persistent inflammation - so severe that slipping rings on her fingers became an impossibility and shoes seemed like custom-made torture devices. Each day was a battle, not against an external enemy, but her own body. Mundane activities like walking, waking up in the morning, or simply getting through a normal day became excruciating trials. An Unexpected Detour: When Life Takes A Twist & Best Herbal Treatments for Lupus Her medical team's response was a cocktail of potent drugs: methotrexate, a common chemotherapy agent to suppress the immune system; naprosyn to battle the inflammation; and Tylenol to numb the pain. Prednisone also became a constant companion over the years. The issue? This treatment protocol wasn't a cure. It wasn't even a fix. It was a mere smokescreen, a band-aid on a deep, festering wound. Jacki was determined to break free from this pharmaceutical prison. But every attempt to escape was met with fierce resistance from her symptoms, leading her back to the very medications she longed to leave behind. Daily Battles: When The Body Turns Foe & Diet Recommendations for Lupus Patients Confusion and despair clouded her path, until she came to us. We embarked on a comprehensive analysis of her situation, initiated detailed bloodwork, and uncovered potential root causes that had long remained hidden. An action plan was devised - a health journey aimed at rectifying the root of her issues rather than merely shadowing them. The results? Nothing short of dramatic. Light At The End: The Game-Changer & Natural Anti-Inflammatory Supplements for Lupus. Today, Jacki greets each morning with a surge of energy and a rejuvenated spirit. She proclaims, "I have a ton of energy for my kids. I teach, and I'm loving life." She continues to express her awe, "It's been wonderful. I never knew that something so simple could make such a difference in my health, in how I feel about myself, and everybody is noticing how different I look." Jacki’s Sunrise: A Life Reimagined & Natural Strategies to Reduce Lupus Inflammation Her metamorphosis didn't stop at physical wellbeing. Nights once plagued with pain became serene. Her hair grew lusher. An improved ability to focus propelled her through her daily tasks in a timely manner. "I was sluggish, and I was slow," she admits. Depression, another silent enemy she battled with medication, began to fade away. Today, she confidently states, she no longer needs those pills to navigate her day. Jacki’s Call to Action and Promise of Hope Jacki advocates beginning with a free seminar. She was weary of her compromised health and decided to take charge, attending a seminar with her husband. "It's like an hour and a half, 2 hours of your time. And I was blown away with what I had been doing that was making me sick. I had no idea." Her healing journey has not only changed her life but also positively impacted her family. Her story stands as a beacon of hope for others facing similar battles. We believe that together we can design health plans that improve your life quality just like Jacki's. Don't hesitate to reach out if you're grappling with health issues - we're here to co-create a robust health solution with you.

  • Keto Fat Bomb Recipe

    Ingredients: • 300 grams of cocoa butter • Cocoa chocolate 60% • 1 stick Kerry Gold butter • Lots of MCT oil (Now Brand) • 200 grams of Coconut oil • 300 grams of macadamia nuts • 8 full droppers of stevia (Amazon) • 1 teaspoon organic vanilla extract • 1 scoop Paleo Protein Procedure: 1. Mix the butter and oils under low heat for three to five minutes. 2. Once the mixture cools, add the stevia drops and vanilla extract. 3. Pour the fudge into 8-ounce wide ball jars. 4. Spread the nuts evenly across all jars. 5. Refrigerate until the fudge reaches the desired consistency. 6. Enjoy your keto fat bomb and start feeling healthier immediately!

  • A Journey From Helplessness to Healing: Uncover the Marvel of Whole-Body Wellness!

    Unfolding an Incredible Story of Full Health Recovery Today, folks, we're peeling back the curtain on something truly amazing. Imagine being stuck in bed, weighed down by countless medical woes, and then, one day, bouncing back, full of life and energy. We're talking about a real person here, not a fairy tale, but his journey is nothing short of magical. The Road to Recovery Starts with a Little Test Figuring Out What's Really Wrong Using an Organic Acid Test The story began with a simple urine test. But not just any test. This organic acid test is like a detective, digging deep to find hidden clues about what's going on inside your body. And what we found, dear reader, was downright shocking. Out of 76 things we looked at, 45 were off the charts! It was the toughest case ever seen. But that's the thing about challenges—they give you clues, and those clues tell you what to do next. Taking Action with Simple Solutions that Really Work Doing Little Things That Make a Big Difference This patient needed help, and fast! So, we got busy with some everyday tools you might find in your own kitchen or bathroom. We used things like massages for the belly, packs of castor oil, and even gargling to wake up a special nerve in the body. Add in some common health gadgets and a handful of everyday vitamins, and we had a recipe for success. Waking Up to a Whole New Life In just six short weeks, things turned around in a big way. The patient was up and about, thinking clearly, and even gaining some weight. Best of all, his lively personality was coming back to life. The Mighty Power of Treating the Whole Body, Not Just Parts Friends, this story teaches us a lesson. Your body wants to heal itself. It just needs a little help sometimes. By treating the whole person and not just putting a quick fix on the problem, we can make amazing things happen. If you're feeling sick and tired all the time, just remember: there's always help and hope. Have questions or need some friendly advice? Don't be shy, get in touch. Take care, and keep believing in the power of whole-body wellness! Time Stamp [00:00:00] Hi community, this is Dr. Hugh Wegwerth again [00:00:30] organic acid [00:01:20] Bedridden, I mean, he's literally in the bed like he can't move [00:03:10] yeast and fungus [00:03:25] Clostridium right due to high markers and Clostridia [00:03:35] oxalates [00:03:50] Kidney stones are calcium. Kidney stones are oxalates here. [00:03:55] Lactic acid [00:04:05] mitochondrial functions [00:04:40] mitochondria is not function [00:04:45] neurotransmitters, all high anxiety, depression, depolarization [00:04:50] tryptophan [00:04:55] serotonin, Quinolinic acid, which is very neurotoxic [00:05:35] Ketones, fatty acid, oxidation [00:05:46] vitamin C [00:05:50] CoQ10, Q10 Glutathione and NAC [00:05:55] We have poor glutathione status [00:06:00] ortic acid, which is ammonia caused by bugs [00:06:20] Clostridium marker's [00:06:50] castor oil packs on the gut area [00:06:56] We did a chi machine [00:07:40] exercise the vagus nerve [00:07:55] oxygen meter [00:08:05] HCL challenge. [00:08:40] Celery juice is alive [00:09:10] He's gained weight. His brain function is back [00:09:25] God created you to be. [00:09:55] spiritual being [00:10:10] people suffering in this country

  • Leaky Brain linked to Alzheimer's, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's, ALS and Traumatic brain injury🧠

    Central nervous system diseases associated with blood brain barrier breakdown - A Comprehensive update of existing literature ( Unlocking the Mystery of the Blood Brain Barrier and Its Impact on Brain Health The Blood Brain Barrier: Your Brain's Protector Understanding the Delicate Shield that Safeguards Your Brain At the core of this discussion lies the blood-brain barrier - a critical component when exploring the connection between neurological disorders and brain health. This protective barrier is astonishingly thin, consisting of just a single layer of cells. In a similar vein to the concept of a leaky gut, the blood-brain barrier can also become compromised, giving rise to a condition known as a "leaky blood-brain barrier." Unveiling the Blood Brain Barrier Peering into the Intricacies of Brain Protection Imagine zooming in on a cross-section of your brain, focusing on the capillaries responsible for supplying blood to your brain's cells. Here, you'll find a layer of cells that acts as a partition between the bloodstream and the brain itself. This pivotal shield is what we refer to as the "blood-brain barrier." Composed of numerous tight junctions, it serves to keep the brain sealed and secure. However, any disruptions in this barrier can lead to the brain "springing a leak," resulting in a range of severe neurological problems. Acute and Chronic Leaks: Unveiling the Consequences Understanding Temporary and Long-lasting Breaches Temporary breaches, caused by acute inflammation, can persist for a few minutes to days. On the other hand, chronic inflammation can result in leaks that last anywhere from weeks to years. Leaky Gut and Leaky Blood Brain Barrier: A Tandem Effect The Interplay Between Gut and Brain Health It is worth noting that leaky gut and a leaky blood-brain barrier often go hand in hand. If you experience symptoms such as brain fog, brain fatigue, bloating, excess gas, or even constipation, it is possible that you may be grappling with both a leaky gut and a leaky blood-brain barrier. Unveiling the Truth: Testing for Leak Crucial Diagnostic Measures for Identifying a Leaking Blood Brain Barrier Thankfully, there are several tests available to determine if you are suffering from a compromised blood-brain barrier. One of the initial tests we conduct assesses blood-brain barrier permeability. The results are color-coded, with yellow or red indicating areas of concern. Examining sample patient reports reveals high protein levels associated with permeability, a clear sign of a leaky barrier. Elevated levels from these tests may also indicate autoimmune diseases targeting the blood-brain barrier's cells. Additional tests can specifically identify autoimmune diseases affecting various neurological tissues. The provided sample test results demonstrate five different tissue-related outcomes. It is crucial to undergo testing if you experience these symptoms. Identifying a compromised blood-brain barrier early on allows you to take preventative measures against degenerative diseases like Alzheimer's. The Research: Illuminating the Connection Insights into the Relationship between the Blood-Brain Barrier and Neurological Conditions According to a recent review by Dr. Rajib Dutta, the disruption of the blood-brain barrier directly correlates with various neurodegenerative conditions. Among these conditions are Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, ALS, Huntington's, Multiple Sclerosis, and more. This suggests that a leaking blood-brain barrier renders individuals more vulnerable to these diseases. Conversely, a healthy blood-brain barrier shields against such issues. Dr. Dutta argues that a compromised barrier enables harmful blood components to seep into the central nervous system, making their clearance difficult, if not impossible. Insulin: An Indication of Barrier Integrity Exploring the Relationship Between Insulin and a Leaky Blood Brain Barrier Insulin levels are optimally assessed while fasting, leading to the terminology "fasting insulin levels" in lab reports. The normal range for insulin typically falls between 2.6 and 24.9. However, the optimal level of fasting insulin is considered to be between 1 and 5. Unfortunately, one client's levels exceeded 38, indicating high insulin levels and suggesting a predisposition to a leaky blood-brain barrier as well as Alzheimer's. Homocysteine: Uncovering Inflammatory Markers Examining the Role of Homocysteine in Neurological Inflammation When reviewing lab results, the normal range for homocysteine levels usually spans from 0 to 14.5. However, it is essential to distinguish between "normal" and "optimal" levels. In this case, the optimal range for homocysteine in your system is actually 4 to 6. Shockingly, one of my clients displayed levels exceeding 44, indicating heightened levels of neurological inflammation. The Impact on Parkinson's, ALS, and Multiple Sclerosis Unveiling the Blood-Brain Barrier's Role in Specific Neurological Disorders Dr. Dutta's paper illustrates the extensive research conducted worldwide to establish a connection between the quality of the blood-brain barrier and overall neurological health. The paper also explores how individual diseases are influenced. Parkinson's disease, for instance, can be initiated or exacerbated by the leakage of serum (the fluid in your bloodstream and its components) into the brain. This further promotes neurodegeneration within Parkinson's patients. ALS, an incredibly debilitating disease with a limited survival rate beyond five years, can experience motor neuron loss due to the degeneration of the tight junctions between cells, as previously mentioned. Markers assessing the condition of these junctions, as discussed earlier in this article, can be tested. Multiple Sclerosis is closely tied to disruptions in the blood-brain barrier. If the barrier's permeability is compromised, inflammation within the central nervous system can occur, often associated with metabolic dysregulation. For further information on this topic, I invite you to download my free resource: "Top 12 Must Know Inflammatory Lab Markers (and Their Optimal Ranges)." Other Correlations: Traumatic Brain Injuries and Epilepsy Unveiling Additional Factors Influencing the Blood-Brain Barrier It is important to acknowledge that traumatic brain injuries, particularly when they occur repeatedly, can disrupt the blood-brain barrier. This disruption can persist for years following the injury. In this context, the marker we can assess is called fibrinogen, which can indicate brain oxidative stress and potential damage. Fibrinogen testing must be conducted within 72 hours of the injury. Furthermore, epilepsy has also been associated with a dysfunctional blood-brain barrier. Conclusion: Navigating the Path to Healing Identifying Solutions to Repair and Protect the Blood Brain Barrier A leaking blood-brain barrier can instill fear, given the severe long-term consequences it entails. Dr. Dutta emphasizes the importance of monitoring inflammation levels to identify the risk of these conditions and discover pathways for healing and safeguarding the blood-brain barrier. Fortunately, various biomarkers can be assessed through simple blood work, offering a glimpse into potential healing solutions. Nutritional and lifestyle changes are often part of the equation. By analyzing your blood work results, we can evaluate factors such as gluten intolerance, vitamin D levels, fasting insulin levels, hormone imbalances, gut health, and much more to chart a personalized healing path. Remember, your body possesses an innate healing ability that we can harness to restore your well-being. Please don't hesitate to reach out to me for consultations or appointments, which can be conducted virtually as well.

