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76 items found for "floxed"

  • All of my Floxed content in one link!

    Are you struggling from being Floxed? Be sure to check out all of Dr. Hugh's floxed content in one place. You can learn how to recover from floxing symptoms and understand how to avoid being floxed.

  • Unveiling the Truth About Floxing: The Devastating Effects of Fluoroquinolone Antibiotics

    In this article, we will delve into the risks associated with fluoroquinolones, the symptoms of floxing a pivotal role in effectively managing floxing. Through MRI scans, medical professionals can identify cerebellum damage, a hallmark of floxing. key to alleviating floxing symptoms, although each individual's journey may differ. Final Thoughts for People who have been Floxed : Floxing, a term used to describe the devastating effects

  • Chronic UTIs in a 75-year-old FLOXED female with high glucose!

    Chronic UTIs and High Glucose Chronic problems can put a major damper on your everyday life. Some chronic problems, such as UTIs, can be especially painful. Many chronic issues can be difficult to diagnose, making it extremely important to get to the root cause of the problem right away. Below is a case study of a 75-year-old patient of mine who suffered from chronic UTIs. She came in with damage from antibiotics back in 2017 presenting as neuropathy in her foot. Additionally, her legs felt extremely weak, she was experiencing pain in her hips, and her sleep schedule was completely thrown off. Blood Sugar Testing One of the first things we checked were her blood glucose (or blood sugar) levels. This is always one of my first go-tos when I get a new patient, because an imbalance of blood glucose can cause many different problems. Typically speaking, when we check blood sugar levels we want between 85 and 120. Anything outside of this range often results in inflammation, which can cause a wide range of problems. In her particular case, I noticed an issue with her blood sugar levels 30 minutes after eating a meal. She was experiencing a spike after every meal, signaling sugar dysregulation. Any time you have a problem already going on in your body, problems with your sugar regulation will make it worse. How Blood Sugar Relates to UTIs You may be wondering how blood sugar levels are connected to chronic UTIs. Bacteria love glucose. In fact, sugars are one of bacteria’s favorite foods. The simplest way to resolve this issue is by eating less sugars and focusing on high quality proteins and healthy fats. While tracking her blood sugar levels, I also had this patient keep a food journal. This allowed us to see exactly what foods were causing her glucose levels to spike. On her first day of tracking her foods she had almost no good proteins and healthy fats. In fact, the majority of her diet consisted of carbs. These carbs get digested into sugar, which is then passed into the blood. Excess sugar is filtered from the blood into the urine, allowing the bacteria to feed. Solving Her Problems With Diet This pattern of carb-heavy meals went on throughout most of her days. When the patient came to me with all of these sugar spikes, we were able to pinpoint exactly what the cause was by looking at her journal. As a side note, we also checked her labs for ferritin levels. Ferritin is another marker of inflammation, however this one is related to iron in the blood (another snack for bacteria). On a healthy readout, I like to see the range between 40 and 80. This patient’s ferritin levels were at 255. Ferritin can also be heavily influenced by diet, and is easy to manipulate. Roughly 20% of my clients end up having high ferritin levels. The problem is that ferritin is quite often overlooked in the conventional medical system. Once we knew the cause of her problem was likely diet related, we were able to put her on a wellness plan that included more proteins and healthy fats. She quickly began to improve, and she is still improving a lot to this day.

  • Check out labs of a 38 year old male that was Floxed by Cirpo.

    Before and After: A Comprehensive Analysis of a 38-Year-Old Male's Health Transformation Introduction In this article, we will examine lab results from a 38-year-old male who was suffering from several conditions as a result of damage. This man came to me because he had been trying hard on his own to improve his health, but wanted a very specific plan to help him get to a better place. For comparison, we had labs taken a few months ago and new labs taken very recently prior to publishing this article. Looking at these labs we can see some of the conditions and causes that were missed and undiscovered. These discoveries led to a complete lifestyle change, leading him on a better path to healing. Initial Health Conditions The first set of labs was taken in November 2021, and we are revisiting them in February of 2022. When he came to me, he was suffering from the following conditions: - Plantar fasciitis - Achilles pain - Painful feet - Neuropathy - Widespread frailty - Weakness in tendons - Hypersensitivity. Essentially, he was feeling like he was significantly older than his actual age. Comparing Blood Sugar and Vitamin Levels One thing you’ll notice from these labs: a lot of significant changes happened just from this patient altering his diet. However, it was not enough. This patient needed a very specific, guided plan. Looking at the first result from the labs taken at the end of November 2022, you’ll see his A1c results. A1c is a marker for blood sugar levels. From November to his most recent labs, he was able to go from pre-diabetic (5.7) to that sweet spot around the 5.0 level. Next, looking at his vitamin D levels, you’ll see he started out around 39 and improved up to 46. While that is an improvement, I like to see that number around 80, so there is still plenty of room to continue improving. Now examining vitamin B12, increasing from 542 to 889. So it is very clear he is making improvements on his own, but he was still having problems. This serves as more evidence that he, like most of us, would benefit from a specific, guided plan. Hormone Levels and Inflammation Markers Unfortunately, his fasting insulin levels were not tested in his first round of labs, but we can still see that his insulin level is at 9. I like to see this number between 5 and 6, so this result tells us the patient has some sugar dysregulation problems. Because insulin is a hormone that can cause inflammation, if you have more than you should (more than that 5-6 range), then your body is in a chronic state of inflammation to some degree. The next test we examined was his testosterone. We can see an almost 100% increase in his testosterone levels from 338 to 611, which is a significant change. This is vitally important for men to understand. Men with low testosterone may experience one or more of the following symptoms: - Low libido - Trouble gaining full erections - Trouble maintaining full erections - Not having morning erections These are luckily problems which can be fixed with simple lifestyle changes. By changing your food choices, eating right, and working to get your insulin levels down (specifically A1c level down), you can see a significant increase in these conditions. He was able to improve his thyroid hormone levels, as well as his C-reactive protein levels. His thyroid levels increased (which is good), and his C-reactive proteins decreased, showing markedly less inflammation. The Critical Role of Ferritin At this point, we caught some of the most significant issues, namely ferritin. This patient had high ferritin. Nobody had checked this before we did. Ferritin is a measurement of iron storage, and the sweet spot for levels of ferritin range from 40 to 80. This patient had ferritin levels of over 470, more than 10x what the normal, healthy functioning level should be. Now, one thing to keep in mind with ferritin is that it can be an acute phase reactant, meaning that these numbers will go up if you are inflamed. However, all of his markers that we have checked out do not indicate huge inflammation, so we can then determine that his ferritin levels need to come down. We have a specific protocol for bringing down ferritin levels, and it is simple to do. It just needs to be consistently checked and monitored. The reason ferritin levels are important to check is because it is an indicator of problems with your iron levels. Imagine that you have a bicycle, which you leave out in the rain. That bike is going to rust. A similar process is happening inside of your body when ferritin levels are high. If you have high ferritin, which is almost never checked, this is an indicator of your body “rusting” from the inside out, which will naturally cause problems. I have a whole series on ferritin because it is that important, and people’s cases have gotten reversed simply by identifying this one marker and handling it. The Critical Role of Ferritin We also checked his homocysteine levels, which can be elevated if you have a MTHFR SNP, which you can learn more about in this post I published on my blog. His homocysteine was 14.6, which we like to see in the 5 or 6 range. Homocysteine is used in DNA replication. That means high levels of homocysteine indicate poor copying of DNA. Imagine using a photocopier to scan and copy a document. Then you scan and copy that new copy. Repeat this process hundreds, if not thousands of times. Eventually, you will start to see less definition in the new copies. A very similar process happens with your DNA replication, and high homocysteine indicates that your cells are not replicating DNA properly, leading to poor cell communication. All of this I detail in more depth in the post linked above. Conclusion In conclusion, we see that this patient was able to make some significant, and some minor increases on their own, but it was not enough. They are not recovering, and are still suffering from their problems. In this particular case, I am recommending him a very specific, guided program and help get this man back in better health, and feeling better.

  • How to Heal from Floxing: Managing Fluoroquinolones Side Effects & Toxicity

    What is Fluoroquinolone Toxicity What Happens When You're Floxed? Fluoroquinolone toxicity, commonly known as getting "floxed," occurs when fluoroquinolones, a type of People react differently to being FLoxed, and some people experience more severe or different floxing The most common symptoms of floxed toxicity include issues like chronic fatigue, neurological symptoms Psychiatric Symptoms: Anxiety is a very common complaint from patients who have been floxed.

  • Floxed & Fighting: A 71-Year-Old Lady's Courage Against Chronic Mold Infections

    Unveiling the Hidden Dangers of Mold Inside Your Body Mold is more than just a pesky growth on your bread or vegetables. It can infiltrate your body, causing serious health problems. Most people are unaware of this hidden danger lurking within them, especially those with weakened immune systems due to medical conditions or antibiotic treatments. The Case of a Courageous 71-Year-Old Lady Let me share with you the story of a remarkable 71-year-old woman who came to me seeking help. She was a delightful lady who had been battling chronic urinary tract infections and a range of other health issues. Unfortunately, her pursuit of treatment within the conventional medical system had inadvertently compromised her body's ability to maintain good health. Unmasking the Mold Infection One ray of hope amidst her struggles was the fact that mold infections can be diagnosed and identified with relative ease. By conducting a urinary test, we discovered elevated levels of indicators associated with mold infection. Specifically, her gliotoxin levels were astonishingly high at around 3400, while the ideal range is below 200. Recognizing the Symptoms The symptoms of mold infection can vary depending on the specific type of mold affecting your body. However, two common signs to watch out for are chronic conditions that don't respond well to treatment and the notorious brain fog. Decoding the Brain Fog Puzzle Brain fog is a valuable clue indicating the presence of a mold infection and can even shed light on the particular mold strain involved. Certain molds, such as yeast, produce alcohol that enters your system and induces a brain fog similar to the haziness one experiences after consuming a glass or two of wine. Embracing a Multi-Faceted Approach The good news is that there's no one-size-fits-all treatment for mold infections. Taking a polytherapy approach that addresses not only the symptoms but also the underlying causes can significantly enhance your chances of reclaiming your health. By comprehensively treating your condition, we empower your body to heal itself and restore balance. Reach Out for a Solution If you're struggling with chronic conditions and suspect that mold may be a contributing factor, don't hesitate to contact me. Together, we can embark on a journey towards finding a personalized solution tailored to your unique circumstances. Remember, mold infections are serious and should not be ignored. By taking proactive steps, we can conquer this hidden menace and restore your well-being.

