Dr. Hugh Wegwerth

1 min

The Link Between Chronic Pain and Ferritin: A Simple $5 Blood Test Can Help You Find Relief

Updated: Apr 23

  • Dr. Hugh Wegwerth is like a detective, searching for the root cause of his patient's chronic pain. One day, he stumbled upon a simple blood test called ferritin, which measures the body's iron storage.

  • After discovering that his client's ferritin level was alarmingly high, he recommended giving blood to lower it. Within four months, her ferritin level dropped significantly, and her pain disappeared.

  • Dr. Wegwerth encourages others suffering from chronic pain to consider ferritin testing and personalized functional medicine solutions.

Ferritin – from iron, through inflammation and autoimmunity, to COVID-19

Evaluation of hyperferritinemia causes in rheumatology practice: a retrospective, single-center experience

Schedule a call with Dr. Hugh now to start getting the care you deserve to feel better.