  • Top 5 Lab markers to know for your brain health 🧠

    DOWNLOAD THE 5 MUST KNOW LAB MARKERS FOR YOUR BRAIN New study show that 47 million American suffer from Pre clinical Alzheimer disease These are 5 very important markers to look for on lab work to keep your brain health in check! If you are experiencing any kind of cognitive impairment, it is a good idea to check these markers as a starting place. Before we dive in, I would recommend you initially get these markers minimally done. If any of them come back positive, then it warrants further investigation with your doctor. 1. Fasting Insulin Insulin, as with all lab markers, has what we call a “healthy range.” For fasting insulin, that range is 2.6 to 24.9, though I prefer to see it closer to 5-6. This patient I examined in the video had a fasting insulin level of 41. I like to describe insulin as glass shards in your bloodstream, causing all kinds of damage and causing a lot of chronic inflammation. Now this patient is at 4.8. 2. Vitamin D Healthy levels of Vitamin D range from 30-100, though I would say the sweet spot is around 80. This same patient’s labs read at 6.3, which is ridiculously low. Vitamin D is needed for every single cell in your body. Despite being called a “vitamin,” it is actually a hormone. So even if your doctor in the conventional system sees your levels at 35, and tells you that you are fine, in reality you need to raise your Vitamin D levels significantly. 3. Homocysteine Homocysteine is like insulin, in that it is a marker that can tell us about your level of inflammation. Normal ranges of homocysteine go from 0 to 14.5, with a sweet spot of 5-6. The patient I examined in the video had a homocysteine level of 44.6. Homocysteine has been linked to brain-related diseases such as Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s disease, as well as other conditions related to neurological degeneration. Most doctors do not normally test for homocysteine, so it is important to take a look at your levels. 4. HS CRP HS here stands for “High Sensitivity,” and CRP is “C-reactive Protein.” The typical range for HS CRP is around 0 to 3, with anything above 3 putting you at severe risk of a cardiac event. This client’s reading came in at over 12. HS CRP is another marker of inflammation. Gathering this information in conjunction with insulin and homocysteine allows us to take a polytherapy approach to treat your conditions. 5. DHEA (the brain hormone) DHEA is one of the most common hormones found in your body. Because it helps create other necessary hormones such as testosterone and estrogen, it is an extremely important marker when looking at brain health. The normal range is between 30.9 and 295.6, while the sweet spot is between 176 and 225. This particular client had a level of 18.1. Low markers will indicate poor brain function and increased inflammation. Conclusion These markers are all simple to test for. If you are wondering how to get these labs, or how to make sense of them, please reach out to me. I am more than happy to set up a Zoom call, and I have helped people all over the world. Together we can make a polytherapy plan for your treatment.

  • Jill's Brain is better, less shaking less mental fatigue!

    "Functional medicine has changed my life," says Jill Anderson, a patient at our clinic. Jill had suffered from a range of symptoms for years and had seen over 20 doctors, but none of them could find the root cause of her issues. She had brain fatigue, memory loss, skin problems, shaking hands, cold hands and feet, and chronic pain. However, after just 7 weeks of functional medicine, Jill has seen a remarkable improvement in all of these symptoms. Her brain fog has lifted, and she is now able to concentrate and retain information. Her skin has cleared up, and she has more energy to tackle tasks like cleaning her house and cooking meals. The shaking in her hands has stopped, and her hands and feet are now warm. Jill has also lost weight, and her pain levels have decreased. One of the most significant changes she has experienced is an improvement in her sex life with her husband of 30 years. Jill's story is a testament to the power of functional medicine. By looking at the body as a whole and finding the root cause of her symptoms, we were able to help her improve her health and quality of life. If you're suffering from any symptoms and have been to numerous doctors with no resolution, we invite you to consider functional medicine. It's a life-changing experience, and it's well worth it.

  • How your Leaky Gut CAUSES Chronic Inflammation!

    What is a leaky gut? Leaky gut, inflammation, and autoimmunity affect your small intestine, which is, roughly, 25 feet long (Figure 1). In the event you have an autoimmune condition, which means your body is actually attacking its own tissues as foreign objects, you can do something to reverse this condition. How functional medicine can fix your leaky gut Because 80% of your immune system is located in your gut, you have a HUGE ability to control your body’s responses (Figure 1). Let’s talk about functional medicine. The ultimate goal, when you have a leaky gut, should be to heal and seal your gut/small intestine - yes, all 25 feet. This can be done without the use of drugs. Your body has the ability to heal and seal your gut without drugs. Medications just cover up your symptoms. Let’s look at the small intestine. The picture on the top left is a picture of your gut or small intestine (Figure 2). The picture to the right is a picture of your skin on your thumb (Figure 3). They are side by side so that we can compare the two and discuss the differences between skin barriers and gut barriers. When you’re looking at the skin on your finger (Figure 3), you can see the bloodstream is located at the base of the example (see Point 1 in figure 3). In order for a cut to actually bleed, you have to cut through, approximately, 10,000 skin cells. That’s a GREAT barrier between the outer layer of the skin and the bloodstream flowing beneath. God designed us to have a great skin barrier for protection! Now let’s contrast this with the picture you see to the right (gut), which is the small intestine. Notice the picture on the right (gut/small intestine) is ONLY ONE CELL THICK to your bloodstream!!!! When it comes to your small intestine, it’s only one cell thick versus the thumb’s skin 10,000 cell thick. This is a drastic difference! Don’t forget this one cell barrier is protecting your small intestine that is 25 feet long and houses 80% of your immune system. That’s an extremely poor barrier for something so large, which can easily lead to leaky gut and chronic inflammation. THIS IS A KEY POINT…. Let’s continue to the next example, which is a blown-up picture of your gut (Figure 4). As a recap, your bloodstream is at the base of the structure, separated by a one-cell thick barrier. When you have a tight junction, as indicated in the green rectangle box, this means the cells are basically meshing together tightly, not allowing anything to pass into your bloodstream (no inflammation will occur). When you have a leaky gut, the cells start to deteriorate and the junctions between the cells widen. THIS IS BAD. See the blue rectangle box above for leaky gut cells. Let’s use an analogy to make this easier to visualize. If you build a house out of brick, your bricks are held together by a layer of cement spread in between each of the bricks, holding them together. In this comparison, the leaky gap in the intestine would be comparable to the cement that holds the bricks/cells together that are breaking away (Figures 5/6). Why a leaky gut is so dangerous This leaky space can become dangerous since your food is located directly above this one cell barrier that is starting to deteriorate. So let’s say you just ate gluten, which comes from wheat. If your tight junctions are intact, the gluten particles would not be able to cross this barrier. However, if you have a leaky gut, the barrier starts to break down and the food particles can enter your immune system and bloodstream. See figure 4 and look at what has gotten into the bloodstream? All the things that should have stayed in your small intestine and found their way into your bloodstream!! CAN YOU SAY CHRONIC INFLAMMATION AND AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE DEVELOPING?! If a piece of gluten enters your bloodstream, your immune system recognizes that as a really large foreign particle that shouldn’t be there. Any time this happens in your body, your immune system starts to attack it. As a result, you begin to experience food intolerance and systemic inflammation throughout the body. Symptoms of a leaky gut This could lead to pain in your body, fibromyalgia, and brain fog. Let’s look back at the leaky gut cell (Figure 4). These small brown bits with the tails floating around represent bacteria (the ones that look like sperm). You have both good bacteria and bad bacteria in your small intestine. When you have a leaky gut, these bacteria can enter your bloodstream from your small intestine, causing ADDITIONAL inflammation throughout your entire body. Now let’s take a second look at gluten. Once this gluten molecule is in your bloodstream your immune system recognizes it, just as we recognize people’s faces. However, when your body sees it, it cannot differentiate between gluten and other tissues. Ultimately, your body can confuse this with other body tissue. THIS IS THE CAUSE OF AUTOIMMUNITY. A CONFUSED IMMUNE SYSTEM. Obviously, it is paramount that you heal and seal your digestive system, decreasing the inflammation in your body. This is the primary goal when you have a leaky gut. At the end of the day, we want to reverse the inflammation and bring you back to optimal gut health. When you do this, you decrease your autoimmune response and your inflammation. In the picture to the right (Figure 7), if you look at the cell that’s labeled, “Leaky and inflamed,” this indicates that your cells have become crusty. Imagine a healthy cell as a jelly donut. You can see that a fresh jelly donut would be really pliable. However, if you leave a jelly donut out for a few weeks, it’s going to become crusty. When all your cells become crusty, your body becomes inflamed. To reverse this, you’ve got to fix your cell membranes and decrease inflammation. Remember, you’re only as healthy as your individual cells - your 100 trillion cells. Let’s zoom in even further to look at the individualized cells (Figure 8). See rectangular box. Saliva sits directly above these cells in your small intestine. This is the dark cloudy area above the finger-like structures. In this area I have labeled the saliva layer. THIS IS IMPORTANT: YOU MUST HAVE THE SALIVA TO PROTECT YOUR SMALL INTESTINE FROM BREAKING DOWN!! Let’s compare this to something we are all familiar with. If there’s no saliva in your mouth, your mouth becomes dry and doesn’t function properly. So just like your mouth, having a healthy digestive system requires a layer of saliva in order to work properly and maintain a strong gut lining. Let’s see what happens to your saliva layer when it starts to degenerate and decay. The blood and other particles are moving, signifying that your immune system is just starting to become inflamed. Now as this inflammation starts to take place, you can see the saliva layer begins to disappear. This is the beginning stage of a leaky gut and chronic inflammation. As it progressively gets worse, your immune system becomes more inflamed and causes irritation and gut issues leading to autoimmune diseases such as RA, Lupus, Hypothyroid, Crohn's disease, IBS, Sjogren's disease, Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Diabetes, and a host of other chronic diseases. Look back at the picture (Figure 9) now and notice the little specks at the top. These are the bugs, bacteria, and food sneaking into your bloodstream, which cause more inflammation. Your gut is becoming more damaged, the cells are becoming crustier, and the tight junctions are becoming looser, allowing food to enter the bloodstream. Overall, the immune system is getting up-regulated and confused. When your immune system is confused, it starts to attack different organs. When your immune system is confused it will always be more aggressive than less. Meaning if your immune system is unsure if something is a friend or foe because it’s confused it will always attack and be more aggressive!!! It will assume its foe. This is AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE. Here is an analogy I like to use. If you have ever had one to many drinks before this will make sense. When this happens, a person will see double or their vision will become blurred, they become CONFUSED! They see two cars, two trees, two median lines, they see double of everything. When your immune system is confused it will see double. When your immune system sees double it will assume most things it encounters are FOE…. At the beginning of this eBook, I mentioned functional medicine. We use functional medicine to see if you have a leaky gut. We do this through an IgG test, or food sensitivity test (Figure 10). Most people are familiar with an IgE test and this should not be confused with an IgG test. An IgE test is an allergen test. This is where they pick your back. However, an IgG test is a leaky gut test measuring food sensitivity. This is a BLOOD test (IgG) unlike the test that picks your back (IgE). The IgG test tells us what causes inflammation in your gut and whole body. On the next page look at the “Dairy” section of the horizontal bar graph (Figure 11). Here we have an IgG blood test to check for food sensitivities. The longer the graph the more reaction there is in your body to the food item. If you have gluten in your bloodstream, your immune system (IgG) recognizes this gluten and, in response, produces a lot of IgGs. When this happens, this causes chronic inflammation Time Stamp [00:01:30] anxiety, depression, racing, heart [00:02:00] brain fog [00:03:00] intestine, the gut [00:04:45] gut barrier is very, very poor [00:06:30] then there's big food particles [00:06:45] systemic inflammation [00:07:15] gluten [00:07:30] fluoroquinolones [00:09:00] Achilles tendon [00:10:45] gluten looks like [00:13:30] your cell, becomes crusty, it becomes inflamed [00:15:45] bloodstream [00:17:45] bacteria [00:22:00] wheat gluten, almonds, some broccoli

