What your x-rays should look like

In this post, I'll explain what an X-ray should and should not look like in relation to your spinal health. Our body has several curves in the spine, and having three nice curves when viewed from the side is critical for proper function. Spinal misalignments can cause stress on nerves and more pressure on discs, leading to pain and nerve damage. The healing power of our body is in our brain, and it sends impulses down our spinal cord along our nerves, which control all organs in our body. When bones misalign in the low back, it can cause nerves to be impacted and lead to pain and discomfort. In an X-ray, we want to see nice curves in the neck and lower back with symmetrical discs and a big, thick hole where the nerve comes out. Good structure in the spine equals good function, so taking care of your spine is essential for overall health.