  • Severe FLoxed Case: Couldn't Get Out of Bed, Major Brain and Cognitive Issues

    Hugh goes through this very severe case of someone being FLoxed and how these issues are solved with Learn how to heal from floxing symptoms. Contact Dr. Hugh Wegwerth today. Are you one of the thousands of people suffering from fluoroquinolone toxicity, also known as floxed

  • Lab breakthough connection high iron, [high oxalates] and damaged mitochondria! Floxed recovery

    Floxies with abnormally low Fe levels could be anemic, but many floxies usually have elevated ferritin The uniqueness of being floxed means floxies might experience more conditions from elevated ferritin How Can Normal Iron Homeostasis Help Floxies? Is Iron Deficiency Bad for Floxies? worth noting that monitoring and solving issues with your overall health is key as a member of the Floxed

  • Floxed Recovery Story. "I was gas lit" How Ciprofloxacin destroyed my life and brain.

    insightful conversation with a medical expert who's dedicated his life to understanding and healing floxed , but sometimes they can lead to unexpected symptoms known as being "floxed." How to Heal from Floxing – You Can Overcome This! Feeling lost and overwhelmed? There's hope! Join Us in the Journey to Healing from Floxing Don't let the experience of being floxed define you. Take the hand of an expert who knows the way, and walk the path to healing from floxing.

  • Mitch Ciprofloxacin Floxed Recovery. (Achilles 100% better) and full body neuropathy 98% GONE.

    Meet the Man Trapped in a Toxic Struggle In a recent discourse, let's get to know a man we'll call Mitch. He had a horrifying brush with a condition known as fluoroquinolone toxicity (FQ) - a sudden nightmare served up on the back of a mere suspicion of a urinary tract infection (UTI). The saga began with a simple prescription of Cipro, where Mitch took just two pills a day over three short days. The story took a twist when a mere week later, doxycycline entered the picture. Unraveling the Sinister Symptoms of a Silent Assassin While performing his duties at work, an alarming shock surged through Mitch's legs, trailing an unsettling burning sensation. But the terror didn't end there. This dreadful feeling made a slow, malicious crawl, gradually encompassing his entire body. As if the physical torment wasn't enough, he was assaulted with an array of other symptoms. A heart rhythm skipping and jumping erratically. An illusion of bugs invading his skin. A cloud of depression smothering him. Discovering the Terror Through the Online Looking Glass In an act of desperation, Mitch turned to the all-knowing web. It was here he came face to face with the term fluoroquinolone toxicity and the countless tales of horror accompanying it. Panic seized him, amplifying the already cruel situation he was in. For half a year, Mitch was crippled, a mere shell of his former self. Walking became an ordeal. Pain ensnared his Achilles tendon, knees, elbows, and other joints, holding him prisoner. To add to his misery, anxiety had him in a stranglehold. Depression threatened to drown him. Sleep - a refuge from his waking nightmare - eluded him. Shining a Light on the Health Scare It was after two painstaking months of collaboration with a healthcare professional that a significant discovery was made. Mitch was battling a deficiency in vitamin D and wrestling with a mold issue. Once armed with this knowledge, he wasted no time. He began a regime of vitamin D supplements and implemented binders to combat the mold, which was steadily poisoning his body. A Comeback Story That Inspires The proactive approach paid off. His health began to rebound with remarkable improvement. The shackles of pain fell away. Neuropathy was reduced to a minor inconvenience. He felt a spiritual awakening. Today, he stands as an active member of a church and is passionately engaged in a film project with them. In the face of adversity, Mitch views his bout with fluoroquinolone toxicity as a disguised blessing, carrying a deep sense of gratitude for his ordeal.

  • Floxed 90% restored brain function and 50% reduction in pain. See all the labs and protocols!

    Listen in and see all the labs and protocols that can help you overcome floxed symptoms. Learn how to heal from floxing with the help of Dr. Hugh Wegwerth in Rosemount, MN.

  • Decades of Prostatitis: Trevor's Struggle with Fluoroquinolone Toxicity

    Early Onset and Continuous Struggle with Prostatitis The Long Battle Begins in the 30s. Imagine battling a health issue for over 30 years. This is the reality for Trevor, who has been dealing with prostatitis since his thirties. His story isn't just about a medical condition; it's a journey through persistence and resilience in the face of a relentless health challenge. The Impact of Fluoroquinolone Treatments and Resulting Complications Fluoroquinolone Antibiotics: A Double-Edged Sword. Trevor's battle involved numerous fluoroquinolone antibiotics, prescribed by his healthcare professionals. While these drugs were intended to help, they led to a complication known as quinolone toxicity. This twist in his treatment plan highlights the delicate balance in managing chronic conditions like prostatitis. Estimating the Extent of Antibiotic Use A Rough Count of Antibiotic Rounds. When asked to estimate, Trevor recalls about 20 to 30 rounds of antibiotics. This figure doesn't just represent pills; it symbolizes a relentless pursuit for relief and the complex nature of treating prostatitis. Surgical Interventions: Beyond Prostatitis Surgery: A Step Beyond Medication. Interestingly, Trevor underwent surgery not directly for prostatitis, but for an enlarged prostate. This procedure included a biopsy and resection, which, thankfully, ruled out cancer but confirmed the ongoing prostatitis. This part of his story sheds light on the interconnected issues of prostate health. Adapting to Life with Prostatitis The Need for Comfort Measures. To manage his condition, Trevor had to sleep with a large cushion between his legs. This adaptation was necessary to relieve the pressure on his enlarged prostate, revealing the day-to-day adjustments and the reality of living with such a condition. The Harsh Reality of Prostatitis Understanding the True Impact of Prostatitis. The most striking aspect of Trevor's story is the extent of his prostate enlargement. It was so severe that sleeping without a pillow for comfort was unthinkable. This detail underlines the significant physical and emotional toll prostatitis can take on an individual's life. In this narrative, Trevor's 30-year ordeal with prostatitis is a testament to the complexities of managing chronic health conditions. It's a story of endurance, medical challenges, and the adaptations necessary to cope with a persistent health issue. Schedule a call with Dr. Hugh now to start getting the care you deserve to feel better.

  • Overcoming Fluoroquinolone Toxicity: Sherri's Inspiring Journey to Triumph!

    From Being 'FLoxed' to Finding a Ray of Hope When mainstream medical routes failed to provide answers Hugh Wegwerth's FLoxed Protocol: A Leap from Being 'FLoxed' to Healing Choosing to take control of her Overcoming the Grip of 'Floxing' Symptoms and Reclaiming Health Adhering to Dr. Conclusion: Sherri's Triumph Over ' Floxing' Symptoms Sherri's heartfelt journey serves as a powerful triumph over fluoroquinolone toxicity, instilling hope in those navigating the treacherous waters of 'floxing

  • 61-Year-Old's Floxed Recovery: Functional Medicine Triumph Over Antibiotic Damage and Inflammation

    The Patient's Struggle: How to Recover from Being Floxed This gentleman suffered from colitis, a painful Initial Health Crisis: Floxed Treatment In May 2024, after weeks of my functional medicine program, I Methodical Approach to Treatment: How to Heal from Floxing What makes my approach different is the emphasis The Road to Recovery: Floxed Treatment For this particular patient, following the program meticulously As a fluoroquinolone toxicity specialist, I have helped people all over the world recover from floxing

  • Adam's Remarkable Path to Recovery from Fluoroquinolone Toxicity

    hope after facing the harrowing experience of being "floxed." Fluoroquinolone Toxicity Sharing his regimen, Adam highlights the wonders of nature in his personal floxed Adam's Sleep Wisdom: An Essential in How to Heal from Floxing For Adam, the fight against blue light Adam's Emotional Trek Through Being Floxed Navigating from a misdiagnosis to solace, Adam's emotional Adam's Beacon of Inspiration: Floxed Treatment and Hope With each lesson he shares, Adam stands as an

  • Unveiling the Impact of Positive Connective Tissue Autoimmunity: Insights from Recent Lab Tests