  • Cold Laser Treatment for Achilles Tendon Pain

    Find a provider near you! Sources: Review of light parameters and photobiomodulation efficacy Brain Photobiomodulation Therapy: a Narrative Review Photobiomodulation induces antinociception, rec overs structural aspects and regulates mitochondrial homeostasis Photobiomodulation (PBM) is a light therapy that uses red and near infra-red light to induce photochemical reactions in the body on the molecular and cellular levels. Summus Medical Laser protocols combine wavelengths, pulsing and power to achieve unparalleled therapeutic effects including modulation of inflammation, reduction in pain, accelerated tissue healing and increased circulation. Cellular Effects During laser therapy, infrared laser light interacts with tissues at the cellular level increasing metabolic activity within the cell. By improving the transport of nutrients across the cell membrane, the increased production of cellular energy (ATP) is stimulated. The cascade of beneficial effects that follows includes increased cellular function and tissue repair. Therapeutic Effects During each painless treatment, laser energy increases circulation, drawing water, oxygen, and nutrients to the damaged area. This creates an optimal healing environment that reduces inflammation, swelling, muscle spasms, stiffness and pain. As the injured area returns to normal, function is restored and pain is relieved.

  • How are your blood vessels? Get your Coronary Calcium Score!

    Download the PDF Notes Heart Scan Cardiovascular health is extremely important. Just like a leaky gut or a leaky brain, you can have a leaky endothelium (the thin membrane of cells that line the inside of the heart and blood vessels). I have found that many people who have a chronic condition often have a vascular issue that is preventing them from healing. A polytherapy approach is important to solve chronic issues, because they may be caused by any number of underlying, simpler problems. Heart scans can be done for around $99 now. It is also called a calcium score screening, or coronary calcium scan. Using a CT scan machine, doctors will examine your heart to see if any of your blood vessels or arteries are calcified. Calcification can start with a soft-tissue development within the arteries, allowing for a calcium buildup to occur between the soft tissue and the arteries. Calcification in your arteries and heart also often means there is a calcium buildup in your legs or in your brain. The score ranges from 0 all the way up beyond 1200, with 0 representing no calcium in the arteries, and 1200 representing heavy buildup. Calcium in your arteries can put you at greater risk of heart disease and stroke. A score over 400 is a high risk for heart attack. The good news is almost all treatments include lifestyle changes, either as the main form of medical treatment or as a supplement to treatment (in more extreme cases). Arteries with a score of 100 are similar to the arteries of a 73-year-old person, while 0 represents a person in their late 30s. My patient in his 40s had a score in the 2100 range, showing he had the heart of a 90-year-old. In my own personal scan, they gave each of the five individual arteries around the heart a score. One of my arteries has a score of 0.3, while the rest are 0. This tells me I do have a calcium deposit in my heart, and that I can make some more lifestyle changes to improve, and prevent further buildup. This scan is a test that can be done if you are not experiencing any symptoms, and may tell you if you are at risk for future heart disease. It is worth knowing what your baseline is now, so you can make these changes and increase your health. Ready to take care of your heart health?

  • Sciatic Pain? Do this home stretch!

    Sciatic Nerve Pain Relief Today I want to talk about a stretch that can help with sciatica. If you have sciatica, pain in your rear end muscles, or pain in your glutes, this is a stretch that will greatly help. The sciatic nerve is one of the biggest nerves in the body. It starts in the lower back and then grows into a form of nerves in your pelvis and rear end. The muscles in your lower back sit really deeply, and many of them are seated underneath that nerve. However, one muscle, called the piriformis, sits on top of the nerves. If this muscle is spasming or inflamed, it can cause sciatic pain. Your glutes can cause similar pain if they are inflamed since they sit over the top of the nerve as well. In order to stretch these muscles, especially the piriformis, you will need to follow this procedure: Lay on the ground, on your back. Raise your right knee. Using your right hand, bring your right knee towards your left shoulder until it begins to stretch. Using your left hand, grab your right ankle and begin leveraging it towards the same shoulder. Hold for 3 to 5 seconds. Release, and relax your leg to rest it. Repeat for the other side, mirroring the stretch. The left knee is pulled towards the right shoulder with your left hand, and your right hand will pull the ankle towards your right shoulder. You can also place a golf ball, baseball, or tennis ball under your hip to also provide some pinpoint therapy on these muscles. It is important that you do not force these stretches. As with any stretch, you want to feel the muscles begin to feel stretched, but don’t make it painful. The goal is to avoid injury and relieve pain, not cause further injury by overstretching.

  • Iliotibial Band Syndrome? How to stretch your IT Band!

    Iliotibial Band Syndrome, and How to Stretch it Out! Your iliotibial (or IT) band is a muscle on the very outside of your thigh. It rests on the top of your other thigh muscles and stretches from the hip all the way into the knee. Stress in the IT band can also cause tension and pain in both of those locations. Due to its tricky location, it can be very difficult to stretch. However, it is important to stretch this muscle out to relieve this tension. Doing so can also treat or prevent IT band syndrome if done properly. The first thing you will need to do is grab a ball. You will want to experiment with balls of various sizes, from golf balls to baseballs. I prefer the golf ball for my upper leg, the baseball for my lower leg, and a tennis ball for the upper hip where it connects to my abdomen. Next, lay on your side. Prop your head up with a pillow if you need to. Place the ball right on your hip, right on the hip bone, between you and the floor. You will be essentially laying on the ball on your side. Now you will sort of grind the ball back and forth a bit by moving your hip. You will probably feel a dull, consistent pain as you work out and break down scar tissue. Move the ball to various points along the IT band, but focus near the hip and near the knee. Repeat the rubbing or grinding process. It will take some trial and error as you learn how this exercise works. You might feel the ball rub right up to the IT band, sort of like a guitar string. Hold it there a second, then continue on. This will help you become more familiar with the IT band, and the stretch in general. Experiment with different-sized balls, different spots on the IT band, and your position until you find what works best for you. I even recommend putting the balls in the freezer a few hours ahead of time for extra relief.

  • Achilles Tendon Pain? Causes and Solutions

    Some possible solutions Blood pressure Compression socks Epson salt baths Extensive blood work You need to know all your inflammatory markers Autoimmune paleo diet What’s your vitamin D level What’s your homocysteine level DMSO with hydronic acid DMSO with magnesium App do you have mold What are your sugar levels Soaking your feet in warm water Vitamin E Taurine Vitamin C NAC Temperature difference from need a foot Balance problem Cerebellum problems Achilles Tendon Pain Let’s talk about the Achilles tendon. Many people suffer from tightness, pain, or inflammation in their joints. One common area for these problems is the Achilles tendon. In this article, I will discuss these common issues, and look at a 3D model of your tendon to help you understand what is happening and how to treat it. What is the Achilles Tendon? The bone that makes up your heel is called the calcaneus. The Achilles tendon connects your calf muscles to this bone at the back of your foot. This tendon is the thickest, strongest tendon in your body. Tendons are unique, because they do not have direct blood flow, like muscles do. They instead work through osmosis, sort of like a sponge absorbing water. This lack of blood flow is one contributing factor to long recoveries from tendon-related injuries, such as ACL problems in athletes. Why is the Achilles Tendon a Common Problem? Another feature unique to the Achilles tendon is its lack of bone structure support. Other tendons in your body, especially tendons in your feet, are supported by a number of bones all around them. The Achilles tendon, on the other hand, has a lot of empty space near its connection to the calcaneus. This may be one reason why it is often a “weak link” in the body. Because the Achilles tendon is the largest tendon with the least amount of blood flow, and a lack of support, it can be highly affected by some of your other underlying conditions. For example, if you have poor blood pressure then your blood vessels and arteries around the Achilles tendon will not be able to properly deliver oxygen and nutrients to the tendon. This can cause damage in the long term. Achilles Tendons and Inflammation Your Achilles tendon is also highly susceptible to inflammation. I have many different posts about inflammation on this blog, which you can find with a quick search. I also have many articles about tendons, since they pop up so frequently as secondary conditions to other problems you may be experiencing. It is important to check all of your markers of inflammation. Blood work is crucial to understanding your inflammation issues, as are your homocysteine levels. You may need to check your DMSO with magnesium, allergies, exposure to mold, and much more can all cause inflammation which will affect your Achilles tendons. Other Causes of Achilles Tendon Problems Another symptom to watch out for is the temperature difference between your legs and the rest of your body. If your knee is at 90F, but your Achilles tendon is only 80F, then you likely have a problem with blood flow. You can check your temperature with any infrared thermometer like this: Brain and cerebellum problems caused by some sort of head trauma can cause issues with your Achilles tendon as well. Improper, or lacking communication from your brain to these body parts can cause issues, including balance problems. Balance issues themselves can also add to your Achilles tendon issues. Solutions to Issues with your Achilles Tendon There are many solutions to problems with your Achilles tendon. They can be as simple as wearing compression socks or soaking your feet in epsom salt baths and warm water. The heat encourages better blood flow, which will lead to better healing in your tendon. Vitamin E is a natural antioxidant which helps protect tissues. Taurine and Vitamin C are also very helpful to maintain tendon health. If you are suffering from Achilles tendon pain, or other tendon problems, please reach out to me. We can run diagnostics and help find you solutions to your health problems. Always remember: where there’s help, there’s hope. If you are struggling with Achilles tendon pain, contact Dr. Hugh for a consultation!

