Why Is the Cost of Labs So High?
When the largest portion of all bankruptcies in the United States comes from outstanding medical bills, you know there is a problem inherent in the system.
One great example of this is the cost of labs. I would like to give you a solution to lowering the cost of your labs.
Looking at one of my own invoices for the cost of labs I had done with Quest Diagnostics (one of the largest diagnostics companies in the nation), you can see I had a wide range of tests done. The total cost came to $1,586.17, and that was just from the first page of the invoice.

Breaking it Down
Back in 2013, when this invoice was sent to me, the first test (Thyroxine) cost me $140.61.
Now it costs me $8. How?
Since then I have begun working with a co-op of medical professionals who are trying to drive the cost down. To make that happen, I do not upcharge for labs. Instead, I only charge patients for whatever the lab costs me as the medical professional.
That comes out to $8.
Similarly, I am now able to get the cost of a $48 down to $5, and a $125 test down to the cost of a Starbucks order.
Insurance cost $47~ MY COST $5
thyroid marker

Insurance cost $125~ MY COST $6
thyroid marker

Insurance cost $232~ MY COST $18
vitamin D

Insurance cost $217~ MY COST $10
thyroid marker

Insurance cost $44~ MY COST $7
checks basics minerals

Why Does This Happen?
In short, it is because insurance companies are ripping you off, as well as your employer, your doctor, and more.
When your doctor bills your insurance, the cost inflates significantly for essentially no reason. What should be $400 in tests becomes $5,000, while your deductibles may be around that number or even higher.
The reason an $18 vitamin D test turns into a $270 test on your bill is insurance.

How to Lower Costs
The easiest way to lower your lab costs is to work with me. In 2013, my labs cost $805 to run, and now those same labs only cost $54.
That is a 93% discount for the same exact tests.
Right now the conventional medical system is there to rip you off and keep you sick. Using my polytherapy approach is important to healing, but also helps avoid these outrageous costs of medical care.
Remember, where there is help there is hope.