    Exploring the Profound Implications In this informative article, we delve into the profound implications of positive connective tissue autoimmunity based on the findings from a recent laboratory test conducted by Dr. Hugh. The client, an individual in her fifties, has been grappling with an array of health challenges, ranging from chemical sensitivities and mold exposure to cognitive distress, joint and tendon pain, and vision issues. Through an in-depth analysis known as the Array Five test, Dr. Hugh sought to unravel the underlying causes of these debilitating symptoms by examining antibodies against various tissues. Correlation Between Autoimmunity and Connective Tissue Problems. The comprehensive test results unveiled a positive autoimmune response pertaining to the heart and arthritic peptide. Arthritic peptide, a chemical abundantly present in both joints and muscles throughout the body, has been strongly linked to connective tissue disorders. This discovery signifies a potential correlation between the client's connective tissue problems and her autoimmune condition, shedding light on the intricate nature of her health struggles. The Role of Mold Exposure Moreover, the client's laboratory analysis indicated a positive mold exposure along with a low white blood cell count, indicating a compromised immune system. These findings suggest that the client's prolonged mold exposure might have contributed to her weakened immune defenses, rendering her more susceptible to various health complications. Understanding the relationship between mold exposure and immune function becomes crucial in devising an effective plan for recovery and restoring optimal health. Addressing Nutritional Deficiency Additionally, the test results illuminated poor B12 absorption in the client's system. This revelation highlights a potential nutritional deficiency that might further exacerbate her existing health challenges. Addressing B12 absorption issues becomes imperative for enhancing overall well-being and potentially mitigating some of the distressing symptoms experienced by the client. Embracing a Brighter Future In conclusion, Dr. Hugh offers an optimistic outlook, emphasizing that improvement is attainable with the right guidance and a personalized plan. By recognizing the interconnected nature of the client's health issues and implementing a targeted approach, positive outcomes are within reach. Dr. Hugh encourages viewers to engage with the video by expressing their support through thumbs-ups, sharing it within their networks, and subscribing to his channel for ongoing information and assistance. Remember, no matter how challenging the circumstances may appear, help is always available, and there is a path towards renewed vitality and well-being. Understanding the Impact of Connective Tissue Autoimmunity The recent laboratory findings shed light on the impact of positive connective tissue autoimmunity on the client's health. The correlation between the autoimmune response against the heart and arthritic peptide, mold exposure, compromised immune system, and poor B12 absorption offers valuable insights into the underlying factors contributing to her symptoms. Through proper guidance and a tailored plan, a brighter future awaits, and viewers are encouraged to engage with the video to garner further information and support. With the understanding that assistance is readily accessible, let us embark on a journey towards improved health and well-being.

  • Mold Side Effects: Unveiling the Hidden Culprit Behind Chronic Conditions

    Identifying Mold Infections Mold infections can be deceptively elusive when it comes to diagnosing chronic conditions. Sadly, the conventional medical system often overlooks mold as a potential cause of these persistent problems. Yet, if you happen to be plagued by a mold infection, treating your underlying conditions becomes an uphill battle of monumental proportions. Finding Mold in Your System Allow me to illustrate this phenomenon with a memorable case study. One of my former patients, a retired nurse who had suffered from a chronic condition for decades, sought my expertise to explore a polytherapy approach for her ailments. Intrigued, I conducted a comprehensive array of tests, including an extensive blood analysis and an organic acid test using a simple urine sample. Upon reviewing her test results, a startling revelation emerged. Her gliotoxin levels skyrocketed to an astonishing 25,539, far surpassing the recommended threshold of 200. This astronomical figure signified an alarmingly high concentration of mold within her body. Furthermore, we detected elevated levels of Arabinose—a type of yeast—measuring an alarming 95, while the ideal range should be below 29. Yeast produces alcohol as a by-product, which can manifest symptoms akin to those experienced after consuming alcoholic beverages, such as brain fog and fatigue. Other Important Markers Additionally, we sought to identify markers associated with inflammation, a common consequence of mold infestations. Mold has an uncanny ability to incite or exacerbate inflammation throughout the body. By uncovering potential additional sources of inflammation, we could devise a more comprehensive strategy to address the mold infection effectively. In her case, the organic acid test revealed an exceptionally high C-Reactive Protein level of 72.13, whereas a healthy range should ideally fall between 0 and 3. Remarkably, heightened levels of this particular protein marker correlate with an increased risk of cardiovascular events, including heart attacks. Furthermore, we noticed that her blood sugar levels teetered on the cusp of pre-diabetes. Notably, her ferritin levels—an iron marker associated with inflammation—were excessively elevated, indicating an abnormal surplus of iron stored in her body. To compound matters, fibrinogen, a final inflammatory marker we examined, exceeded the upper limit by more than twofold. The Importance of Polytherapy It bears mentioning that this patient had spent decades working as a nurse within the confines of the conventional medical system. Curiously, none of these markers had received the attention they deserved during her tenure in the medical field. This serves as a stark reminder of the criticality of adopting a polytherapy approach that transcends the limitations of the standard system. Our bodies are complex entities with a multitude of intricacies, necessitating a comprehensive exploration of potential root causes behind our ailments. In the case of this patient, our customized plan paved the way for her remarkable healing journey. If you find yourself grappling with a mold infection, chronic inflammation, or a perplexing undiagnosed condition, do not hesitate to reach out to us. Together, we can forge a personalized path to reclaiming your well-being.

  • Greg's Dysautonomia exam!!! Fluoroquinolone Toxicity exam. "This is affecting my WHOLE life!"

    Who might get dysautonomia? Dysautonomia, also called autonomic dysfunction or autonomic neuropathy, is relatively common. Worldwide, it affects more than 70 million people. It can be present at birth or appear gradually or suddenly at any age. Dysautonomia can be mild to serious in severity and even fatal (rarely). It affects women and men equally. Dysautonomia can occur as its own disorder, without the presence of other diseases. This is called primary dysautonomia. It can also occur as a condition of another disease. This is called secondary dysautonomia. When does dysautonomia occur? Dysautonomia can often present suddenly along with other diseases or conditions. Examples of diseases in which secondary dysautonomia can occur include: Diabetes Parkinson’s disease Muscular sclerosis Rheumatoid arthritis Lupus Sjogren's syndrome Sarcoidosis Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis Celiac disease Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease Chiari malformation Amyloidosis Guillain-Barre syndrome Ehlers-Danlos syndrome Lambert-Eaton syndrome Vitamin B and E deficiencies Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) Lyme disease Want to find out if you have dysautonomia? Take the quiz now. Time Stamp on video: [3:35] how i changed my diet [5:19] last few days I have felt better [12:02] how to get your iron down [15:50] I'm off balance. It feels like I'm spinning [16:00] It feels like I'm tipsy [17:00] Start of the dysautonomia exam [20:00] stand on your right foot [23:00] I get dizziness 203 time per week. [25:00] your cerebellum isn't working [32:00] the good new is we found the problem [33:00] start of eye exam and [38:00] your balance is really poor. We found the cause [41:00] I feel anxious with this testing [41:30] this is your rehab program [44:00] stand up with one leg. This is the next level up [47:00] how did I get this way? [48:00] I had 3 concussions [49:00] I didn't realize my balance was that bad with my eyes closed [50:00] When I'm in my boat, I get anxiety [51:00] my eyes aren't working [51:30] this is affecting my whole life! [52:00] There is a way to fix my brain, YES [52:20] Up to this point, I had no answers [52:30] you have dysautonomia, and that will cause your heart to race [56:00] If I can get away from the dizziness my life would be so much better

  • Zee's Journey: Fluoroquinolone Toxicity Treatment Success

    The Beginning: A Tough Journey How to Recover from Being Floxed Our story begins with a severe health The Turning Point: Finding Guidance How to Heal from Floxing After endless research and frustration,

  • Beat the Odds: How Tami Conquered 20 Years of Fluoroquinolone Toxicity!

    Hugh here again, sharing another incredible success story from the Floxed community. Today, I want to introduce Tami, who was Floxed over 20 years ago. Tami's Journey with Floxing: How to Recover from Being Floxed The Struggle Begins Tammy first got Floxed Even if you’ve been Floxed for years, there is hope for recovery. If you’re struggling with Floxing, remember: where there’s help, there’s hope.

  • From Wheelchair to Vitality: Taylor's Battle with Fluoroquinolone Toxicity & Recovery Tips

    The Cascade of Challenges: Understanding Being Floxed Being "floxed" isn't just a term; it's a whirlwind The Real Lifesaver: Dietary Changes and Floxed Treatment Turns out, the path to healing from being floxed The Dietary Role in Floxed Treatment The revamped diet not only cut down the ouch-moments but also became is also a game of patience, trust, and seeking the right *floxed treatment*. hope after being floxed.

  • Floxie Hope: Dr. Nasi MD's Journey and Treatment for Fluoroquinolone Side Effects

    Nasi MD recovers from floxed symptoms and see how you too can heal from floxing. Contact Dr. This takes center stage while dealing with the term "floxed" — a colloquialism for adverse reactions

  • How I Beat Fluoroquinolone Toxicity: Pastor Rusty's Inspiring Journey of Recovery

    The Interview Starts: How to Recover from Being Floxed Launching this compelling narrative, the video Rusty's journey of recovering from fluoroquinolone toxicity, commonly known as 'being floxed', begins , Rusty starts experiencing an array of debilitating symptoms - a classic case of being 'floxed'. hope, and the right floxed treatment for a successful recovery from fluoroquinolone toxicity. Overcoming Being Floxed: A Message of Hope and Recovery Rusty, along with Dr.

  • Is Your Brain on Fire? Neuroinflammation and Fluoroquinolone Toxicity

    "Floxed" refers to individuals who experience symptoms resulting from the use of fluoroquinolones, a

  • What's at stake if you don't get better?

    Are you suffering from floxing symptoms? What's the real cost at stake if you don't improve.