  • Discover the Ultimate Hack to Stop Fish Oil Burping

    Are you tired of experiencing fish oil burps after taking your daily dose of this essential supplement? Well, fear not, because I have a simple trick that can put an end to this unpleasant dilemma. In this episode of True Health Recovery, I will share with you an ultimate hack that will help you enjoy the benefits of fish oil without the unwanted burping sensation. So, pay close attention and get ready to say goodbye to fish oil burps once and for all. The Fish Oil Burping Challenge: A Simple Solution If you're someone who relies on fish oil to saturate your cells with its natural anti-inflammatory properties but finds yourself troubled by post-consumption burping, this ultimate hack might just be the answer you've been searching for. Introducing the Freezer Method Imagine this: your trusty fish oil capsules chilling in the freezer. Yes, you read that right. By freezing those little capsules, you can change the game. When it's time to take them, be sure to wash them down with a glass of cold water. Now, let me explain the science behind this hack. Freezing the capsules causes the fats within them to solidify. And here's where the magic happens. When you consume the frozen capsules, they have the potential to reach your small intestine before thawing out, which means you can bypass the notorious fish oil burp. It's a simple yet effective trick that can make a world of difference. Addressing Underlying Factors While the freezer method has proven successful for many individuals, it's essential to recognize that it might not work for everyone. If you still find yourself experiencing fish oil burps, it's time to delve deeper into the underlying issues. Firstly, it's possible that you have a sensitivity to the oil itself. Freezing the capsules and allowing them to bypass your stomach might just solve the problem in such cases. If this solution works for you, consider it a victory in your quest for a burp-free fish oil experience. However, if the burping persists, it could be an indicator of other issues. One possibility is that the fish oil you're using is of poor quality. Opting for higher-grade options instead of cheaply bought fish oil from your local drugstore or supermarket may provide better results. Alternatively, inadequate levels of hydrochloric acid in your stomach could make it challenging to digest and break down fats, leading to burping. If you suspect this might be the case, seeking further guidance from a healthcare professional can be beneficial. A Quick and Effortless Solution There you have it—a quick and easy-to-implement hack that has helped numerous individuals overcome their fish oil burping woes. Sometimes, the simplest solutions can have the most significant impact on our well-being. If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to reach out. My mission is to assist people worldwide in recovering from chronic conditions. Remember, where there's help, there's hope. Take care and stay well, Dr. Hugh

  • The Truth About Cholesterol: Small vs Big LDLs & How to Know Your Heart Risk with Advanced Tests

    Download the full report There is a common misconception that total cholesterol is bad. That is not actually the case. In this brief article, we will discuss what how understanding your cholesterol levels can help you get a better picture of your health status. You've probably heard people say that cholesterol is bad for you. But guess what? That's not the whole truth! In this exciting discovery, we'll dig into the facts and help you understand how cholesterol tests can give you a clear picture of your health. Dive into the Fascinating World of Cholesterol Testing Are you curious about your cholesterol levels? There's more to it than meets the eye. And we're about to uncover it all! Not All Cholesterol Is Bad Let's start with a bang! There's a test, like one from a top-notch lab, that looks at LDLs (those tricky little things called low-density lipoproteins). It's been found that LDLs can make fatty stuff stick to your arteries, like gum on a shoe. But here's the twist! LDLs Come in Different Shapes and Sizes Imagine having a box of chocolates, but every piece is different. LDLs are the same! Some are big, some are small, and they can be very different in your body. With an advanced cholesterol check-up, you'll know exactly how many and what size LDLs you have. Big LDLs? Not a big problem. Small LDLs? Watch out! Those tiny rascals can build up plaque in your arteries. Know Your Heart Risk with a Super Smart Test This isn't just any test; it's like having a magnifying glass for your heart health! High numbers? You've got those small LDLs that can cause trouble. Low numbers? Great! Your LDLs are large and won't cause those problems. A Real-Life Example Picture this: A lady has her cholesterol checked, and the results are just right. Her LDLs are a good size and in a happy amount. She's in the clear! But what if her results were different? Your Path to Getting Better Now, here's where it gets even more exciting! If someone has high LDL numbers, don't worry; there's a way to fix it. It's like putting together a puzzle with various lifestyle changes and treatments. The Future Is in Functional Medicine Think of working together like a team to find a solution. It's a mix of different things that can help someone get back to being healthy. Conclusion: It's Time to Crack the Cholesterol Code Cholesterol doesn't have to be a mystery or a bad word. With the right test and the right approach, you can know what's going on in your body and take charge of your health. So, are you ready to uncover the truth about cholesterol? It's an adventure waiting to happen!

  • The Surprising Dangers of Low Blood Pressure: Why You Need to Monitor Your Numbers

    Low Blood Sugar: Can it be a Problem? If you're monitoring your health, you may be getting congratulated for having low blood pressure. However, did you know that having too low blood pressure can also be a significant problem? In this article, we'll explore the implications of low blood pressure and how it can affect your body's ability to function optimally. The Importance of Good Blood Pressure Your blood pressure plays a crucial role in ensuring that your body functions properly. It's responsible for delivering essential nutrients to your organs and tissues. When your blood pressure is too low, blood may not be getting deep enough into your tissues to deliver these necessary nutrients. This can lead to a range of issues, including fatigue, brain fog, and even poor mitochondrial function. Polytherapy Approach When it comes to improving your health, taking a polytherapy approach is often the best course of action. This approach involves tackling multiple issues simultaneously to achieve optimal results. One of the key principles of polytherapy is to focus on the low-hanging fruit. In other words, you want to address the most straightforward issues first before moving on to more complex ones. Sweet Spot for Blood Pressure While it's essential to maintain a healthy blood pressure, what exactly is considered healthy? The sweet spot for blood pressure is around 120 over 80. You can monitor your blood pressure in the morning and then again after standing up. If your blood pressure is consistently low, it's important to monitor it for an extended period until it normalizes. Live Case Study Let's take a look at a real-life case study. One of my clients is a 71-year-old female who lives outside of the country. On October 19th, her blood pressure went up, and we found a problem that no one else had detected. She was slightly anemic, which was causing her low blood pressure. This anemia was also leading to other issues such as fatigue and brain fog. By addressing her anemia, we were able to improve her blood pressure and overall health significantly. Conclusion Low blood pressure can be just as problematic as high blood pressure. It's essential to monitor your blood pressure and take action if it's consistently low. Focus on the low-hanging fruit first and take a polytherapy approach to ensure optimal results. By doing so, you'll be well on your way to achieving optimal health and wellness. #lowbloodpressure #healthylifestyle #bloodpressure #polytherapy #healthtips #wellness #healthyliving #healthandwellness #anemia #fatigue

  • Balance Your Hormones: Understanding PCOS, Menstrual Cycle, and Testosterone Levels in Women

    PCOS and High Testosterone Struggling with Menstrual Cycle Problems? Discover the Solutions Are you a woman dealing with painful or inconsistent menstrual cycles? This problem can be overwhelming, but the solution might be closer than you think. Dive into this article, and learn how hormone imbalances, particularly with testosterone, can impact your menstrual health and well-being. Male Hormones in Female Bodies - A Delicate Balance Understanding Androgens Male hormones, called androgens, play a role in the female body. Certain levels are normal and needed. But when these hormones rise, particularly testosterone, it can turn typical menstrual cycles into uncomfortable or even agonizing experiences. The Devastation of High Testosterone in Women It's no secret that having too much testosterone can create issues for women. Let's have a look at what you might face: Hair loss/male pattern baldness Excessive hair growth Weight gain Ovarian cysts Low libido Fatigue Acne Mood swings Difficulty conceiving If you notice the testosterone and estrogen chart below, you'll see how testosterone stays relatively low during the menstrual cycle, with a spike that remains below estrogen's levels. But, women with PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) experience alarmingly high testosterone with low estrogen. Imagine these levels swapping, with testosterone consistently high. That's the picture. Factors Causing High Testosterone Many factors can drive testosterone high, including: Poor gut health Elevated insulin High blood sugar Concussions Food sensitivities causing low hydrochloric acid levels The Androgen Dilemma – What's Going on in Your Body? Androgens might seem mysterious, but they don't have to be. Many culprits, like excessive insulin and genetics, are at play. While we can't change our genes, we can adjust our lifestyles to reduce the symptoms. Lifestyle Changes to Counter High Androgens Making five or six alterations in your life may lead to significant improvements. Adjustments in diet, quitting smoking, and embracing a multifaceted approach to medicine can make a world of difference. Finding Harmony - The Importance of Hormone Balance Life's all about balance, and your body's hormones are no different. If hormones like progesterone are out of whack, your body might not function properly. Hormones and Insulin's Role Your hormones come from cholesterol. But high levels of hormones like insulin can disrupt this processing system. Get your insulin levels checked! Normal levels should be between 4 and 7. Anything higher can cause inflammation, leading to a rise in testosterone and other male hormones. You don't want that! The Power of Progesterone in Men and Women This vital hormone plays different roles in men and women. In females, it's tied to vitality and youthfulness. In males, excessive estrogen can lead to unwanted physical changes. Keeping Insulin Levels in Check Monitoring your insulin levels helps maintain proper hormone balance. If it's too high, your menstrual cycle can get thrown off completely. Keeping these hormones in harmony ensures a healthy cycle. Healing and Hope - Taking Control of Your Health Feeling overwhelmed? Don't fret. Numerous studies, like the one published in 2021 citing over 230 sources, show that various treatments, from supplements to dietary changes, can support healthy reproductive organs. If you're struggling with PCOS due to high testosterone, know that there are many different factors at play and several courses of treatment. Reach out to start your path to healing and get your cycles working correctly. There's hope for your health, and you don't have to face it alone.

  • See labs of a housebound 41-year-old female!

    41-Year-Old Housebound Female Labs Overview In this article we will examine the labs of a 41-year-old female who had been basically destroyed by the conventional medical system. Because of her treatments and poor medical advice, she was left housebound, and had lost pretty much everything. At that point she looked into functional medicine. What is Functional Medicine, and How Do Labs Help? Functional medicine is essentially basic physiology 101. The goal is to try and get your body to function optimally, the way God designed your body to be. If your body is not healing or functioning properly, then we likely need to do a polytherapy approach to get you better and into recovery. Functional medicine looks at essentially two things: What is interfering with the problem? What are you deficient in? Getting blood work done helps us identify the answers to both of these questions. Once we find those answers, we can create a path for your recovery. What Do We Look For in Labs? Let’s look at an example of some blood work and identify what is wrong with this patient. This particular patient had some very extensive labs done. We looked at a wide range of panels to make sure we had the best information. Whenever we look at someone who has a chronic problem, it’s best to always go over some of the most basic solutions first. Even if we end up needing to resort to some of the more complex treatments, such as stem cells, if your body’s basic physiology is not in order then the more complex treatments may not work. For most patients, we look at sugar problems, vitamin D levels, and inflammation. Glucose, Vitamin D, and Inflammation Indicators Her glucose levels were high, but not too much higher than the normal range. Her hemoglobin A1C is in the functional range. Because these are in the normal range, we can say the problem likely was not sugar related. We can then move on to vitamin D, an extremely important nutrient to our bodies. Every single one of our cells has a vitamin D receptor, and relies on the nutrient to perform basic functions. This patient’s vitamin D levels came out at 6.3, when the healthy range is from 30-100. I have taken thousands of labs and have never seen a vitamin D level that low. And even though the range we consider to be “healthy” starts at 30, the research is showing that levels below 80 can cause health problems. Next we checked for inflammation in the form of C-Reactive Protein. The range considered “normal” ranges from 0-3, but this patient’s reading came in at 12.4. It is possible this high inflammation marker is related to the low vitamin D levels. It could also be due to food sensitivities, or a low level of hydrochloric acid, or many other potential causes. Inflammation prevents your body from properly healing. You will never fully recover as long as you have high levels of inflammation. Next we look at homocysteine, a marker for DNA health, and found it to be at 10.7. The “normal” range is 0-14.5, but I like to see my patients more in the range of 5-6. Homocysteine measures how well your DNA is copying itself. Her levels were not very high, but treating it gently would still provide benefits. Another couple of inflammatory markers we look at are the sedimentation rate and fibrinogen activity. Her sedimentation is 26, which is within the “normal” range, but I like to see it lower than 11. Her fibrinogen came in at 400, but I like to see it between 200-300. Again, signs of chronic inflammation. Insulin The next marker I want to look at is extremely critical: insulin. I’ve written about insulin many times, and spoken about it a lot in my videos. A conventional range for insulin is 2.6-25, though I like to see it closer to 5. This patient’s insulin reading was 41.8. Insulin is a hormone that causes chronic inflammation in the body. It is sort of like having glass shards running through your body, scraping it up and causing inflammation. Conclusion Thanks to these readings, we have a lot of ideas of directions we can take. We know that we need to help this patient with: Increasing vitamin D Decreasing inflammation Decreasing insulin levels This is where functional medicine comes in. You need to work with someone who knows you and your condition, who you trust to help you improve. I’ll be the first to say that I have not helped 100% of my patients get better. But I have helped many, many people’s lives improve with a polytherapy approach. If you are out there suffering, contact me. I can be reached on Facebook, TikTok, YouTube, or through my website. Don't hesitate to make an appointment so you can start feeling better soon!

