13 Ways To Evaluate Autoimmunity
We are in a pandemic of the COVID-19 virus and a pandemic of vaccine mandates. Vaccines are being pushed while refusal in some cases results in people losing their jobs. I believe autoimmune disease is an epidemic; in the next five to ten years, there will be a massive, catastrophic explosion in auto-immune disease due to the vaccine mandates, which violate the civil rights of United States citizens.
It is essential to understand that even if you have had some autoimmune testing, it is likely that you have had an Array Five test by Citrix Labs. This specific test checks many different tissues within your body, such as brain tissue, collagen tissue, male and female organs, cell membranes, adrenal glands. It also checks multiple areas of your body for specific autoimmune diseases.
Traditional treatment may lead you to believe your concerns are psychological and cause for antidepressants when in reality, it could be an autoimmune disease. Continued struggles may result in a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s or Dementia when that isn’t the case and is not an appropriate solution. Additionally, if the medical professionals say they don’t know what is going on and decide to treat the symptoms with steroids and biologics, the situation worsens.
There are 13 critical factors one must consider when evaluating an autoimmune disease. Keep reading to find out!
Thirteen Critical Factors to Consider with Autoimmune Disease
1. White Blood Cell Count
Do you have a low white blood cell count? If so, there is a reason it is run down. It is telling you that your body doesn’t have enough white blood cells to fight infections. The primary reason? An autoimmune disease. Essentially, your body is attacking itself.
2. Active Infections
Do you have:
● Active infections?
● Small bacteria overgrowth?
● Gut concerns?
● Epstein-Barr virus?
● Mold?
● Lyme?
Each of things has been linked to autoimmune diseases. Many people that have Lyme have an undiagnosed autoimmune disease. Once Lyme manages to infiltrate your bloodstream, it burrows into tissues. Since Lyme can cross the blood-brain barrier, it can cause autoimmune disease.
3. Gut
Do you struggle with constipation, diarrhea, GI symptoms, or brain fog? You could have had a virus or a bacteria that hasn’t been explored. Barriers start to break down, causing a leaky brain, leaky gut, or even leaky lungs, resulting in autoimmune disease.
4. Overactive Immune System
Do you have a histamine-like reaction when eating food or certain foods? Do you get inflammation when eating certain foods? Or, do you end up with sinus reactions or postnasal drip? If you have histamines being produced all the time, tissues begin to break down, causing autoimmune disease.
5. Complement System
There are different parts of your immune system, and consider your complement system to be like landmines. When one is set off, there can be a chain reaction.
6. Multiple Over-reactions
When the landmines discussed above go off, they blast and destroy everything. Or they aren’t active enough, and your body is thrown out of balance. There are different parts of your immune system that are designed to remain in balance.
7. Helper Cells
There are about five or six different helper cells in your immune system that can become dysregulated and dysfunctional.
8. Antibody Dysfunction
Antibodies are produced in different areas to do other things. If you are not producing enough antibodies and get a virus or bacteria, you cannot fight it off. As a result, your immune system becomes dysregulated, causing autoimmune disease.
9. Chemical Sensitivity
Consider your daily activities. Are there chemicals you are sensitive to? Are you exposed to plastics, such as drinking out of a Starbucks drink lid? Plastics can get into your body and cause dysregulation. If you microwave food, the plastic chemicals leach into your food, which you unknowingly consume.
10. Albumin
Albumin is a protein that floats around to different areas in your body and often carries “cargo” along with it, which your body will flag as foreign and cause autoimmune disease. These things will change the structure of your albumin. Processed food is a primary culprit in this loss of balance.
11. Gut Flora
The good bacteria in your gut break down debris so that protein or anything else doesn’t cause an inflammatory process in your body. The solution is to expose your body to different vegetables through a Micro-Biome Mashup. The goal is to keep your gut diversified. Vegetables are one of the lowest hyperallergic or hypersensitive foods you can get.
12. Stress
Stress is also a known contributor to autoimmune disease and can be derived from almost anything — your job, family, marriage, and more. Learning to alleviate anxiety is most beneficial, as it aids in preventing potential ailments.
13. Brain Injuries
Have you had any brain injuries? Concussions? Accidents where you’ve hit your head? These injuries to your brain essentially prime your brain to be sensitive to inflammatory processes. The good news is, your brain can be rehabbed with proper nutrition.
In Closing
The goal with autoimmune disease is to identify it and work towards recovery. There is hope! When your body isn’t healing, we need to figure out what is missing and get to the root of the problem.
There is hope. This is Dr. Hugh - take care!