  • Uncovering the Hidden Dangers of Antibiotics: Madeleine's Journey to Recovery from Fluoroquinolone's

    Once upon a time, Madeleine was an active young woman who loved to explore the world around her. She was excited to start her new job and enjoy life to the fullest. However, fate had different plans for her. She fell ill with a urinary infection and was prescribed Cipro, a fluoroquinolone antibiotic, to treat it. Little did she know that this medication would have a devastating impact on her health. Madeleine started experiencing several side effects, including joint pain, muscle spasms, weight loss, brain fog, difficulty focusing, noise sensitivity, insomnia, and digestive problems. She felt like her life was slipping away from her, and no one seemed to understand her pain. Despite negative test results, she knew something was wrong. One day, she stumbled upon a functional medicine practitioner who believed in her condition and offered her hope. Working together, they discovered that Madeleine had a low iron status and low blood pressure, which were contributing to her symptoms. With the right supplements and a slow, steady approach, they began to make progress. Despite setbacks and moments of doubt, Madeleine persevered. She found a provider who was on her side and worked tirelessly to find the right supplements that worked for her. Slowly but surely, she began to see improvements in her health. Today, Madeleine has made a full recovery. She can walk without pain, sleep for 12 hours, and has no more brain fog, food sensitivities, or noise sensitivity. She is grateful for the functional medicine practitioner who gave her hope and helped her on her journey to wellness. Madeleine's story is a reminder of the importance of finding the right provider who believes in your condition and is willing to work with you. It's essential to take things slowly and find the right supplements that work for you. Don't be afraid to seek out functional medicine practitioners who have experience in treating fluoroquinolone toxicity and similar conditions. If you are experiencing similar symptoms, don't give up hope. Reach out to a functional medicine practitioner and start your journey to recovery today.

  • From Bedridden to Thriving: Misty's Incredible Journey

    Amazing Transformation After Antibiotic Damage: FLoxed Treatment Real-Life Journey to Recovery from Fluoroquinolone Misty's Big Turnaround: How to Recover from Being Floxed So, Misty, tell us all the good news. Path to Healing: How to Recover from Being Floxed How did you initially get injured or damaged? Vision and Sleep Improvements: Floxed Treatment And your vision issues? Looking Ahead: How to Heal from Floxing I don’t have anything to add to your case right now.

  • Martha's Healing Story

    In this video, we learn that even at 71 years old, it's never to late for healing. Our first zoom call Martha was the walking DEAD, and now she is almost back to her pre-damaged condition!

  • Anxiety after taking antibiotics? See why!

    What Causes Someone to Be Floxed? Symptoms of Being Floxed Common symptoms after being floxed include: - DNA damage - Mitochondrial in cells) causes many cases of being floxed. to non-floxed individuals. of being floxed.

  • Living with Lupus & Sjogren's: Jacki's Incredible Healing Journey from Chronic Pain to Renewed Life

    The Struggle of Living with Lupus Diseases In 2006, Jacki, a vibrant woman, was hit with the devastating diagnosis of lupus and Sjogren's syndrome. Her once active life came to a standstill. Every corner of her body was invaded by persistent inflammation - so severe that slipping rings on her fingers became an impossibility and shoes seemed like custom-made torture devices. Each day was a battle, not against an external enemy, but her own body. Mundane activities like walking, waking up in the morning, or simply getting through a normal day became excruciating trials. An Unexpected Detour: When Life Takes A Twist & Best Herbal Treatments for Lupus Her medical team's response was a cocktail of potent drugs: methotrexate, a common chemotherapy agent to suppress the immune system; naprosyn to battle the inflammation; and Tylenol to numb the pain. Prednisone also became a constant companion over the years. The issue? This treatment protocol wasn't a cure. It wasn't even a fix. It was a mere smokescreen, a band-aid on a deep, festering wound. Jacki was determined to break free from this pharmaceutical prison. But every attempt to escape was met with fierce resistance from her symptoms, leading her back to the very medications she longed to leave behind. Daily Battles: When The Body Turns Foe & Diet Recommendations for Lupus Patients Confusion and despair clouded her path, until she came to us. We embarked on a comprehensive analysis of her situation, initiated detailed bloodwork, and uncovered potential root causes that had long remained hidden. An action plan was devised - a health journey aimed at rectifying the root of her issues rather than merely shadowing them. The results? Nothing short of dramatic. Light At The End: The Game-Changer & Natural Anti-Inflammatory Supplements for Lupus. Today, Jacki greets each morning with a surge of energy and a rejuvenated spirit. She proclaims, "I have a ton of energy for my kids. I teach, and I'm loving life." She continues to express her awe, "It's been wonderful. I never knew that something so simple could make such a difference in my health, in how I feel about myself, and everybody is noticing how different I look." Jacki’s Sunrise: A Life Reimagined & Natural Strategies to Reduce Lupus Inflammation Her metamorphosis didn't stop at physical wellbeing. Nights once plagued with pain became serene. Her hair grew lusher. An improved ability to focus propelled her through her daily tasks in a timely manner. "I was sluggish, and I was slow," she admits. Depression, another silent enemy she battled with medication, began to fade away. Today, she confidently states, she no longer needs those pills to navigate her day. Jacki’s Call to Action and Promise of Hope Jacki advocates beginning with a free seminar. She was weary of her compromised health and decided to take charge, attending a seminar with her husband. "It's like an hour and a half, 2 hours of your time. And I was blown away with what I had been doing that was making me sick. I had no idea." Her healing journey has not only changed her life but also positively impacted her family. Her story stands as a beacon of hope for others facing similar battles. We believe that together we can design health plans that improve your life quality just like Jacki's. Don't hesitate to reach out if you're grappling with health issues - we're here to co-create a robust health solution with you.

  • Magnesium IV Protocol for Floxie Toxicity

    Importance of Magnesium in Floxie Toxicity If you're experiencing Floxie toxicity, you know how devastating To get a constant flow of magnesium throughout the day, it's best to sip the magnesium powder mixed with Additionally, if you're experiencing Floxie toxicity and want to get better, Dr. energy production and overall health, and getting enough of it is essential for those experiencing Floxie

  • The Battle with Fluoroquinolone Toxicity: Trevor's 30-Year Triumph Over Prostatitis

    His journey is a beacon of 'floxie hope,' offering insights into how to recover from being floxed and Surgical Attempts and Persistent Struggles with 'Floxed' Symptoms Despite surgeries for his enlarged prostate, Trevor continued to grapple with the symptoms of being 'floxed.' His advice is a source of inspiration for those seeking floxed treatment. Hugh is an expert in floxed treatments, and his patients have seen excellent relief of floxed symptoms

  • Your GOD-given healing power, UNLEASH it NOW!

    Healing is a power that comes from within, according to Dr. Hugh in Episode 47 of True Health Recovery. Dr. Hugh defines healing as the ability to tap into the amazing healing power that God has put into our bodies. This power is what heals cuts, beats our hearts, and allows our digestive system to function properly. When we have chronic health conditions, there is something that is interfering with this God-given ability to heal. The healing process is not complex and does not require a specific protocol. Instead, Dr. Hugh creates tailored programs that meet the specific needs of his clients. Dr. Hugh believes that the simplest mechanism is always the best approach to healing. He acknowledges that there is a higher power, which he refers to as spirit, innate intelligence, or God. He believes that healing power is far superior to any human-made medicine. Dr. Hugh's job is to be a guide and figure out what small things, big things, or anything in between could be hindering a client's God-given ability to heal and function. Dr. Hugh refers to his approach as a polytherapy approach. He takes a holistic approach to figure out what is not working, what is not functioning properly, and what is hindering the God-given ability to heal. Dr. Hugh believes that we should never underestimate the body's ability to heal and function. He has seen difficult cases, and he has moved the needle to help his clients. As long as someone is breathing, there is a possibility that they can get help. Dr. Hugh believes that if we can figure out how to unleash that healing power, the body can heal and function. Dr. Hugh acknowledges that his job is not to do the healing, but instead, his job is to be a guide to help his clients access their God-given ability to heal. Dr. Hugh's message is one of hope. He believes that where there is help, there is hope. Dr. Hugh encourages those who need help to reach out to him. He acknowledges that the internet is a powerful tool to spread information all over the world. Dr. Hugh's goal is to help as many people as possible. He believes that by helping one person, he can change the ocean, one pebble at a time. Regenerate response Dr. Hugh Wegwerth Chiropractor Rosemount, Minnesota

  • Lab Case ~ 33 year old female in wheelchair from initial damage from the antibiotic ciprofloxacin

    Today, we're taking a deep dive into a lab case of a 33-year-old woman who had been struggling with neuropathy and tendon pain that left her in a wheelchair. She was also experiencing difficulty gaining weight and muscle wasting. Despite previous efforts with another functional medicine practitioner, her anxiety and insomnia persisted. Dr. Hugh emphasizes the importance of running basic labs before specialized tests, and in this case, they discovered that the patient's white blood cell count was elevated at 10.7. The normal range is between 5.5 and 6.5, indicating an infection or chronic inflammation. Further symptoms such as low blood pressure, pounding heartbeat, and light and sound sensitivity confirmed inflammation in her body. Antibiotics and vaccinations may have played a role in damaging her body, contributing to chronic inflammation as the root cause of her symptoms. Dr. You is thrilled to see progress in her healing journey and reminds us that there is hope for those suffering from chronic health conditions or those affected by antibiotics and vaccinations. With functional medicine and proper guidance, you can uncover the root cause of your symptoms and regain your health. See her FULL report here (click here) Reds and Yellow are BAD! 10 Reds 19 yellows Here is a quick 2 minute AUDIO on what you are looking at!

  • Beat Chronic Sinus Infections Naturally: Avoid Fluoroquinolone Toxicity!

    Revolutionary Sinus Relief Protocol and How to Heal from Floxing Now, let's dive into the strong, well-thought-out Particularly useful if you're looking to heal from the effects of being floxed. Additional Natural Remedies and How to Recover from Being Floxed To fight sinus infections even more Especially beneficial if you're recovering from being floxed.