  • My Morning Keto Smoothies for people who have food sensitivities

    Collagen and MCT powder Chocolate Greens Brain Octane Coconut Milk Fish oil Nitric Balance As I have mentioned in past articles and videos on this website, the benefits of a ketogenic diet are fantastic. A diet filled with healthy fats provides better health for your brain and mitochondria, and decreases inflammation. Today I wanted to show you my personal recipe for a keto-friendly smoothie or shake that I have in the mornings. The first main ingredient in my smoothies is a product by Bulletproof called Brain Octane. It is essentially caprylic acid, which goes straight into your mitochondria and provides you with energy. I also use an organic super greens mix I order on Amazon. It has a mix of 50 different organic certified vegetables. Next I use a collagen powder that also includes medium chain triglycerides (or MCT). I also throw in a few tablespoons of fish oil, as well as a nitric balance mix to help with oxygenation. The last ingredient I use is very critical: coconut milk. I have been searching for a high quality coconut milk for quite a long time. Canned coconut milk can often have a bad taste. I recommend the brand Good & Gather’s unsweetened organic coconut milk. Some of my ingredients have chocolate and/or vanilla flavors added to them. These products can come in a wide range of flavors, so choose which ones work best for you. First I add some brain octane and super greens to the blender. After that goes in my collagen/MCT mix, followed by the coconut milk and the fish oil. Lastly I’ll add the nitric balance, some water and ice cubes, and then blend it up. You may want to start out by measuring out the serving sizes on the labels. I add the ingredients by eye, at this point. After blending it all together, just pour it into your glass or container of choice and enjoy! This recipe, to me, tastes like McDonald’s milkshakes from back when I was a kid. But unlike those unhealthy McDonald’s shakes, these are pure nutrition. These shakes will help brain function, decrease inflammation, and help your body perform the functions it needs. If you want some more nutrition information to help you in your healthy eating journey, feel free to schedule a consultation with me today.

  • Recovered from Antibiotic Damage

    Check out the results of this patient who has recovered after being floxed by antibiotics. Amazing recovery story! - Insomnia is gone! - Twitching is gone! - Lost weight! - and so much more...

  • 30 minute zoom call 2 MRIs here is a $68,000 medication that will solve all your problems 😳😳

    Before you spend ABSURD amounts of money on prescriptions, get a SECOND OPINION! Contact me today to schedule an appointment! Let me help you!

  • Have you had a workup like this? 52-year-old female that is REALLY suffering!

    Let’s examine a case study of a particular woman to see how getting a complete lab workup can help guide your healing. years old, and has been suffering from the following problems: - Contracted COVID-19 twice (never vaccinated) - Damage caused by antibiotics - Thyroid problems for many years - Diverticulitis - Chronic fatigue - Bad back - Nerve damage - Digestive issues - Shakes - More Looking at a walkthrough her labs can give us a very clear view of what was causing many of her problems, and helped us find solutions to her suffering. As we examined her symptoms and diagnoses, it became clear that many of her issues were neurological in nature. Leaky gut, leaky brain, and autoimmune issues were among the largest (though not sole) culprits. Examining her blood work, we found her globulin levels were fairly low. This is a sign that her immune system was very worn down. Her triglycerides and glucose levels indicated issues with blood sugar regulation, as did her heightened levels of hemoglobin A1c. Pregnenolone levels were drastically reduced to around 30, when they should be closer to 150. Her DHEA and vitamin D levels were also quite low. Her thyroid hormones were very high, despite being on a thyroid medication for many years. Research shows that many thyroid issues are actually caused by autoimmune diseases, which the conventional medical system never actually looked for. Fasting insulin levels were highly elevated, which is a pro-inflammatory hormone. It is sort of like having small glass shards floating through your system, and often is overlooked by the conventional system. Polytherapy approaches to medicine can help us come up with a set plan to address multiple issues at once, and reduce inflammation. We ended up plugging her numbers into a software which will color code these readings and tell us which readings are within the normal range, above/below optimal range, above/below standard range, and alarmingly high or low. This software then gives us a basic explanation of what is happening with those concerning ranges. This information helped guide us to find a working polytherapy approach to help this woman improve her health and relieve many of her symptoms. And all of this serves to prove my point that a polytherapy approach is your best chance at ending your suffering. I am here to help you, so do not hesitate to reach out to me so we can work together to find solutions to your problems, and to find the root cause of your issues. We can always find a way to improve your God-given ability to heal your body. FULL FUNCTIONAL MEDICINE REPORT yellow, red and hot pink are BAD!

  • What I put in my Keto Smoothie

    Fish-oil, Nitric Balance, MCT powder

  • High Insulin Levels: Unraveling the Link to Chronic Inflammation

    See reference The Importance of Labs: Deciphering the Results To gain a deeper understanding of how your body functions in relation to others, examining laboratory test results can be invaluable. However, it's crucial to comprehend the functional range for a normal, healthy individual and compare it with your own or someone who is sick or unhealthy. In the case of insulin, a hormone notorious for inducing inflammation, a fasting level between 5 and 7 is considered ideal for a healthy person. Keep in mind that when undergoing bloodwork, particularly for insulin levels, it is imperative to fast for 8 to 10 hours beforehand to avoid any interference from food-induced insulin spikes. The Significance of Monitoring Insulin Levels Let's begin by discussing one of my clients who was experiencing significant health issues. His lab results revealed an insulin level of 38, a remarkably high figure that went unnoticed until then. Knowing his insulin was so high, we can immediately assume he is experiencing some sort of severe, chronic inflammation. You may also notice that the range on this lab is 2.6 to 24.9. That is ridiculous, it is too broad. We want to narrow it down, and get it to a smaller, more normal range. The conventional system overlooked this person's blood work in this case. An insulin level of 38 is extremely high. There may be other markers you should consider, such as glucose level. Also examining other blood sugar markers in conjunction with insulin levels may point to sugar dysregulation. Research Backs the Connection A plethora of research and data supports the correlation between insulin and inflammation. Numerous articles have delved into this subject, with some offering comprehensive reviews backed by over 100 references. One notable study, titled "Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Alzheimer's Disease: Role of Insulin Signaling and Therapeutic Implications," was published in 2018. It revealed a correlation between type II diabetes, characterized by insulin resistance and elevated insulin levels, and the development of Alzheimer's disease. In their conclusion, the authors emphasized that insulin plays a vital role in brain function and highlighted the heightened risk of developing conditions such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, and neuroinflammation due to insulin imbalances. Therefore, monitoring insulin levels becomes even more crucial for those grappling with chronic health issues. Altered insulin metabolism, characterized by high insulin levels and impaired signaling, contributes to the onset and progression of these disorders by influencing the regulation of neural pathological hallmarks. A Glimmer of Hope: Achieving Improvement In essence, elevated insulin levels lead to impaired brain and body function, perpetuating chronic inflammation. Here's an illustrative example from one of my patients. Initially, her insulin level stood at 23, but after implementing an insulin-control protocol and consistently monitoring her levels, they gradually decreased to 11, and eventually settled within the range of 3.7 to 5.6. These significant improvements demonstrated stabilization within the desired "sweet spot" for optimal health. If you find yourself suffering from chronic problems, it is crucial to check your insulin levels. Early detection and proactive measures can help prevent further complications and improve your overall well-being. Seeking Help and Finding Hope If you found this information helpful, consider sharing it with those who may benefit from it. Remember, seeking help is the first step toward finding hope in your journey to combat chronic inflammation. Consult with a healthcare professional experienced in managing insulin levels to develop an individualized plan tailored to your specific needs. Together, we can work towards better health and a brighter future.

  • They wanted to CUT ✂️ my thyroid OUT. Thyroid saved! Autoimmunity solved!

    Do you know what's inside your body, keeping you ticking like a clock? One tiny thing is your thyroid, and it's really important. For many people, it doesn't work quite right. But there's hope! Let's dive into an amazing story about a special person who beat the odds and found a different way to make her thyroid healthy without using something scary like radiation therapy. Stick with me, and let's uncover her inspiring adventure. The Road to a New Kind of Medicine: A Big Change The Start of Something Special Meet a woman with a big heart, always helping people feel better. She had problems with her thyroid but didn't want to do what the regular doctors said. She wanted something different, something better. One day, she saw an ad for a special meeting about something called functional medicine. It was just what she was looking for! It talked about the exact problems she had, so she went to the meeting. It changed everything for her. Finding Out What's Really Going On: A Different Way to Heal A Surprise Discovery Guess what? She had something called Graves' disease. It was different from what the first doctor said. But instead of using radiation therapy, she picked functional medicine. It's all about treating the whole body, not just one part. With a new kind of doctor to guide her, she started feeling better, step by step. In just one year, everything about her health was getting better. And guess what? Her thyroid stayed right where it was! Amazing Changes: It's More Than Just Medicine Big Results from Small Steps She worked hard and stayed strong, and guess what happened? She felt so much better! No more feeling hot all the time. And even though she wasn't trying to, she lost enough weight to drop four whole dress sizes! Talk about a change for the better! Her new way of living didn't just fix one problem. It made everything better. Now that's something to think about! Spreading the Word: Helping Others Find the Way One Story Can Change Lives Now, she's a shining light for others, showing that there are other ways to get better. Her story tells people that functional medicine can help with thyroid problems and much more. No need for radiation therapy when there's a whole new path waiting for you! A New Hope: There's Always Another Way What a story! A brave woman beat her thyroid troubles with something new and exciting, called functional medicine. Her story reminds us that sometimes, the regular way isn't the only way. There are other roads to take, ways to heal, and chances to be your very best. Who knows? Maybe this could be the path for you too! Inflamed Thyroid The web of hypothyroidism ~all these need to be addressed All these triggers need to be looked at