  • Triumph Over Ciprofloxacin: A Comprehensive Guide to Fluoroquinolone Toxicity Treatment

    Recovering from Fluoroquinolone Side Effects and How to Recover from Being Floxed Embark on a revealing Hugh Wegwerth, starts off the video with updates about an online university and a Floxed support group The Hidden Struggles of Being Floxed Karrie recounts the negative impact on his brain due to this potent A Turn for the Better: Personalized Floxed Treatment and How to Heal from Floxing A Guided Pathway to Hugh who laid out a personalized floxed treatment protocol.

  • A Journey From Helplessness to Healing: Uncover the Marvel of Whole-Body Wellness!

    Unfolding an Incredible Story of Full Health Recovery Today, folks, we're peeling back the curtain on something truly amazing. Imagine being stuck in bed, weighed down by countless medical woes, and then, one day, bouncing back, full of life and energy. We're talking about a real person here, not a fairy tale, but his journey is nothing short of magical. The Road to Recovery Starts with a Little Test Figuring Out What's Really Wrong Using an Organic Acid Test The story began with a simple urine test . But not just any test. This organic acid test is like a detective, digging deep to find hidden clues about what's going on inside your body. And what we found, dear reader, was downright shocking. Out of 76 things we looked at, 45 were off the charts! It was the toughest case ever seen. But that's the thing about challenges—they give you clues, and those clues tell you what to do next. Taking Action with Simple Solutions that Really Work Doing Little Things That Make a Big Difference This patient needed help, and fast! So, we got busy with some everyday tools you might find in your own kitchen or bathroom. We used things like massages for the belly, packs of castor oil, and even gargling to wake up a special nerve in the body. Add in some common health gadgets and a handful of everyday vitamins, and we had a recipe for success. Waking Up to a Whole New Life In just six short weeks, things turned around in a big way. The patient was up and about, thinking clearly, and even gaining some weight. Best of all, his lively personality was coming back to life. The Mighty Power of Treating the Whole Body, Not Just Parts Friends, this story teaches us a lesson. Your body wants to heal itself. It just needs a little help sometimes. By treating the whole person and not just putting a quick fix on the problem, we can make amazing things happen. If you're feeling sick and tired all the time, just remember: there's always help and hope. Have questions or need some friendly advice? Don't be shy, get in touch. Take care, and keep believing in the power of whole-body wellness! Time Stamp [00:00:00] Hi community, this is Dr. Hugh Wegwerth again [00:00:30] organic acid [00:01:20] Bedridden, I mean, he's literally in the bed like he can't move [00:03:10] yeast and fungus [00:03:25] Clostridium right due to high markers and Clostridia [00:03:35] oxalates [00:03:50] Kidney stones are calcium. Kidney stones are oxalates here. [00:03:55] Lactic acid [00:04:05] mitochondrial functions [00:04:40] mitochondria is not function [00:04:45] neurotransmitters, all high anxiety, depression, depolarization [00:04:50] tryptophan [00:04:55] serotonin, Quinolinic acid, which is very neurotoxic [00:05:35] Ketones, fatty acid, oxidation [00:05:46] vitamin C [00:05:50] CoQ10, Q10 Glutathione and NAC [00:05:55] We have poor glutathione status [00:06:00] ortic acid, which is ammonia caused by bugs [00:06:20] Clostridium marker's [00:06:50] castor oil packs on the gut area [00:06:56] We did a chi machine [00:07:40] exercise the vagus nerve [00:07:55] oxygen meter [00:08:05] HCL challenge. [00:08:40] Celery juice is alive [00:09:10] He's gained weight. His brain function is back [00:09:25] God created you to be. [00:09:55] spiritual being [00:10:10] people suffering in this country

  • The Unseen Invader: Antibiotics in Your Dinner

    The Invisible Daily Dose of Antibiotics I've got a question for you. Are you unknowingly being served antibiotics on your dinner plate? It might sound bizarre, but here's the truth. Every meat dish consumed in our beloved country is like an uninvited antibiotic party for your system. The Graph Tells the Tale Let's paint a picture with numbers. The data visualization I'm about to share may stagger you. It's a snapshot of antibiotic sales across the nation. Observe the daunting dark red segment marking an alarming 81%. This represents our beef, pork, and chicken consumption. Yes, you read it right! These animal consume 81% of all antibiotics, leaving a meager 19% for human consumption. So, even if you've never had a prescribed antibiotic course but you indulge in meat, you're unknowingly swallowing antibiotics. Antibiotic Resistance: The Elephant in the Room I'm sure you're aware of antibiotic resistance. It's a significant health crisis our nation grapples with. Our daily dose of antibiotics from meat is a substantial contributor to this predicament. The Unsightly Reality: Welcome to the CAFO Now, let's take a virtual field trip. I want you to see this visual representation of what they term a 'CAFO'. It's short for 'Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation.' An eye-full isn't it? You're looking at the birthplace of your steak and drumsticks. It's a sight of animals packed in cramped conditions, trampling in their own excrement, while being force-fed antibiotic-laced food. Your Food Choices: The Cause and the Cure Now, how does one combat this unseen antibiotic invasion? It's simple. With conscious consumption. The Power Label: Organic, Antibiotic-Free Meat Take note of this label. It is your shield against the unseen enemy. This label ensures that the meat is organic and raised without antibiotics. AKA, the gold standard of meat products. Look out for this badge of assurance when you go shopping next. Be Part of the Solution: Share and Spread Awareness Did this information astonish you? If it did, consider it your duty to share it. Like, comment, and share this nugget of wisdom with your dear ones. Spread the word, so we all can make informed choices and contribute to our collective health. Your food choices today determine the health of our nation tomorrow. Eat smart, live well. Schedule a call with Dr. Hugh now to start getting the care you deserve to feel better.

  • Mold Exposure and Its Impact on Gut Health: A True Health Recovery Podcast Episode

    See Full PDF Introduction Welcome, to episode number six of the True Health Recovery podcast! In this episode, we'll delve into the topic of mold and its profound effects on our health, particularly its relationship with gut health. Mold toxicity is a serious health concern that many people are unaware of. It is my firm belief that everyone should undergo testing for mold exposure. I have dedicated a significant amount of time and effort to mastering the organic acid test, which has allowed me to diagnose mold-related illnesses that often go undetected. Missing a mold case can have dire consequences for one's health, as expensive IV therapy will yield no positive results if mold is not identified and addressed. Understanding Mold and Its Effects on the Body Mold is a sneaky culprit that produces spores, which are mild toxins capable of causing health problems when inhaled or ingested. These spores bear resemblance to pollen and can be found in buildings or even in the food we consume. When we breathe in these mold spores, they act like superglue, sticking to our stomach and intestinal system. Consequently, they give rise to gut dysbiosis, small bacteria overgrowth, and a wide range of neurological symptoms such as anxiety, depression, and muscle pain. Mold Testing and the Importance of Identification Given the potential damage mold can cause to the gut, it often goes hand in hand with conditions like SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) and leaky gut syndrome. If you have mold exposure, your gut is likely in a state of disrepair, making it crucial to prioritize addressing the mold issue in order to restore your gut health. Mold exposure can occur in various settings, including your home, workplace, or even through the food you consume. Mold spores are highly resilient, making complete eradication a daunting task. Mold's Impact on Neurological Health In an experiment involving penicillin and mold, it was discovered that mold possesses exceptional antibacterial properties, leading to gut dysbiosis and the overgrowth of harmful bacteria. The toxins produced by mold can have a profound impact on our neurological health and the central nervous system. Therefore, anyone experiencing unexplained neurological symptoms should consider ruling out mold exposure as a potential cause. Key Quotes Here are some insightful quotes from the podcast: "In my opinion, everybody needs to be checked for mold." (2:49) "You won't get well if you don't realize that you have a mold problem and you handle your mold." (3:26) "If you have mold, your gut is completely trashed. Let me say that again: if you have mold, your gut is completely destroyed." (4:22) "Mold spores are very, very resistant to many things. Mold has been around much longer than human beings, and it has developed survival instincts that are almost impossible to eradicate and kill." (6:33) "When you have mold exposure, Candida (yeast) runs wild in your gut. It starts to grow and grow because it thrives in an environment that lacks good bacteria." (14:47) "When someone comes to me, I think, 'What are we going to do differently?' You don't need to repeat the same old lab tests that you've done a hundred times before. You need to explore different labs to obtain different data." (19:28) "The biggest difference between yeast and bacteria is that yeast has a nucleus, whereas bacteria does not." (24:07) "Determining whether mold is a current issue or a past marker can be challenging. Treatment and figuring things out become necessary." (29:11) "The organic acid test has been a game changer for my practice. I hope it becomes a game changer for your health as well." (31:10) Conclusion To conclude, mold toxicity is a significant health issue that warrants testing for everyone. The symptoms associated with mold exposure can be debilitating, making it crucial to address mold to restore gut health and alleviate neurological symptoms. Don't forget to check out the link to the YouTube video and additional resources in the show notes. You can schedule a 20-minute discovery call or send a voice message to me directly. Remember, where there is help, there is hope. I'm here to guide you on your journey towards true health recovery. Topics Covered What is Mold? Why should you get checked for mold? How mold exposure affects the body The importance of mold testing Understanding the difference between bacteria and yeast The connection between C Difficile, oxalates, and mold Examples of mold exposure and the problems it can cause

  • I was Gas Lit By My Doctor~

    In this episode , we have invited Tom, a brave person battling floxed condition. Under Dr.

  • Unexplained Symptoms? Do You Have an Undiagnosed Autoimmune Disease ~Lupus~rheumatoid arthritis~MS

    Do You Have an Undiagnosed Autoimmune Disease? It May be Caused by Antibiotics. Do you have recurring, unexplained symptoms that resemble an autoimmune disease? This is more common than you think. Undiagnosed autoimmune disorders can cause chronic pain, fatigue, and an overall lower quality of life, so read on if you believe you might be affected. Research shows that it’s possible for antibiotics and fluoroquinolones – Cipro, Levaquin, Flagyl, Bactrim, and others – to cause this autoimmunity. In this blog post, I’ll go over why this is occurring using the latest medical research alongside my personal clinical experience helping thousands of people who have been damaged by antibiotics. What is Autoimmune Disease? Autoimmune disease is when your body sees tissue – your thyroid, for example – and instead of seeing a normal amount of this tissue, it thinks it sees an excess. Then, your immune system says, “Whoa, that's got to be foreign. Is it friend or foe?” In most cases, any perceived excess of tissue is going to be seen as “foe” and the immune system will start to attack it. This is what causes autoimmune symptoms. The building up of related symptoms over time due to a systemic cause is “disease.” The way I see it is when you have autoimmune disease, it's like your immune system is a little drunk. It’s as though you're driving and you’ve had too much to drink; instead of one car, you see two cars, or four cars, or eight cars. The same thing happens with your immune system. It’s taking all these different pictures of what’s going on in your body, flagging them as “friend” or “foe.” But if it can’t differentiate them, it will always lean more aggressive and assume it’s a foe, attacking tissues that might have been friendly simply because it’s seeing double. When you take antibiotics, what happens in your blood? You’ve probably heard of plasma, which makes up about 55% of your blood. About one percent of your blood is white blood cells, and the rest is red blood cells. You can donate plasma at clinics all over the country in exchange for payment – you might have even seen ads for this service. When you donate plasma, which you can do twice per week, you’re also giving your body’s nutrients. That’s because a large portion of the nutrients that your body needs is held in your plasma in the form of particular proteins. When you ingest antibiotics, especially fluoroquinolone medications, these drugs attach to the proteins in your plasma – the globulin in your bloodstream. They can cause severe autoimmune reactions or even a mild, low-grade autoimmune disease. In someone who suffers from tendon, nerve, or stomach problems and has taken these drugs, there's a high probability that your immune system recognizes the tissues in your body as foreign, and is actively seeking out and attacking them. That's the definition of autoimmune disease we covered earlier. But What Is Plasma? Let's Go Deeper. We know the plasma in your blood makes up 55% of the total, but what makes up the plasma? The proteins albumin, globulin, and fibrinogen make up the plasma, with different percentages of each (plus water) going toward the total 55% of whole blood. Albumin is the most abundant protein, but the most abundant material in plasma is actually water, making up 90% of the plasma. Think of the proteins like cargo ships in the sea of plasma, transporting important materials around the body. Plasma surrounds the blood cells, and the proteins float in it. When a drug enters the system, the drug attaches to the albumin in a process called haptenation. But it shouldn’t be there according to your body’s immune system. Thus, the immune system attacks it, destroying important proteins and their functions. What does the research say? You may know someone who is on these medications and had has no major health concerns as a result. They are in the minority. According to the research, allergy towards a wide spectrum of antibiotics such as amoxicillin is a major health concern. Albumin, the essential protein in plasma, is considered by science to be a major target for haptenation by antibiotics. This means the drug is likely to attach to the albumin, causing the autoimmune response we touched on earlier. It’s important to emphasize that the drug by itself does not cause the autoimmune response, but the drug attached to the protein (haptenation) that is the culprit. More importantly, the albumin with haptenation can look like other tissues in the body. So, when your immune system recognizes the albumin with the drug attached to it as foreign, it “takes a picture” of this as something that must be attacked. But because the affected albumin can look like other tissues – your heart, tendons, nervous system, brain, adrenal glands, gut protein, and more – your immune system may also begin to attack these vital tissues as well. This is where the autoimmune disease begins. So, how do you get better clinically? First, you and your doctor must take the approach that you have an autoimmune disease. This changes the overall treatment protocol. Although you may have bounced from doctor to doctor in the past, none of them diagnosing you with an autoimmune condition, just know that it is common and entirely possible for you to be suffering with autoimmunity. Clinical trials are improving our understanding of autoimmunity. A new method of lab testing has made it possible to determine whether there is an autoimmune disease present in your body, but it’s not available conventionally yet. In the United States, twice as much money is spent on autoimmune diseases as is spent on cancer, and the clinical research shows drugs induce autoimmune disease. What other things increase autoimmune disease? Low blood pressure, high blood pressure, food sensitivities to dairy, gluten, soy, nightshades, and eggs all play a part. Leaky gut, overactivity of certain parts of your immune system, high homocysteine, CRP insulin, not enough sleep, parasites, and more are also culprits. That means a lot of things can be contributing to your autoimmune disease, and a first step can be figuring that out with your doctor. Just know that there’s help. If you need more information, please reach out to me.

  • Unlocking the Mysteries of Neuroinflammation: A Spotlight on Fluoroquinolone Toxicity

    serious concern for those grappling with fluoroquinolone toxicity, more commonly referred to as being "Floxed The Unseen Battle: Neurological Problems in Floxed Individuals Beyond Physical Pain: The Brain’s Silent Scream For Floxed folks, neurological problems can pack a punch, and in many instances, these unseen The presenter emphasizes the high occurrence of gastrointestinal problems in Floxed individuals and the Guidance and Support: A Beacon of Hope for Floxed Individuals Offering Help Through Telemedicine and

  • Non-optimal Iron Status and Dementia

    Being floxed and chronic fatigue Floroquinolone toxicity is an occurrence among users of antibiotics Most sufferers describe the condition as ‘being floxed’. Extensive health challenges floxies suffer might cause intermittent bouts of chronic fatigue. However, little verifiable info exists at the moment to unearth any perceived link between being a floxie

  • Understanding Neuroinflammation: Symptoms, Causes, and Effective Treatment Approaches (Part 4)

    Part 4 Introduction to Neuroinflammation Neuroinflammation is a complex process involving the activation of the brain's immune response. It can lead to a variety of symptoms, including cognitive decline, mood disorders, and chronic pain. In this article, we will delve deeper into the science behind neuroinflammation, discuss its potential causes, and provide a comprehensive guide to treatment options. The Science of Neuroinflammation Neuroinflammation occurs when the immune system reacts to various stimuli within the brain. This reaction can lead to the production of inflammatory molecules, such as cytokines and chemokines, which can negatively impact the function of neurons and other brain cells. Symptoms Associated with Neuroinflammation Neuroinflammation can manifest in several ways, including: 1. Cognitive decline, such as difficulty with memory, concentration, and decision-making 2. Mood disorders, including depression, anxiety, and irritability 3. Chronic pain, particularly in the form of headaches or migraines 4. Sleep disturbances, including insomnia or excessive sleepiness 5. Fatigue or lack of energy Potential Causes of Neuroinflammation There are numerous factors that can contribute to neuroinflammation, including: 1. Infections, such as bacterial or viral infections that invade the brain 2. Autoimmune disorders, in which the immune system mistakenly attacks healthy brain tissue 3. Traumatic brain injuries, which can cause an inflammatory response in the brain 4. Environmental toxins, such as heavy metals or chemicals that can trigger inflammation 5. Genetic predisposition, where individuals may be more susceptible to neuroinflammation due to their genetic makeup **The Functional Medicine Approach to Treating Neuroinflammation** Functional medicine practitioners aim to identify and address the root causes of health problems, including neuroinflammation. This approach often involves a combination of diagnostic testing, personalized treatment plans, and lifestyle modifications. Diagnostic Testing for Neuroinflammation A variety of tests may be ordered to help determine the underlying causes of neuroinflammation, including: 1. Vitamin D level: Low levels of vitamin D have been associated with increased inflammation in the body. 2. Food sensitivity testing: Certain food sensitivities can contribute to gut permeability, which may lead to neuroinflammation. 3. A1C and fasting insulin levels: These tests can help assess blood sugar control and insulin resistance, which can contribute to inflammation. 4. C-reactive protein (CRP) markers: CRP is a marker of inflammation in the body and can indicate the presence of neuroinflammation. 5. Hormone levels: Imbalances in hormones such as testosterone, estrogen, progesterone, and cortisol can contribute to neuroinflammation. Personalized Treatment Plans for Neuroinflammation Based on the results of diagnostic testing, a functional medicine practitioner may recommend a personalized treatment plan that may include: 1. Dietary modifications: Eliminating food sensitivities and incorporating anti-inflammatory foods rich in polyphenols, essential fatty acids, and antioxidants. 2. Nutritional supplementation: Addressing deficiencies in vitamins and minerals that may contribute to inflammation, such as vitamin D, B vitamins, and magnesium. 3. Stress management techniques: Incorporating practices such as meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises to help reduce stress and its impact on inflammation. 4. Exercise: Engaging in regular physical activity to help reduce inflammation and promote overall brain health. 5. Sleep optimization: Ensuring adequate and high-quality sleep to support the body's natural healing processes. The Role of Functional Neurology in Neuroinflammation Treatment Functional neurology is an approach that focuses on strengthening the brain and improving its function through targeted neurological exercises. These exercises can help enhance neural connections, promote neuroplasticity, and ultimately reduce neuroinflammation. Some examples of functional neurology exercises include: Eye movement exercises: These exercises can help improve the function of the visual system and its connections with other areas of the brain. Balance and coordination exercises: By challenging the balance and coordination systems, these exercises can help strengthen the connections between the brain and the body. Cognitive exercises: Activities that challenge memory, attention, and problem-solving skills can help enhance overall cognitive function and reduce neuroinflammation. The Importance of a Holistic Approach to Neuroinflammation It is crucial to remember that neuroinflammation is a complex condition, and addressing it effectively often requires a multi-faceted approach. By combining functional medicine, personalized treatment plans, and functional neurology exercises, patients can experience significant improvements in their symptoms and overall brain health. Conclusion: The Path to Better Health for Those Suffering from Neuroinflammation Understanding the complexities of neuroinflammation and its impact on brain function is the first step towards finding relief from its debilitating symptoms. By partnering with a functional medicine practitioner and incorporating a holistic treatment plan, individuals suffering from neuroinflammation can embark on a path towards better health and improved quality of life. If you or a loved one is experiencing symptoms of neuroinflammation, consider seeking the expertise of a functional medicine practitioner who specializes in this area. Through comprehensive diagnostic testing, personalized treatment plans, and the support of a knowledgeable healthcare professional, it is possible to reduce neuroinflammation and achieve better brain health. Read more from the Neuroinflammation series: Part 1 Brain on Fire Part 2 Brain on Fire Part 3 Brain on Fire Part 4 Brain on Fire

  • They wanted to CUT ✂️ my thyroid OUT. Thyroid saved! Autoimmunity solved!