  • The Hidden Dangers of Gluten-Free Products: A Deeper Look

    The Problem with Gluten-Free Foods The label "gluten-free" has become one of the biggest buzzwords in the world of grocery shopping and nutrition. But is it really worth the extra money, or is there a significant catch you should be aware of? In this article, we will discuss the reasons you should avoid gluten-free products under normal dietary circumstances. The Glycemic Index, Blood Sugar, and Insulin The Problems of Gluten-Free Foods and the Glycemic Index The problems of gluten-free foods largely boil down to something we call the "glycemic index," which describes how much a food will impact your blood sugar levels. The higher the glycemic index, the quicker your blood sugar rises, which can cause chronic inflammation and autoimmune issues. The majority of foods, when digested in your body, are converted into glucose. Foods with a higher glycemic index are converted much faster, prompting a spike in blood sugar. After the spike comes a crash, as well. Eating foods high on the glycemic index can often result in having lower blood sugar levels than before you ate that high-index food. Anything with a glycemic index above 70 is considered "high." An index of 56 to 69 is considered "medium," with anything 55 and under being considered "low." When trying to follow an anti-inflammatory diet, it is important to focus on these low-index foods. The higher the index, the higher the inflammation. The Impact of Chronic Inflammation on Your Body Chronic inflammation can lead to other diseases, including: Heart disease Cancer Fibromyalgia Autoimmune conditions Lupus Many more Really, this list can go on and on. Suffering from chronic inflammation means you are living in an unhealthy state, which makes you more prone to other conditions. The Relationship Between High-Glycemic Foods and Weight Loss High-glycemic foods cause you to leave the fat-burning zone. When your blood sugar level is high, your body leaves your fat stores alone. When it is low, your body begins to convert your fat stores into energy. If you are trying to lose weight, foods high on the glycemic index can make your goal a lot harder to achieve. In order to process glucose, your body needs insulin. As your glucose levels rise, so does your insulin to help metabolize it into energy. Glucose rises and falls very quickly, whereas insulin has a bit of lag time. So if you’re eating sugary meals or foods high on the glycemic index many times a day, your insulin levels are likely remaining at fairly high levels. This can also cause the same chronic inflammation and autoimmune issues mentioned earlier. The Ingredients and Substitutes in Gluten-Free Products Looking at the ingredients list on gluten-free products, you will see many substitutes for wheat products. These can include products such as corn flour, potato flour, brown rice flour, tapioca, and wheat flour. Looking at the table below, you can see that wheat flour has a glycemic index of 74. Many of these substitutes have a glycemic index even higher than wheat. For example, tapioca has an index of 85, and rice flour has an index of 95. Many, many products contain rice flour. Because these products are commonly used in gluten-free foods, eating them will cause a spike in your glucose levels, leading to inflammation and its associated problems. Gluten-Free Substitutes and Their Glycemic Index Understanding the Glycemic Index and Healthiness of Foods A Snickers bar, for example, has a glycemic index of 40. Why would that have a lower glycemic index? The answer is that it contains more than these simple carbohydrates. A Snickers bar contains fat (albeit unhealthy fats), as well as protein. Using the glycemic index will not necessarily tell you whether or not a food is healthy, but it can be a useful guide to finding foods to help you on the way. Many gluten-free foods contain a variety of these substitutes for wheat flour. For example, looking at some varieties of brown rice tortillas, the ingredients list begins with water, then tapioca, then brown rice. Lots of carbs, low protein, and low fat come with the price of higher blood sugar levels and higher inflammation. Similarly, examining some gluten-free cookies, the ingredients list begins with sugar, then potato starch. Both are high on the glycemic index. Gluten-free whole-grain pasta often contains a high amount of brown rice flour, as well. Conclusion What I want to drive home is that "gluten-free" is not necessarily "healthier." Many of these products are very high in carbohydrates and do not have much protein or fats. It is largely a marketing scheme; one that results in much more misinformation. When making dietary choices, it is important to consider the glycemic index and opt for foods with a lower index to reduce inflammation and promote overall well-being. By understanding the pitfalls of gluten-free products and making informed decisions, you can navigate the world of nutrition more effectively and prioritize your health. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Rising Trend: Gluten-Free Labels Everywhere You've seen it; you've probably even tried it. Gluten-free products are flooding the market. But is there a hidden danger lurking behind that popular label? Let's peel back the layers and reveal the truth about these so-called healthy options. The Sweet and Sour of Blood Sugar: Understanding the Glycemic Index What's Behind the Gluten-Free Craze? The issue with gluten-free products is not as simple as it might seem. It's all about something called the "glycemic index." This number tells us how fast food will shoot up your blood sugar levels. Too high, and you could be in trouble. The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Glycemic Index High: Over 70 (Danger Zone) Medium: 56 to 69 (Proceed with Caution) Low: 55 and Under (Safe Territory) For a healthy life, keep your eye on the low-index foods. Why? Because the higher the index, the higher the inflammation. Chronic Inflammation: A Silent Enemy Inflammation is like an invisible fire inside your body. It can lead to all kinds of problems, like: Heart disease Cancer Fibromyalgia Autoimmune conditions Lupus And so much more Living with chronic inflammation is like living on the edge. Don't let it push you over. The Weighty Problem with High-Glycemic Foods Trying to lose weight? Watch out for foods that score high on the glycemic index. They can knock you right out of the fat-burning zone and make your weight loss journey much harder. Insulin and Your Body When you eat something sweet, your body's insulin gets to work. But if you're eating high-glycemic foods all the time, you're keeping your insulin levels high. And guess what? This could also fan those flames of inflammation. The Sneaky Ingredients in Gluten-Free Products Those gluten-free labels might look friendly, but what's inside might shock you. Substitutes like corn flour, potato flour, brown rice flour, tapioca, and wheat flour are often used, and guess what? Some of them have even higher glycemic indexes than regular wheat flour! The Deceptive Nature of Gluten-Free Substitutes Here's a startling fact: A Snickers bar has a lower glycemic index than many gluten-free products! But that doesn't make it healthy. The glycemic index isn't the whole story; it's just one piece of the puzzle. Hidden Pitfalls in Popular Gluten-Free Foods Take a close look at those ingredient lists on gluten-free tortillas, cookies, and pasta. You'll often find lots of carbs, low protein, and low fat, all leading to higher blood sugar levels and more inflammation. Conclusion: Beyond the Gluten-Free Hype It's time to face the facts: "gluten-free" doesn't always mean "healthy." It's often just a marketing trick. What truly matters is the glycemic index and the real ingredients hiding behind the label. So next time you're in the grocery store, look beyond the "gluten-free" tag. Understand what you're really eating and make choices that prioritize your health. Remember, wisdom in choosing your food can be your secret weapon in living a healthier life.

  • Unlocking the Mysteries of Neuroinflammation: A Spotlight on Fluoroquinolone Toxicity

    Battling with Brain Inflammation: A Hidden Concern An engaging presentation on YouTube sheds light on the critical issue of neuroinflammation. Neuroinflammation is a frequently ignored but serious concern for those grappling with fluoroquinolone toxicity, more commonly referred to as being "Floxed." The presenter, a seasoned healthcare professional, emphasizes the vital role of addressing neuroinflammation to ensure a full recovery. Linking Fluoroquinolones and Fatty Tissues What sets fluoroquinolones apart? Well, they have an unusual preference for fat tissues, particularly the brain - a predominantly fatty organ. If your brain is "on fire" due to neuroinflammation and it isn't treated correctly, your recovery could hit a roadblock. The Unseen Battle: Neurological Problems in Floxed Individuals Beyond Physical Pain: The Brain’s Silent Scream For Floxed folks, neurological problems can pack a punch, and in many instances, these unseen battles can be worse than physical discomfort. If you're experiencing symptoms like brain fog, weariness, memory troubles, anxiety, depression, rapid heartbeat, or odd thoughts, they might just be the telltale signs of neuroinflammation. Keep in mind: when your brain is in distress, it shows in symptoms, not in pain, due to its lack of pain receptors. The Role of Glial Cells in Brain Health and Neuroinflammation Glial Cells: The Brain's Unsung Heroes 90 percent of your brain's tissues are composed of glial cells, leaving neurons as the minority at 10 percent. In the complex immune system of your brain, glial cells take center stage. Should these cells malfunction or neural inflammation occurs, neurons could face destruction, paving the way for neurological symptoms. The Blood-Brain Barrier, Gut Health, and Neuroinflammation: A Complex Connection Can a Leaky Brain Indicate a Leaky Gut? There's more to consider than just the brain. The presenter delves into the intricacies of the blood-brain barrier and its health. They introduce the blood-brain barrier permeability test to check if this protective shield is compromised. A leaky brain is often linked to a leaky gut, underscoring the deep ties between gut health and neuroinflammation. If you're looking to decrease neural inflammation, tackling gastrointestinal issues is a must. From Gut to Brain: A Troubling Journey Bacteria and inflammation can hitch a ride from the gut to the brain via the vagus nerve, setting the stage for brain inflammation. The presenter emphasizes the high occurrence of gastrointestinal problems in Floxed individuals and the need to prioritize gut health in an all-encompassing approach to lessen neuroinflammation. No One-Size-Fits-All Solution: The Importance of Individualized Treatment Plans Tailoring Treatments for Recovery There's no standard recovery blueprint for those Floxed, given that everyone's circumstances are unique. The speaker advocates for personalized treatment plans, considering factors such as hormone levels, inflammatory markers, DNA replication, food sensitivities, and total inflammation. Guidance and Support: A Beacon of Hope for Floxed Individuals Offering Help Through Telemedicine and Educational Resources In closing, the presenter offers assistance to those dealing with the ramifications of being Floxed, extending their services via telemedicine and providing a wealth of educational resources. The message is clear: You are not alone. Seek help, find answers, and gain support.

  • Unlocking the Power of Intermittent Fasting and Ketosis for Optimal Health

    Understanding the Benefits of Intermittent Fasting and Ketosis To understand the benefits of intermittent fasting and being in a state of ketosis, it is important to understand what those look like, and how to go about both. Fasting and intermittent fasting can help anyone trying to improve their overall health. Insulin, Glucose, and Inflammation Chronic inflammation can have a lot of effects on your body. So when you eat something like a bagel, your glucose goes up. Insulin attaches to the cell wall, allowing glucose to enter the cell and start producing energy. Because insulin is so pro-inflammatory, we actually don't really want to use glucose as a fuel source. It is better to be in a ketogenic state, where our bodies use fats as the source for fuel. Think of using fats for fuel like driving a Tesla: they are very efficient and fairly clean. Using glucose, on the other hand, is similar to driving a diesel engine. This is why ketogenic and paleo diets, as well as fasting, are critical for your recovery. The Importance of Diet The first step is to examine the patient’s diet and try to get them into eating habits that are as anti-inflammatory as possible. All foods can be reduced to a mixture of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. When you eat carbohydrates, you have a major spike in insulin, which again promotes inflammation. Proteins, on the other hand, result in a significantly lower insulin spike. There is still a noticeable increase in insulin, but not nearly as much. When you eat fats, there is hardly any insulin increase. This means a ketogenic, paleo, or otherwise high-fat diet is going to go a long way toward reducing inflammation. Intermittent Fasting So how does fasting play into this? There are several benefits of fasting, especially related to autophagy, or your body’s way of clearing out dead or damaged cells. As you might imagine, this is very, very important. All systems of your body create debris. Autophagy is your body’s way of removing that debris. When you are fasting, your body begins to look to these dead or damaged cells as a source of energy, since they are the proverbial “weakest link.” Anything weak or not of any use is processed and utilized for energy production. So by cleaning the system, by purging it of bad material, we can provide a better, much more clean environment for our bodies to function. This also raises ketones, which are used for energy, and are a much cleaner food source. It benefits the brain and the gut, and it turns off bad genes in the process. A lot of energy is used just to digest food. So if you are eating five, six, seven, or more times a day, there is a lot of energy that goes just to digest the food. When we are fasting, we don’t digest, so our body can devote that energy more towards healing. We want to divert those calories towards processes like hormone optimization, resetting microbes, gut influences, and more. How to Implement Intermittent Fasting At the end of the day, we need to fix your insulin. Intermittent fasting is a great way to help with that. One of the most common ways is to do what we call a 16/8 pattern. You don’t eat for 16 hours, then get all of your eating done in 8 hours. You might start eating at noon, and stop eating at 8 p.m., or start and stop at 2 p.m. and 10 p.m. The idea is to give yourself a break. There are multiple ways you can do that, but the 16/8 method is what I subscribe to, and that’s even only eating twice a day. No snacking. Looking at my own data, you can see why. When I eat, I have the same general insulin and glucose spikes, but throughout the rest of the day, I have a fairly low insulin level. My glucose goes up and down very quickly, but insulin increases and decreases very slowly. This gives me a rather large window of time where my insulin levels dip down and remain low throughout the majority of my day. Now, if you try this method and start off well but then fail and can’t keep consistent at first, that is okay. Sometimes I lose it, too. But the idea is that you continue to keep going and try to keep it as consistent as possible. One or two bad days shouldn’t mean you give up completely. Maybe it is too hard for you to start doing this right away. Often, I will recommend patients gradually work into it. First, reduce snacks, eating only breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Next, only eat two times a day. For some people, I recommend doing a 24-hour fast. If you are diabetic, pre-diabetic, or have other insulin-related problems, there may be a lot of reasons you cannot do 24-hour fasts, but they can be very beneficial for the majority of people. And this makes sense, historically, too. We live in a day and age where food is readily available all throughout the day. This is only a recent development. Hundreds of years ago, people did not always have the choice to fast. Sometimes they were starving, sometimes there just wasn’t food to go around. It is important for us today to go through 24-hour fasts. Sometimes I’ll even put people on 36 or 48-hour fasts. Again, start simple with just three meals a day (no snacking), then gradually work to two meals. After a bit of that, try 24-hour fasting and see how it goes. Once you get acclimated to this, it cleans up your diet and you just begin to feel much, much better. Conclusion: Embracing Intermittent Fasting and Ketosis for Optimal Health By understanding the benefits of intermittent fasting and ketosis, you can unlock a multitude of advantages for your health and well-being. From combating chronic inflammation to optimizing cellular clearance and energy utilization, these practices offer transformative effects. Remember, gradually implementing intermittent fasting and adopting a diet that prioritizes healthy fats can revolutionize your health, paving the way for a better quality of life.