    Do you know what's inside your body, keeping you ticking like a clock? One tiny thing is your thyroid, and it's really important. For many people, it doesn't work quite right. But there's hope! Let's dive into an amazing story about a special person who beat the odds and found a different way to make her thyroid healthy without using something scary like radiation therapy. Stick with me, and let's uncover her inspiring adventure. The Road to a New Kind of Medicine: A Big Change The Start of Something Special Meet a woman with a big heart, always helping people feel better. She had problems with her thyroid but didn't want to do what the regular doctors said. She wanted something different, something better. One day, she saw an ad for a special meeting about something called functional medicine. It was just what she was looking for! It talked about the exact problems she had, so she went to the meeting. It changed everything for her. Finding Out What's Really Going On: A Different Way to Heal A Surprise Discovery Guess what? She had something called Graves' disease. It was different from what the first doctor said. But instead of using radiation therapy, she picked functional medicine. It's all about treating the whole body, not just one part. With a new kind of doctor to guide her, she started feeling better, step by step. In just one year, everything about her health was getting better. And guess what? Her thyroid stayed right where it was! Amazing Changes: It's More Than Just Medicine Big Results from Small Steps She worked hard and stayed strong, and guess what happened? She felt so much better! No more feeling hot all the time. And even though she wasn't trying to, she lost enough weight to drop four whole dress sizes! Talk about a change for the better! Her new way of living didn't just fix one problem. It made everything better. Now that's something to think about! Spreading the Word: Helping Others Find the Way One Story Can Change Lives Now, she's a shining light for others, showing that there are other ways to get better. Her story tells people that functional medicine can help with thyroid problems and much more. No need for radiation therapy when there's a whole new path waiting for you! A New Hope: There's Always Another Way What a story! A brave woman beat her thyroid troubles with something new and exciting, called functional medicine. Her story reminds us that sometimes, the regular way isn't the only way. There are other roads to take, ways to heal, and chances to be your very best. Who knows? Maybe this could be the path for you too! Inflamed Thyroid The web of hypothyroidism ~all these need to be addressed All these triggers need to be looked at

  • See labs of a housebound 41-year-old female!

    41-Year-Old Housebound Female Labs Overview In this article we will examine the labs of a 41-year-old female who had been basically destroyed by the conventional medical system. Because of her treatments and poor medical advice, she was left housebound, and had lost pretty much everything. At that point she looked into functional medicine. What is Functional Medicine, and How Do Labs Help? Functional medicine is essentially basic physiology 101. The goal is to try and get your body to function optimally, the way God designed your body to be. If your body is not healing or functioning properly, then we likely need to do a polytherapy approach to get you better and into recovery. Functional medicine looks at essentially two things: What is interfering with the problem? What are you deficient in? Getting blood work done helps us identify the answers to both of these questions. Once we find those answers, we can create a path for your recovery. What Do We Look For in Labs? Let’s look at an example of some blood work and identify what is wrong with this patient. This particular patient had some very extensive labs done. We looked at a wide range of panels to make sure we had the best information. Whenever we look at someone who has a chronic problem, it’s best to always go over some of the most basic solutions first. Even if we end up needing to resort to some of the more complex treatments, such as stem cells, if your body’s basic physiology is not in order then the more complex treatments may not work. For most patients, we look at sugar problems, vitamin D levels, and inflammation. Glucose, Vitamin D, and Inflammation Indicators Her glucose levels were high, but not too much higher than the normal range. Her hemoglobin A1C is in the functional range. Because these are in the normal range, we can say the problem likely was not sugar related. We can then move on to vitamin D, an extremely important nutrient to our bodies. Every single one of our cells has a vitamin D receptor, and relies on the nutrient to perform basic functions. This patient’s vitamin D levels came out at 6.3, when the healthy range is from 30-100. I have taken thousands of labs and have never seen a vitamin D level that low. And even though the range we consider to be “healthy” starts at 30, the research is showing that levels below 80 can cause health problems. Next we checked for inflammation in the form of C-Reactive Protein. The range considered “normal” ranges from 0-3, but this patient’s reading came in at 12.4. It is possible this high inflammation marker is related to the low vitamin D levels. It could also be due to food sensitivities, or a low level of hydrochloric acid, or many other potential causes. Inflammation prevents your body from properly healing. You will never fully recover as long as you have high levels of inflammation. Next we look at homocysteine, a marker for DNA health, and found it to be at 10.7. The “normal” range is 0-14.5, but I like to see my patients more in the range of 5-6. Homocysteine measures how well your DNA is copying itself. Her levels were not very high, but treating it gently would still provide benefits. Another couple of inflammatory markers we look at are the sedimentation rate and fibrinogen activity. Her sedimentation is 26, which is within the “normal” range, but I like to see it lower than 11. Her fibrinogen came in at 400, but I like to see it between 200-300. Again, signs of chronic inflammation. Insulin The next marker I want to look at is extremely critical: insulin. I’ve written about insulin many times, and spoken about it a lot in my videos. A conventional range for insulin is 2.6-25, though I like to see it closer to 5. This patient’s insulin reading was 41.8. Insulin is a hormone that causes chronic inflammation in the body. It is sort of like having glass shards running through your body, scraping it up and causing inflammation. Conclusion Thanks to these readings, we have a lot of ideas of directions we can take. We know that we need to help this patient with: Increasing vitamin D Decreasing inflammation Decreasing insulin levels This is where functional medicine comes in. You need to work with someone who knows you and your condition, who you trust to help you improve. I’ll be the first to say that I have not helped 100% of my patients get better. But I have helped many, many people’s lives improve with a polytherapy approach. If you are out there suffering, contact me. I can be reached on Facebook, TikTok, YouTube, or through my website. Don't hesitate to make an appointment so you can start feeling better soon!

  • Jill's Brain is better, less shaking less mental fatigue!

    "Functional medicine has changed my life," says Jill Anderson, a patient at our clinic. Jill had suffered from a range of symptoms for years and had seen over 20 doctors, but none of them could find the root cause of her issues. She had brain fatigue, memory loss, skin problems, shaking hands, cold hands and feet, and chronic pain. However, after just 7 weeks of functional medicine, Jill has seen a remarkable improvement in all of these symptoms. Her brain fog has lifted, and she is now able to concentrate and retain information. Her skin has cleared up, and she has more energy to tackle tasks like cleaning her house and cooking meals. The shaking in her hands has stopped, and her hands and feet are now warm. Jill has also lost weight, and her pain levels have decreased. One of the most significant changes she has experienced is an improvement in her sex life with her husband of 30 years. Jill's story is a testament to the power of functional medicine. By looking at the body as a whole and finding the root cause of her symptoms, we were able to help her improve her health and quality of life. If you're suffering from any symptoms and have been to numerous doctors with no resolution, we invite you to consider functional medicine. It's a life-changing experience, and it's well worth it.

  • The Hidden Danger of H. Pylori: Connection to Autoimmune Diseases, Symptoms & Solutions Explained

    H. Pylori is a bacteria that lives in your gut and can cause a lot of autoimmune diseases in your body, as well as a number of GI issues when it makes its way into your stomach. Symptoms of an infection caused by H. Pylori can include: Decreased appetite Belching Bloating Increased gum bleeding Heartburn Feeling as if you have a full stomach Nausea Bad taste in your mouth Stomach pain H. Pylori can be tested really easily through a stool sample. But what can cause H. Pylori infections? Causes of H. Pylori Infections There are a number of potential causes of an H. Pylori infection. They can include: Biofilm growth of H. Pylori Food sensitivity (including gluten, dairy, and eggs) Low vitamin D Concussions High inflammation Overactive, or high levels of A1c proteins High insulin or glucose levels Low white blood cell count Underlying autoimmune disease Poor fat absorption Poor GI system Mold Stress Poor sleep Around 30-40% of all people living in the United States will have an infection of H. Pylori at some point in their life. Most of these people are infected as children. Testing for H. Pylori A stool sample is required to test for H. Pylori, which is usually done by receiving a kit in which you deposit your feces and mail it back. The more extensive tests should cost around $98, and will identify multiple strains of H. Pylori. Less extensive tests will cost around $54. The process is much the same for both. These tests can help identify what strains of H. Pylori are infecting you, and in what amounts. This in turn helps guide the treatment plan you and your doctor will create. How Does H. Pylori Cause Problems? Your stomach has a lining that protects the organ’s cells. H. Pylori bacteria burrow into this protective lining and inhibits the production of stomach acid. It accomplishes this by creating urease, which turns into ammonia and neutralizes stomach acid. This neutralized stomach acid causes poor digestion, which in turn allows H. Pylori to flourish. Stomach acid has a very low pH, around 1 or so. This low pH is required for your stomach acid to break down your food. If you don’t have enough acid, or if it is too high of a pH, it will not adequately break down your food. If your food is left in the stomach without breaking down, it will begin to rot in your stomach. This can lead to leaky gut, leaky brain, gas, bloating, diarrhea, chronic inflammation, and many other problems. H. Pylori and Autoimmune Disease The research is showing that having an H. Pylori infection is directly connected to a number of autoimmune diseases. The autoimmune diseases most connected to H. Pylori include: Rheumatoid arthritis Lupus Type 1 diabetes Thrombocytopenia (clotting) Sjogren’s Syndrome Autoimmune thyroiditis Chronic urticaria Ulcerative colitis (Crohn’s disease) Psoriasis H. Pylori affects all of these systems by inhibiting your stomach cells that secrete stomach acid. This throws off your digestive system, which in turn throws off a wide range of other organ systems in your body. What Can You Do? Thankfully there are a number of over-the-counter solutions you can use to fight off an H. Pylori infection. Super Smart’s H. Pylori Fight is a gut health dietary supplement available on Amazon and has overwhelmingly positive reviews. It contains specific probiotic strains that have been studied and clinically proven to fight H. Pylori. Another supplement I recommend is called Bio-HPF. It similarly uses strains of probiotics that are clinically proven to fight H. Pylori infections. You might also take supplements that add more hydrochloric acid (stomach acid) into your system. This helps improve the digestion of foods, instead of letting them sit and rot in your gut. I have published other articles on my website that discuss how to determine if you have stomach acid issues. But at the end of the day, it is most important to take a polytherapy approach to fight off your infections. While these supplements may help your body fight off an infection, treating your body’s underlying conditions may also help it fight the infections off on its own, or prevent future infections. For example, if you have a low white blood cell count, then your body can’t be expected to fight the infection off on its own. However, by treating this condition, you may find that your body more easily recovers. Treating these underlying conditions is most important because it will help your overall health. When we look at the big picture, the goal should not be treating one condition at a time but restoring and maintaining your body’s God-given ability to heal itself. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Unseen Culprit: H. Pylori This tiny bacteria, H. Pylori , may be camping out in your gut right now, with potential to wreak havoc on your body. If it meanders into your stomach, you could be looking at a series of gastrointestinal challenges and even some autoimmune diseases. The signs of this undercover troublemaker could include: A loss of appetite Burping Feeling bloated Unexpected gum bleeding Heartburn A constant sense of a full stomach Nausea Unpleasant taste in your mouth Stomach discomfort Detecting this bacterial culprit isn't a herculean task. A simple stool sample can help shine a light on any H. Pylori shenanigans. What Makes H. Pylori Tick? Wondering what brews an H. Pylori infection? It could be a plethora of causes: Biofilm growth of H. Pylori Sensitivity to certain foods like gluten, dairy, and eggs Deficiency of Vitamin D Past concussions High inflammation Overactive A1c proteins Elevated insulin or glucose levels Low white blood cell count Underlying autoimmune diseases Poor fat absorption Weak GI system Exposure to mold Stress Poor sleep Approximately a third to a half of the U.S. population may have an encounter with H. Pylori during their lifetime, often in childhood. The Path to Uncover H. Pylori A stool sample is the key to identifying H. Pylori, using a kit you can receive, use, and send back by mail. A detailed test costing around $98 can identify multiple strains of H. Pylori. A less comprehensive test, around $54, will give you a simpler overview. Regardless, both these tests can provide valuable insights to you and your healthcare professional to tailor a suitable treatment plan. How Does H. Pylori Stir the Pot? H. Pylori, like a professional burglar, burrows into your stomach lining that safeguards your stomach cells. By producing urease, it neutralizes the stomach acid, disrupting digestion and providing a flourishing ground for H. Pylori. Stomach acid, with its low pH of around 1, is crucial for breaking down food. If this acid is neutralized, the food doesn't break down properly, leading to a host of issues including leaky gut, leaky brain, gas, bloating, diarrhea, chronic inflammation, and more. The H. Pylori and Autoimmune Disease Connection Research is pointing towards a strong link between H. Pylori infection and various autoimmune diseases such as: Rheumatoid arthritis Lupus Type 1 diabetes Thrombocytopenia (clotting) Sjogren’s Syndrome Autoimmune thyroiditis Chronic urticaria Ulcerative colitis (Crohn’s disease) Psoriasis By disrupting your stomach acid secretion, H. Pylori can trigger a chain reaction across multiple organ systems in your body. Your Toolkit Against H. Pylori There's no need for despair. The market offers a variety of over-the-counter solutions to wage war against H. Pylori. Products like Super Smart's H. Pylori Fight, a gut health dietary supplement available on Amazon, boasts a roster of probiotic strains known for their H. Pylori battling skills. Another worthy warrior in your arsenal could be Bio-HPF, using similar probiotic strategies against H. Pylori. Supplements that enhance your stomach acid can also help improve digestion, preventing food from decaying in your gut. To identify if you have stomach acid issues, you can check other articles on this website. Ultimately, a multi-pronged approach is most effective against infections. While these supplements can aid your body in the battle, addressing underlying conditions may empower your body to fend off the infection itself or prevent future invasions. For instance, a low white blood cell count can hinder your body's ability to fend off infections. By addressing this, you might find your body recovers more easily. At the end of the day, the goal is not just about tackling one issue at a time, but rather about nurturing your body's inherent ability to heal itself, enhancing your overall health.

  • Take this DYSAUTONOMIA Exam!

    PDF of lecture notes~ Dysautonomia symptoms & treatment Understanding Dysautonomia I have personally helped hundreds of people with dysautonomia. Many people go from doctor to doctor trying to find what is causing their neurological problems and end up being given anti-anxiety or antidepressant medications to no avail. So what is dysautonomia? According to the organization, Dysautonomia International, dysautonomia describes several medical conditions causing a malfunction of the Autonomic Nervous System. This part of the nervous system is what controls the body functions our bodies do without us thinking about it. This can include heart rate, blood pressure, pupils, kidney function, etc. Because this condition affects your brain’s ability to automatically perform tasks, you might see symptoms from any organ or system that you do not consciously need to regulate. The problem is in your brain but shows symptoms in your organs and systems, including your: Heart Blood vessels Kidneys Spleen Skin Stomach Bladder Pancreas Lungs Gallbladder Small and/or large intestines Eyes Immune system Since the symptoms are caused by neurological issues but expressed in other symptoms, it can be extremely difficult to diagnose dysautonomia as the cause. THIS IS WHAT YOU WANT SLOW! You DON'T want FAST Symptoms of Dysautonomia While there are many possible symptoms of dysautonomia, the most common symptoms include: Rapid heart rate Orthostatic hypertension (sudden rise in blood pressure when standing) Chronic fatigue Anxiety Temperature regulation Shortness of breath Irritable bowel syndrome Dizziness Migraines Dysautonomia, the Midbrain, and the Cerebellum The central portion of the brain, aptly called the midbrain, is what controls these automatic regulations. If it is not functioning properly, you will likely be experiencing neurological issues that you (and likely your doctors) do not understand. Similar to the midbrain, the cerebellum is directly connected to your body through the spinal cord. The cerebellum alone has more neurons than the rest of your entire brain combined and acts as a sort of “gatekeeper” between the brain and the body. It regulates the signals and information being passed both ways. The cerebellum is directly connected to the rest of the body through the spinal cord and nerves. If there is something wrong with the cerebellum, it will have immediate effects on the rest of the body. This takes the form of problems caused within your parasympathetic and sympathetic nerve systems. The former controls functions related to relaxation and digestion, while the latter is related to your “fight or flight” responses. Dysautonomia often causes problems by activating your sympathetic systems. What Causes Dysautonomia? I can confidently say that 100% of the clients I work with have some level of dysautonomia. The causes can be minor or major, including: Low Vitamin D levels Poor GI health Poor cell membrane function Concussions Antibiotic damage Food sensitivities (including dairy and gluten) Low blood pressure Low blood sugar Anemia High inflammatory marks on labs Low magnesium levels Mold infection Heavy metals present in the body Stress Autoimmune diseases against your own nervous system Not enough stomach acid to properly digest food High insulin levels Being pre-diabetic Major infections (EBV, long-haul covid, etc) Examples of Dysautonomia While there are many ways these causes may present themselves, here is a simple example of how dysautonomia might be affecting your body. Let’s say your stomach is not using enough acid to break down food. This keeps the food in your system longer, which allows it to ferment. This fermentation brings with it higher bacteria growth than is necessary. That higher level of bacteria results in more protein being passed into the blood, which can create major inflammation problems throughout the entire body. Your nervous system is an “all or nothing” system. That means it either is firing completely, or not at all. Dysautonomia lowers your threshold for your nerves to fire, meaning that less stimuli is needed for your brain to act. An example of this might be light or noise sensitivity. Things to get checked out What Can You Do? The first thing to do is get tested and look for the root causes listed above. Finding out what problems are going on in your body will give you a clear idea of how to approach your treatment. Finding out you suffer from chronic low blood pressure, or subclinical anemia will help you treat your individual problems and allow your body to function properly. Not all situations require testing. For example, if you consistently suffer from bloating, diarrhea, or other digestive problems then you can likely ascribe your dysautonomia to a GI issue without testing. You can look for resources on my website or schedule a call with me, and we can discuss what issues you are experiencing. Together we can come up with a treatment plan that can help you on the way to health.

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