  • Severe FLoxed Case: Couldn't Get Out of Bed, Major Brain and Cognitive Issues

    Listen as Dr. Hugh goes through this very severe case of someone being FLoxed and how these issues are solved with Dr. Hugh's help. Learn how to heal from floxing symptoms. Contact Dr. Hugh Wegwerth today. Are you one of the thousands of people suffering from fluoroquinolone toxicity, also known as floxed recovery? It can be a challenging and devastating experience. The symptoms can range from brain fog, tremors, and crawling sensations in the head to panic attacks, suicidal thoughts, and deep central nervous system damage. In this blog post, I share my personal experience with fluoroquinolone toxicity, and how I recovered from it with the help of a functional medicine program. I was prescribed levofloxacin for a kidney infection in October 2018, and after three days of taking it, I felt worse. The damage was already done, and I struggled to function as a parent, wife, and person. I had no sense of decision-making, constant brain fog, and trembling on my right side. I even had outbursts of crying and had to take a month of sick leave. My husband quit work to take care of me. I went to my primary doctor several times, and there was no relation to the drug until I Googled it and found out that there's a black box warning. I struggled to recover, but I started to improve with time, acupuncture, and natural supplements. It wasn't until I met with a Dr. Hugh Wegwerth a functional medicine practitioner that my real change started to happen. I learned more about my diet and eliminated trigger foods like white potatoes and gluten-free pasta. I also started taking specific supplements and magnesium and treating it as needed. After 30 days, I felt a significant boost, and the functional medicine program helped me become whole again. My advice to anyone suffering from fluoroquinolone toxicity is to find a functional medicine practitioner that can help you put all the pieces together and guide you through the healing process. The online portal is an excellent source of truthful information, and it provides guidance that can drive you to heal from fluoroquinolone toxicity faster. Remember that recovery takes time, and it can be a slow process, but stay positive and trust the process.

  • Floxed Recovery Story. "I was gas lit" How Ciprofloxacin destroyed my life and brain.

    A Candid Conversation with a Healing Expert Listen to an insightful conversation with a medical expert who's dedicated his life to understanding and healing floxed symptoms. Discover firsthand how one patient struggled with the frightening experience of taking antibiotics and the misdirection of another doctor. The Experience of Taking Antibiotics and Experiencing Floxed Symptoms Antibiotics are known to be life-savers, but sometimes they can lead to unexpected symptoms known as being "floxed." Understand what floxing means and learn about the symptoms that can leave you feeling betrayed and misunderstood by those who are supposed to help. Being Gas Lit by a Different Doctor – A Harrowing Tale We've all been in situations where we're told one thing, but experience another. In the world of medicine, this can be both scary and confusing. Hear a real story about being gas lit by a doctor and how it led to unnecessary suffering. How to Heal from Floxing – You Can Overcome This! Feeling lost and overwhelmed? There's hope! The same medical expert who has helped countless patients to overcome being floxed will guide you. Learn the steps to heal from floxing, and embark on a journey that will empower you to regain control of your health. Join Us in the Journey to Healing from Floxing Don't let the experience of being floxed define you. With understanding, guidance, and determination, you can overcome this medical mystery. Take the hand of an expert who knows the way, and walk the path to healing from floxing. You too can learn how to heal. Start today!

  • The Tragic Death of My Dad: A Wake-Up Call About Conventional Medicine

    The Broken System of Conventional Medicine The conventional healthcare system focuses more on symptom management than actual healing. Doctors are quick to prescribe medication after medication without considering alternative therapies or the root cause of the problem. This approach often leads to patients being overmedicated and suffering the consequences of taking too many drugs. The Sad Reality of Medication Overload My dad has been prescribed 16 different medications, all of which he took every single day. The more medications he was given, the worse his health became. His quality of life deteriorated, and he suffered through the debilitating side effects of the drugs he was taking. The Need for Alternative Therapies We need a new approach to healthcare that focuses on alternative therapies and treating the root cause of the problem. This means addressing issues like diet, lifestyle, and stress levels, rather than just managing symptoms with medication. A Beacon of Hope for a Better Future As a doctor, I'm committed to providing truthful information and compassionate care to help people take control of their health. Our bodies have the incredible power to heal themselves, but they need the right ingredients and guidance. And that's what I'm here for. The Way Forward: Hope, Help, and a Brighter Future If you're struggling with your health or the health of a loved one, know that you're not alone. There is hope, and there is help available. Let's work together to create a brighter, healthier future for ourselves and our loved ones. And let's never forget the lessons we've learned from tragedies like my dad's.

  • The Autoimmune Paleo Lifestyle (AIP)

    Diet vs. Autoimmune Paleo Diet (AIP): Which One Should You Choose? There are countless diets and lifestyle programs out there that promise to improve your health and well-being. However, after 23 years of clinical experience, I've learned that no single diet fits everyone. In this blog post, we'll discuss the key differences between two popular diets: the paleo diet and the autoimmune paleo diet (AAP). By understanding the benefits and limitations of each, you can make an informed decision about which one is right for you. The paleo diet and the autoimmune paleo diet (AIP) both focus on whole, nutrient-dense foods, and eliminate processed foods and refined sugars. However, the AIP is more restrictive than the paleo diet, eliminating additional foods that may trigger autoimmune reactions. Let's take a closer look at the differences. The Autoimmune Paleo (AIP) Diet The autoimmune paleo diet (AIP) is a more restrictive version of the paleo diet, designed to eliminate additional foods that may trigger autoimmune reactions. The AIP removes eggs, nightshades, nuts, and seeds from the diet, as well as other potential allergens and irritants. Eliminating nightshades is particularly important because they contain lectins, which can cause inflammation in the body. For people who are sensitive to lectins, this can contribute to chronic inflammation and autoimmune conditions. The Paleolithic (Paleo) Diet The paleo diet is based on the idea that humans should eat foods that our ancestors ate before the advent of agriculture. The diet consists of whole foods like meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds. It eliminates processed foods, grains, legumes, and dairy. On the paleo diet, you can still consume eggs, nightshades, nuts, seeds, chocolate, and coffee. While some people may be sensitive to these foods, they are generally considered to be healthy and nutritious. Other Resources Conclusion If you're looking to improve your health through dietary modifications, both the paleo diet and the autoimmune paleo diet can be effective options. However, the AIP may be a better choice if you suffer from autoimmune conditions or chronic inflammation. It's worth experimenting with both diets to see what works best for your body. Keep in mind that there is no one-size-fits-all approach, so be open to making adjustments as needed.

  • Download the Ketogenic Meal Plan

    Beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB): BHB is the most prevalent and stable ketone body in the blood and is readily transported to cells to use as fuel. It can fuel most of the brain’s energy needs along with organs and muscles and represents approximately 70% of the available ketone energy. The blood meter measures beta-hydroxybutyrate, a ketone body synthesized in the liver, and the most active form of ketones in your blood. Beta-hydroxybutyrate is the main ketone your body utilizes in ketosis and therefore is the most important one to measure Buy the meter on Amazon Buy JUST THE KETONE STRIPS they are not sold on Amazon (only the ketone strips)

  • How to Increase Magnesium in Your System

    How to Increase Magnesium in Your System If we find nerve damage in our office visit with you and you’re in pain, or if you find yourself chronically in pain for other causes, you may be magnesium deficient. Following this daily program can help push you in the direction of healing much quicker. Buy on Amazon Magnesium Water Container Research shows that about 50% of all Americans are magnesium deficient, with some studies claiming as much as 80%. Magnesium is very critical to your body’s systems. This vital mineral is used in over 400 different pathways and reactions in your body. Low magnesium levels can also make your vitamin D less efficient in your body, which will affect your immune system and pain management. It can also elevate protein in the blood, causing chronic inflammation. The list of symptoms of magnesium deficiency is quite long, and can include any of the following: - Tiredness - Exhaustion - Headaches and migraines - Sleep problems and disorders - Restlessness - Anxiety - Increased irritability - Cramps - Muscle pain in various regions around your body - Neck and lower back pain - Tension in shoulders - Heart problems - Racing heart - Menstrual problems - Hot or cold fingers or extremities If you’re suffering from several of these issues, then it would be worth your time to try and follow the steps below. The At-Home IV Magnesium Drip The first thing you will need to do is buy a large water bottle, about 64oz. Stainless steel water bottles work best because they last a long time. Next, purchase powdered magnesium. There are a wide variety available online. I call this an “IV drip” because you will put this powder into your water bottle and sip on it throughout the day. Start with one scoop of the magnesium powder in your water bottle, and sip on it the entire day. This will also help with general hydration. You may need to drink anywhere from two to three of these bottles per day. A good rule of thumb is take your weight and divide by two. That number is how many ounces you should drink a day. For example, a 200-lb person would need to drink 100oz of this water per day. The next day, take two scoops the water, and again sip this through the entire day. Each day, add another scoop of magnesium until you reach bowel tolerance. This may be split through the day. For example, taking five scoops a day can be split into two water bottles, one with two scoops of magnesium, and another bottle with three scoops. Once you get to the point where you start getting loose stools, go down to the previous number of scoops, and use this as your maintenance dose. For example, if you take two scoops in the morning and three in the afternoon (five total scoops a day), and you get loose stools, reduce to four scoops a day (two morning, two afternoon). The key to this protocol is sipping throughout the entire day, similar to an IV drip. Taking a supplement or pill once in the morning results in a lot of magnesium in your system for that short period of time. In contrast, sipping it throughout the entire day provides a constant amount throughout the entire day, as if you had an IV drip going. The result is you bathing those 400 pathways and reactions in enough magnesium to properly function, and help push you towards healing.

  • Check out labs of a 38 year old male that was Floxed by Cirpo.

    Before and After: A Comprehensive Analysis of a 38-Year-Old Male's Health Transformation Introduction In this article, we will examine lab results from a 38-year-old male who was suffering from several conditions as a result of damage. This man came to me because he had been trying hard on his own to improve his health, but wanted a very specific plan to help him get to a better place. For comparison, we had labs taken a few months ago and new labs taken very recently prior to publishing this article. Looking at these labs we can see some of the conditions and causes that were missed and undiscovered. These discoveries led to a complete lifestyle change, leading him on a better path to healing. Initial Health Conditions The first set of labs was taken in November 2021, and we are revisiting them in February of 2022. When he came to me, he was suffering from the following conditions: - Plantar fasciitis - Achilles pain - Painful feet - Neuropathy - Widespread frailty - Weakness in tendons - Hypersensitivity. Essentially, he was feeling like he was significantly older than his actual age. Comparing Blood Sugar and Vitamin Levels One thing you’ll notice from these labs: a lot of significant changes happened just from this patient altering his diet. However, it was not enough. This patient needed a very specific, guided plan. Looking at the first result from the labs taken at the end of November 2022, you’ll see his A1c results. A1c is a marker for blood sugar levels. From November to his most recent labs, he was able to go from pre-diabetic (5.7) to that sweet spot around the 5.0 level. Next, looking at his vitamin D levels, you’ll see he started out around 39 and improved up to 46. While that is an improvement, I like to see that number around 80, so there is still plenty of room to continue improving. Now examining vitamin B12, increasing from 542 to 889. So it is very clear he is making improvements on his own, but he was still having problems. This serves as more evidence that he, like most of us, would benefit from a specific, guided plan. Hormone Levels and Inflammation Markers Unfortunately, his fasting insulin levels were not tested in his first round of labs, but we can still see that his insulin level is at 9. I like to see this number between 5 and 6, so this result tells us the patient has some sugar dysregulation problems. Because insulin is a hormone that can cause inflammation, if you have more than you should (more than that 5-6 range), then your body is in a chronic state of inflammation to some degree. The next test we examined was his testosterone. We can see an almost 100% increase in his testosterone levels from 338 to 611, which is a significant change. This is vitally important for men to understand. Men with low testosterone may experience one or more of the following symptoms: - Low libido - Trouble gaining full erections - Trouble maintaining full erections - Not having morning erections These are luckily problems which can be fixed with simple lifestyle changes. By changing your food choices, eating right, and working to get your insulin levels down (specifically A1c level down), you can see a significant increase in these conditions. He was able to improve his thyroid hormone levels, as well as his C-reactive protein levels. His thyroid levels increased (which is good), and his C-reactive proteins decreased, showing markedly less inflammation. The Critical Role of Ferritin At this point, we caught some of the most significant issues, namely ferritin. This patient had high ferritin. Nobody had checked this before we did. Ferritin is a measurement of iron storage, and the sweet spot for levels of ferritin range from 40 to 80. This patient had ferritin levels of over 470, more than 10x what the normal, healthy functioning level should be. Now, one thing to keep in mind with ferritin is that it can be an acute phase reactant, meaning that these numbers will go up if you are inflamed. However, all of his markers that we have checked out do not indicate huge inflammation, so we can then determine that his ferritin levels need to come down. We have a specific protocol for bringing down ferritin levels, and it is simple to do. It just needs to be consistently checked and monitored. The reason ferritin levels are important to check is because it is an indicator of problems with your iron levels. Imagine that you have a bicycle, which you leave out in the rain. That bike is going to rust. A similar process is happening inside of your body when ferritin levels are high. If you have high ferritin, which is almost never checked, this is an indicator of your body “rusting” from the inside out, which will naturally cause problems. I have a whole series on ferritin because it is that important, and people’s cases have gotten reversed simply by identifying this one marker and handling it. The Critical Role of Ferritin We also checked his homocysteine levels, which can be elevated if you have a MTHFR SNP, which you can learn more about in this post I published on my blog. His homocysteine was 14.6, which we like to see in the 5 or 6 range. Homocysteine is used in DNA replication. That means high levels of homocysteine indicate poor copying of DNA. Imagine using a photocopier to scan and copy a document. Then you scan and copy that new copy. Repeat this process hundreds, if not thousands of times. Eventually, you will start to see less definition in the new copies. A very similar process happens with your DNA replication, and high homocysteine indicates that your cells are not replicating DNA properly, leading to poor cell communication. All of this I detail in more depth in the post linked above. Conclusion In conclusion, we see that this patient was able to make some significant, and some minor increases on their own, but it was not enough. They are not recovering, and are still suffering from their problems. In this particular case, I am recommending him a very specific, guided program and help get this man back in better health, and feeling better.

  • What Does A Normal Glucose Response Look Like?

    Today I’d like to talk about sugar regulation, including the conditions hypoglycemia and hypoglycemia. There is a lot of research related to this topic, so we’ll also go over some clinical data, and hopefully give you some skills you can incorporate into your own life. If you have a problem and you have dysglycemia, poor sugar regulation will be contributing to your problem. You may even be unable to recover completely from your issues. It does not matter what quality of care you receive, if your sugar regulation is out of control you will likely not recover. What Does A Normal Glucose Response Look Like? One thing should happen when you eat: your hunger pains go away. That's it. The follow signs that you may have a sugar regulation problem might manifest after eating: - You get more energy. - Shakes. - Brain fog. In contrast, normal glycemic control should include the following: - You should wake up with lots of energy. - Wake up with an appetite. - Hungry between meals. - Not craving sugars. - No change in function between meals. That last one is very critical: no change in function between meals. If you're changing in function between meals, or if you have any kind of symptoms between meals, this is an indicator that you could possibly have sugar dysregulation. No fatigue or change in energy after or between meals is ideal. Hypoglycemia Symptoms of hypoglycemia (when your blood sugar goes too low) include: - You wake up with difficulty. - No appetite in the morning. - You consume coffee or sugar for breakfast. - You lose function between meals (for example, you eat, you feel good, and then you crash). - Difficulty staying asleep through the night. The last one is very critical to understand. If your blood sugar goes down too low, your adrenal glands produce epinephrine and norepinephrine to produce glucose. When that happens, that's going to wake you up. A spike of norepinephrine and epinephrine is an adrenaline rush. That means if you have too low blood sugar, or hypoglycemia, your adrenal glands kick in. They produce epinephrine, norepinephrine, and you wake up. So if you're waking up through the night, a possibility is sugar dysregulation. Later on in this article, I'm going to show you what you can do at home to measure this, to figure this out. Hyperglycemia Now we go to the other spectrum: insulin resistance. Signs and causes of hyperglycemia (blood sugar levels are too high) include: - Waking up not feeling fully recovered. - Waking up with sugar cravings. - Eat a high-sugar and high-starch breakfast. - You crave sugar all day - You're fatigued after a meal (this one is critical, and we will revisit it in a moment). - Difficulty falling asleep. Are these some symptoms that you are having? This would indicate a possibility that you have some sugar dysregulation. Understanding Your Sugar Regulation Before telling you how to test your sugar levels, it is important to understand what normal sugar levels look like. A blood-sugar level reading is considered to be “normal” when it falls in the range of 85 to 120. THIS IS A NON-FASTING RANGE. This is the sweet spot we all want to be in. Any alterations above or below those thresholds is going to indicate some kind of dysregulation of sugar. Hypoglycemia (low sugar) occurs when that number drops below 85, unless you are in a state of ketosis. If you're specifically eating a ketogenic diet, then your blood sugars can fall. But if you're eating a paleo diet, your blood sugar should not drop below 85, generally speaking. With hypoglycemia, you eat food but glucose drops below 85, then it might spike back up higher than the 120 mark, and then it drops drastically again. You may feel like you are on a roller coaster, up and down sugar spikes. Then there is insulin resistance. This would be hyper sugar, or hyperglycemia, when you're chronically above the marker of 120. You may eat some food and glucose is up, then you might crash, and then you go back up. You, like a lot of people, might have a mixed pattern. Testing Your Blood Sugar Levels at Home I am going to detail a protocol below that is very simple for you to do at home and very impactful. You’ll need to buy a blood sugar meter. You can find them on Amazon for around $29, and for a dollar or two more you’ll need the discs to take your blood. You can also buy it all in a kit for roughly the same price. The protocol for tracking your blood sugar levels throughout the day includes checking your levels at the following times: PROTOCOL When you get up in the morning. Before you eat any meal. 30 minutes after you eat any meal. 1 hour after you eat. 2 hours after you eat. Lastly, right before you go to bed. This means that with every single meal, or every single snack, that you consume that day, you will need to check your glucose, and log it somewhere. You need to do this for a week. You need to establish a pattern of what your blood sugar is doing over a good period of time. If you do this for seven days, you're clearly going to know, without a doubt, if you have normal glucose control. Do you have a hypoglycemia pattern? Are you insulin resistant? Do you have a mixed pattern? You're going to know this very, very clearly, and it is important to rule that out. If you have a chronic condition, or if you've had any kind of traumatic brain injury, or anything like that, there's a high probability that this is a major factor going on in your body right now. A Note on Blood Pressure In the case study below, I also had people check their blood pressure. Normal blood pressure is 120 over 80. That is important to measure as well because blood pressure pushes oxygen and blood and nutrients to your head and your other extremities. If you do not have good blood pressure, including both low and high blood pressure, it can cause problems. But the majority of people that I see actually have low blood pressure. Too often people are focused on keeping their blood pressure down. They may see a number such as 100 over 60 and rejoice, but really it is just as much a problem as high blood pressure. Too low isn't enough pressure to push oxygen and blood to your tissue. This is called poor perfusion. If you have any chronic problems at all, you have poor mitochondria! If you have hypo or hyper sugar dysregulation, and on top of that, you have suboptimal, low blood pressure, the consequences may be disastrous. Case Study Looking at this patient, we see that she followed the same protocol I listed above. At the top of the table are the days she tracked her glucose levels. In those columns we can see both the times she took her readings, and the glucose levels themselves. This person has a lot of neurological problems, and she talks about how she's “on,” and if she is on, she's having a good day. If she's off, she has dyskinesia, which is basically saying that she has shakes going on. She also takes a variety of supplements, listed as “dose.” On day one, June 27th, at 9:25am her glucose is 96. Then she eats, and at 9:45 she takes her blood pressure: 113 over 60. She has low blood pressure, not just a little bit of low blood pressure, significant amounts of low blood pressure. At 10:00am, glucose is at 100. Later on it is 108, then 104, and she says her dyskinesia starts to happen part way through the day, so she eats some more, and checks her blood pressure again: 99 over 55, severely low. By 2:00pm her glucose is at 113, and at 4:00 it hits 107. At 4:15 she eats a meal and 15 to 30 minutes later her glucose is 126. Later at 8:00 her glucose is at 146. This is way too high. I don’t like to see anybody above 130, and I like to see blood sugar not going over 120. At 8:40pm she hits 175, that’s almost a full 100 point spike. An hour later it’s 131, still high. Looking at June 28th, she had a high protein meal and her glucose actually goes down from 131 to 109, because there were no carbohydrates. She's very, very sensitive to any kind of carbohydrates. Throughout the rest of the week, we see a similar pattern of low blood pressure and poor sugar regulation. There is a very clear case of dysglycemia. What Can Be Done? In the case of the patient above, we're going to eliminate all carbs. I'm not going to have her do a ketogenic diet quite yet, but I'm going to eliminate carbs and increase fiber. Fiber has been shown to slow down the glucose absorption in your body. From there we'll continue to take these readings and go from there. We'll see what we've changed and determine if it is changing enough so we get a nice, narrow scope of glucose levels ranging from 80 to 120 on that day. She also has a blood pressure problem, and we are handling that right now. This is very simple, and you can do it at home now. You're going to be checking your glucose by pricking your finger 15 to 18 times in one day for seven days, but you'll know what’s going on, and it is very affordable.

  • Chronic pain & Inflammation ~ the importance of Omega 3 fish oil for proper cell membrane health

    The Importance of Fish Oil Supplements for Your Health Improving Cell Membrane Function Let’s talk about the benefits of fish oil, and why everyone should be taking it, especially if you have chronic problems with digestion, pain, and inflammation. To understand the importance of fish oil, and the omega-3 fatty acids present in them, we need to understand what cell membranes look like and are made of. The human body is made up of around 100 trillion cells, each one of them with its own membrane. Our cell membranes are primarily made up of fats, particularly fats known as EPA and DHA. Your average bottle of fish oil contains a combination of both compounds, making it an easy and convenient source of this necessary nutrient. How EPA and DHA Affect Your Cells Both EPA and DHA are cured in shape, a sort of circular pattern with a tail. This shape is what helps provide structure to the cell membranes, creating a solid barrier without leaks. A lack of these compounds, on the other hand, may result in a cell membrane that does not function properly. In fact, a significant lack of EPA and DHA can cause your cells to become “crusty,” rather than smooth. This can result in: - Chronic pain - Inflammation - Fibromyalgia - Digestive issues If you suffer from these problems, then it’s likely your cells are not as flexible as they should be and instead are more crusty and hard. I typically recommend anywhere from one to five tablespoons a day just to saturate these cells when they are in this condition. Taking fish oil supplements creates an influx of these omega-3 fatty acids, helping your cells to be more fluid and move. Detoxifying Your Body That circular shape of the EPA and DHA is what causes the cell to be fluid, allowing things to come in and out of the cell. This is very critical. As your cells metabolize, they create waste. This waste needs to be removed from your cells and into your bloodstream so it can be filtered out and removed by your urine and feces. Not having enough of this oil means the waste remains inside the cell. If you have pain, inflammation, or damage caused by toxicity, then the byproduct of that is only going to build up more and more, causing your condition to worsen over time. In other words, fish oil is very critical to the functioning of your body’s detoxification pathways. As a reminder, we should use the bathroom two to three times per day, both bowel movements and urination. This is how your body eliminates the waste from your cells, which can only be removed if those membranes are also healthy. A Final Note Protecting Nerve Cells The same principle is true for nerve cells. Wrapped around these cells is something called the myelin sheath. What do you think the myelin sheath is made out of? If you guessed EPA and DHA, you’d be correct! EPA and DHA are equally necessary to protecting nerve cells throughout your body, and a lack of these fatty acids can cause damage to nerves and the myelin sheath and may even cause neuropathy. BUY ON AMAZON Floxed the importance of enough Omega 3 fish oil for proper cell membrane health. Neuropathy!

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